I think the best way to achieve this is to overwrite the DatabasePager::addDatabaseThread() method within the customized database pager. However this method is not 'virtual' yet, so I propose to make the method 'virtual'."
Fixes to race in DatabasePager where a parent PagedLOD
of newly loaded subgraph has been expired.
Clean up of visitor naming to make it clearer what role it has.
The DatabasePager now passes the Terrain pointer into the ReaderWriter's via osgDB::Options object,
rather than pushing a NodePath containing the Terrain onto NodeVisitor. This
change means that the DatabasePager nolonger needs to observer the whole NodePath and
will be lighter and quicker for it.
The change also means that ReadFileCallback can now run custom NodeVisitor's on the scene graph without
having to worry about TerrainTile's constructing scene graphs prior to the Terrain being assigned.
Also changed is the NodeVisitor::DatabaseRequestHandler which now requires a NodePath to the node that you wish
to add to rather than just the pointer to the node you wish to add to. This is more robust when handling scenes
with multiple parental paths, whereas previously errors could have occurred due to the default of picking the first
available parental path. This change means that subclasses of DatabasePager will need to be updated to use this new
function entry point.
now O(n) rather than O(nlogn) where n is the number of requests. The refactoring also cleans up the access of the
request lists so that the code is more readable/maintainable.
This change should make it possible to delete PagedLOD's independantly from the DatabasePager, and also prevent issues of
consistency of the pager when subgraphs when are cached elsewhere in the application such as in the Registry filecache.
destruction of RequestQueue to remove any pointers held in DatabaseRequest attached to the scene graph, and to
prevent their subsequent use in cases where the scene graph is attached to a new DatabasePager.
Introduced a new callback osgDB::FindFileCallback that overrides the default behavior of findDataFile/findLibraryFile.
Introduced support for assigning ReaderWriter::Options directory to PagedLOD.
Introduced new osgDB::FileLocationCallback for assistancing the DatabasePager to know when a file is hosted on a local or remote file system.
Introduced a new FindFileCallback to Registry to compliement the existing ReadFileCallback and WriteFileCallback.
Added support for assign Find, Read and WriteFileCallbacks to osdDB::Options to enable plugins/applications to override the callbacks just for that
read/write call and any nested file operations
a capping the number of PagedLOD to a sepcified maximum, with pruning of inactive
PagedLOD when the total number of inactive and active PagedLOD goes above the maximum.
To enable the mode set the env var OSG_MAX_PAGEDLOD to a value something like 1000.
New attribute DatabasePager::_expiryFrames sets number of frames a PagedLOD child is kept in memory. The attribute is set with DatabasePager::setExpiryFrames method or OSG_EXPIRY_FRAMES environmental variable.
New attribute PagedLOD::PerRangeData::_
frameNumber contains frame number of last cull traversal.
Children of PagedLOD are expired when time _AND_ number of frames since last cull traversal exceed OSG_EXPIRY_DELAY _AND_ OSG_EXPIRY_FRAMES respectively. By default OSG_EXPIRY_FRAMES = 1 which means that nodes from last cull/rendering
traversal will not be expired even if last cull time exceeds OSG_EXPIRY_DELAY. Setting OSG_EXPIRY_FRAMES = 0 revokes previous behaviour of PagedLOD.
Setting OSG_EXPIRY_FRAMES > 0 fixes problems of children reloading in lazy rendering applications. Required behaviour is achieved by manipulating OSG_EXPIRY_DELAY and OSG_EXPIRY_FRAMES together.
Two interface changes are made:
DatabasePager::updateSceneGraph(double currentFrameTime) is replaced by DatabasePager::updateSceneGraph(const osg::FrameStamp &frameStamp). The previous method is in #if 0 clause in the header file. Robert, decide if You want to include it.
PagedLOD::removeExpiredChildren(double expiryTime, NodeList &removedChildren) is deprecated (warning is printed), when subclassing use PagedLOD::removeExpiredChildren(double expiryTime, int expiryFrame, NodeList &removedChildren) instead. "
multi-threaded paging, where the Pager manages threads of reading local
and http files via seperate threads. This makes it possible to smoothly
browse large databases where parts of the data are locally cached while
others are on a remote server. Previously with this type of dataset
the pager would stall all paging while http requests were being served,
even when parts of the models are still loadable virtue of being in the
local cache.
Also as part of the refactoring the DatabaseRequest are now stored in the
ProxyNode/PagedLOD nodes to facilitate quite updating in the cull traversal,
with the new code avoiding mutex locks and searches. Previous on big
databases the overhead involved in make database requests could accumulate
to a point where it'd cause the cull traversal to break frame. The overhead
now is negligable.
Finally OSG_FILE_CACHE support has been moved from the curl plugin into
the DatabasePager. Eventually this functionality will be moved out into
osgDB for more general usage.