Below is the changes made to the included files. The examples CMakeList.txt file was not included but the code change needed for osgviewerMFC inclusion is listed below.
This is a little different than other example cmakelist.txt files in that I could not use the setup_example macro. I had to go in and extract out the important parts of the macro and inline them in the CMakeList.txt file so that I could add the WIN32 declaration into the ADD_EXECUTABLE() statement. In the future the setup_example macro might be modified to support osgviewerMFC but this is special case so you might not want to muddy the water for one example.
This file had some small changes:
From: #include <osgViewer/GraphicsWindowWin32>
To: #include <osgViewer/api/win32/GraphicsWindowWin32>
Also added two new function declarations
Void PreFrameUpdate(void);
Void PostFrameUpdate(void);
This file changed only in that I am explicitly showing the viewer run loop and added the two new functions in the MFC_OSG.h file.
the osgsimpleviewerQt4 example in my Visual studio solutions... After
looking into it it seems that you cannot have both Qt3 and Qt4
enabled. After modifying the root CMakeLists.txt to use :
FIND_PACKAGE(Qt) which should ask you to choose betwwen Qt3 and Qt4
if you have both
instead of :
I had the project generated. But then due to the way CMake handles Qt4
I had to modify osgsimpleviewerQt4's CMakeLists.txt to have the binary
link with QtOpengl4. "
"Attached is a patch allows access access to the CMake MACOSX_BUNDLE
option. Now SETUP_APPLICATION and SETUP_EXAMPLE take an additional
optional parameter that specifies if the program is a command line
application or a GUI application (think: IS_COMMANDLINE_APP). Passing
1 means true (is_commandline_app). Passing 0 or omitting the parameter
means false.
I changed the scripts for osgversion and osgunittests to support this
option because I believe they are command line apps. Are there any
It should not be introusive to any other palatform apart MSVC, but in order to link to debug-specific libs
I had to change plugins CMakeLists to differentiate debug/release linkage, I have used the same macro used in core libs
Now the macro used for plugin and examples linking test for existance of TARGET_LIBRARIES_VARS
that holds the names of the variables that have to be used for linking"