in process: a wrong definition of the OSG_FATAL macro, and wrong logic
inside the KeySwitchMatrixManipulator::getDistance() function. I
believe both were slips."
META_OSGMANIPULATOR_Object macro to ensure these classes could work
with their wrappers, and a few naming styles should be changed as
well. Fortunately everything seems to compile fine under Windows and
my new Ubuntu system.
And I finally find the problem of the
serializers/osgTerrain/Terrain.cpp, it just missed an "osg::Group"
before "osg::CoordinateSystemNode" indicator. With the small fix
attached now VPB could generate terrain with osgt/osgb formats."
JIV:"I deleted a line from the ReaderWriterDAE.cpp file that was introduced in rev 11341. I got a crash on this line when the options pointer was NULL."
MP:"Good spot John. The next line is also unnecessary and can be removed as well (attached, plus some minor code beautifying)"
osg::TransferFunction1D* tf(new osg::TransferFunction1D());
tf->setColor(-10000,osg::Vec4( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,1.0));
tf->setColor(-1e-6,osg::Vec4( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,1.0));
tf->setColor( 0,osg::Vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,1.0));
Remark: The value -1e-6 may be added (falsely) because of a rounding error.
The attached fix prevents assigning NaN values to the image.
Texture2DMultismaple as name suggests provides means to directly access subsamples of rendered FBO target. (GLSL 1.5 texelFetch call).
Recently I was working on deferred renderer with OSG, during that I noticed there is no support for multisampled textures (GL_ARB_texture_multisample extension). After consultations with Paul Martz and Wojtek Lewandowski I added Texture2DMultisample class and made few necessary changes around osg::FrameBufferObject, osg::Texture and osgUtil::RenderStage classes."
and from follow email:
"Fixed. According to ARB_texture_multisample extension specification multisample textures don't need TexParameters since they can only be fetched with texelFetch."
- compile errors on windows when compiled with UNICODE flag
- warnings for duplicate WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN. I think this should
better fixed by adding WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN to vcproj preprocessor
latest OSG source code with Visual Studio 2010 express, without
setting too many options and without facing unexpected errors. But at
present, the compilation process will fail because the INSTALL project
'cannot find' generated DLLs while copying files. I have looked into
the build directory and found that the places of generated file
folders were just different from previous VS versions. In this case,
the old hack in OsgMacroUtils.cmake may become invalid:
#this is a hack... the build place is set to lib/<debug or
#the .lib will be crated in ../ so going straight in lib by
the IMPORT_PREFIX property
#because we want dll placed in OUTPUT_BINDIR ie the bin folder
sibling of lib, we can use ../../bin to go there,
Here the prefix "../../bin" may need to be fixed. I just modified it to:
It should keep compatible with old MSVC versions. There are similar
fixes in the SETUP_PLUGIN and SETUP_EXE macros. I haven't tested them
on more platforms.
CURL_LIBRARY_DEBUG and ZLIB_LIBRARY_DEBUG. Previously it linked the
debug version against the release libs, which was causing a hang when
running in debug mode on Windows."
modifications of the osgShadow header naming styles as well. The
osgDB::Serializer header is also changed to add new Vec2 serializer
macros because of the needs of osgShadow classes. It should compile
fine on both Windows and Linux. But I have only done a few tests to
generate .osgb, .osgt and .osgx formats with these new wrappers."
Mathieu Marache, he added the last missing piece to this puzzle.
I think it is safe to commit these changes to trunk, as the traditional
way via dylibs should work as before.
Here's some more info how to get frameworks:
With these modifications it is possible to compile frameworks on OS X,
when you set the Cmake-option OSG_COMPILE_FRAMEWORKS to true. If you
want to embed the frameworks in your app-bundle make sure to set
You'll have to build the install-target of the generated xcode-projects
as this sets the install_name_dirs of the frameworks and plugins."