* avfoundation: added support for IOS (CoreVideo-support is still in development, works only for SDK >= 6.0, set IPHONE_SDKVER in cMake accordingly)
* zeroconf: added ZeroConf-device-plugin (Mac/Win only, linux implementation missing) to advertise and discover services via ZeroConf/Bonjour, on windows you'll need the Bonjour SDK from Apple
* osgosc: modified the example to demonstrate the usage of the ZeroConf-plugin (start the example with the command-line-argument --zeroconf)
* SlideShowConstructor: enable/disable CoreVideo via a environment variable (P3D_ENABLE_CORE_VIDEO)
* RestHttp: mouse-motion-events get interpolated
* RestHttp: unhandled http-requests get sent as an user-event to the event-queue, all arguments get attached as user-values to the event
* modified some CMakeModules to work correctly when compiling for IOS
* fixed a compile-error for IOS in GraphicsWindowIOS
* some minor bugfixes"