coords of the intersection point with the scene rather than the world
coord value for that point. The code now uses
osgUtil::Hit::getWorldIntersectionPoint() method for getting the world coords.
Added support for getWorldIntersectionPoint to Viewer.cpp.
Put and #ifdef around the setting of the default display list visitor so
it nolonger sets in under IRIX. This is a world around to the IR graphics
imbending lighting info into display lists, if the display lists are
created before state is set up it produces lighting artifacts such as
flickering. Remove the the default display list init visitor removes
these problems, display lists are then built on the fly and drawables
a drawn for the first time.
change in osg::Billboard.
Removed in instance of an object being passed () brackets, have removed the
brackets to avoid an amiguity with the compiler intepreting it as a function.
OpenGL light is being operated on, and also now relies upong the standard
osg::State handling of OpenGL modes to switch on the appropriate lights.
The previous static counter mechansim for the light number was causing a
redundent light to be created when the osg plugin created the first osg::Light
to use a prototype for other osg::Light's to be cloned from in the
.osg plugin execution.
The static count mechanism also prevent the lights modes being controlled
independantly from the setting of the light paramters themselves. This
meant that a light once created was global, and couldn't be turned off
locally via the OSG's support for OpenGL mode enabling/disabling. This
has been overcome with the new implementation, the user has complete
flexiblity of when and where to use the different lights at their
Renamed the osg::VisualsSettings to osg::DisplaySettings, and
osgUtil::VisualsRequirementsVisitor to osgUtil::DisplayRequirementsVisitor.
Added support for OSG_SCREEN_HEIGHT into osg::DisplaySettings, and added
a DisplaySettings* to the constructors of osg::SceneView and osg::Camera.
per scene view. The user can attach a NodeVisitor to do init for them, or
leave it to the default which is to use the osgUtil::DisplayListVisitor
which compiles all display lists and texture objects. The init traversal
is called automatically by the first call to either app() or cull(), so
should not be called by user code during initialization. This ensures
that a valid graphics context has been established before OpenGL is initialized.
osgUtil::DisplayListVisitor has also been updated to use a bit mask for options, and the addition of
compilation of texture objects (via StateAttribute::compile) has also been