the text implementation to provide better speed, especially by using the
alignement to screen option.
Deprecated the Text::setFontSize(,) method, which is now being replaced
by setFontResolution(,)
Fixed typos in Texture*.cpp.
Removed old deprecated methods from osg headers.
/** compute, from normalized mouse coords, for sepecified Camera, the pixel coords relative to that Camera's RenderSurface.*/
bool computePixelCoords(float x,float y,unsigned int cameraNum,float& pixel_x,float& pixel_y);
/** compute, from normalized mouse coords, for sepecified Camera, the near and far points in worlds coords.*/
bool computeNearFar(float x,float y,unsigned int cameraNum,osg::Vec3& near, osg::Vec3& far);
/** compute, from normalized mouse coords, for sepecified Camera, intersections with the scene.*/
bool computeIntersections(float x,float y,unsigned int cameraNum,osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hits);
/** compute, from normalized mouse coords, for all Cameras, intersections with the scene.*/
bool computeIntersections(float x,float y,osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hits);
demos accordingly.
Made OsgCameraGroup set the _applicationUsage to the
osg::ApplicationUsage::instance() when no ArgumentParser is supplied.
Added export to osgProducer::ViewerEventAdapter.
leaving it up to the Viewer to specify the mode (which by default is MultiThreaded).
Added a check for the presence of osgParticle systems so that threading is
disabled in this case.
mouse coords in osgGA::GUIEventAdapter, and ported osgGA camera manaipulators
to use the new normalized values.
Moved osgProducer across to tracking the window dimensions and ensure that the
internals values in osgProducer::EventAdapter are kept consistent. Moved
the warp pointer in Viewer across to using KeyboardMouse::positionPointer().
osgSim::LightPointNode, the max pixel size from was originally in osg::LightPoint.
Added additional get/set methods to osg::LightPointNode.
Increased the compute pixel size by a ratio 1.41 (sqrtf(2)) to correlate the
computed size with the actual size seen on screen.
Removed the rescalling of images in osg::Image during texture apply, moving
the rescale so it is locally calculated. This solves an outstanding threading
problem which occured by multiple draw threads all tried to rescale the same
image at one time.
Made osg::Image ptr in osg::Texture2D non mutable as it is no longer modified
during apply.