* resthttp/osc: encapsulate RequestHandler-classes in their own namespaces to prevent class-name-lookup-errors in the debugger/code (had some weird crashes)
* QTKit: fixed a compile-bug for gcc and blocks
* osgPresentation: click_to_* will fire on RELEASE, only if the drawable received a PUSH beforehand
* p3d/osgPresentation: implemented "forward_mouse_event_to_device"-tag, which will forward mouse-events to all registered devices of a viewer, if an intersection occurs. The mouse-coordinates get reprojected
* present3d: all devices get registered with the viewer
* osgViewer: only devices which are capable of receiving events are queried for new events.
* GraphicWindowIOS: added a flag to GraphicWindowIOS::WindowData to set up a retained backing buffer (defaults to false) This will enable read-back of the render-buffer with glReadPixels even after the renderbuffer got presented
* curl: added an optimized check for file-existance, now only the headers are requested and checked, instead of reading the whole file and handle it with a ReaderWriter
* p3d: fixed a bug, where the existence of a local file may prevent the remote loading of a file with the same name.