and getWorldToLocalMatrix(), computeLocalToWorld() and computeWorldToLocal()
Have updated the CullVisitor, IntersectVisitor and Optimizer to use the
new osg::Transform::getLocalToWorldMatrix() which has the same functionality
as the old getMatrix() but is now supports subclasses of osg::Transform
Have added osg::PositionAttitudeTransform as subclass of osg::Transform
which manages the transform as position and attitude via a Vec3 and Quat
Renamed the osg::VisualsSettings to osg::DisplaySettings, and
osgUtil::VisualsRequirementsVisitor to osgUtil::DisplayRequirementsVisitor.
Added support for OSG_SCREEN_HEIGHT into osg::DisplaySettings, and added
a DisplaySettings* to the constructors of osg::SceneView and osg::Camera.
Updates to the osg::Transform, adding preMult and postMult methods and
deprecating the old preRotate,preTranslate,preScale.
Updated the rest of the OSG so that it nolonger uses the deprecated
osg::Transform nodes.
Renamed osgUtil::SceneView::setGlobalState() to
osgUtil::SceneView::setGlobalStateSet() so that the name reflects its
functionality better. Updated osgGLUT::Viewer etc to cope with new
name change.
list of text drawables as a paragraph block, handles breaking of text into
individual lines automatically.
Changed the osg::Node::setUserData so that the data type has to be an
osg::Referenced, and removes the dependancy on osg::MemoryAdapter. I have
done this since it simplifies the OSG side of the interface and makes it
less like that the user might abuse the memory managment of the data. It
does however mean that user data will have by subclassed from Referenced,
and therefor may require users to have their own adapter to do this.
However, this little nuasance is worth the extra cleaness and robustness
afforded by going the osg::Referenced route.
different types of optimization on the scene graph - state optimization,
flattening static transforms, combining LOD's and removing redundent groups.
The new Optimizer replaces the once seperate OptimizerStateVisitor.