* fixed a bug with multi-touch and touch-id-generation on iOS and OS X. (will fix a bug reported by Colin Cochran, without ditching the existing logic)
* removed unnecessary warning-flagss when generating xcode-projects via cmake, will enable the usage of OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS
* added support for 10.9 (OS X)
* new cmake-variable: IPHONE_VERSION_MIN, this will set the deployment-target (previously hard-coded) If you set the IPHONE_VERSION_MIN to something like 7.0 osg gets compiled also for 64bit (amd64)
* cmake defaults now to the clang compiler if IPHONE_VERSION_MIN > 4.2
* cmake now sets some xcode-settings so the compiler uses the c++98-standard (clang defaults to c++11, w/o this I got a lot of linking errors)
* removed include-dir for avfoundation-plugin as not needed on OSX/IOS.
* enhanced the ios-example, will now show multitouch-information on a hud (similar to the osgmultitouch-example), and more importantly, will compile + link out of the box
* small enhancements for the osc-device-plugin (send only one msg for MOVE/DRAG, even if multiple msgs/event is enabled)
* better memory-handling for the zeroconf-plugin
* fixed a possible bug in the rest-http-plugin when receiving mouse-events.
* incorporated a fix from Colin Cochran "forwarded touch events are not transformed into the GL UIView“
Provided are lua, python and V8 (for javascript) plugins that just open up enough of a link to the respective libs to run a script, there is no scene graph <-> script communication in current implementation.
New methods osg::Geometry::containsDeprecatedData() and osg::Geometry::fixDeprecatedData() provide a means for converting geometries that still use the array indices and BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE across to complient
Cleaned up the rest of the OSG where use of array indices and BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE were accessed or used.
1> Disable project grouping for VCExpress users: the version I proposed previously in
Re: [osg-submissions] Cmake patch to support folders in IDE (29 Feb 2012)
2> Remove FIND_PACKAGE(OpenAL): not used in any project
3> add /wd4250 for Visual Studio 2012:
suppress the errors caused by a microsoft fix for a bugfix.
ref: "Warning messages VS2012..." on osg-users (30 May 2012)
CMake Warning (dev) in CMakeLists.txt:
A logical block opening on the line
/home/ledocc/work/perso/osg_Workspace/osg/CMakeLists.txt:823 (IF)
closes on the line
/home/ledocc/work/perso/osg_Workspace/osg/CMakeLists.txt:893 (ENDIF)
with mis-matching arguments.
I remove ENDIF argument, it is no longer needed by cmake"
It now points to sdk version 6.0 (I do intend to make this configurable my command line)
It also added a search for libtiff to Apple builds mainly for use with osg earth."
* avfoundation: added support for IOS (CoreVideo-support is still in development, works only for SDK >= 6.0, set IPHONE_SDKVER in cMake accordingly)
* zeroconf: added ZeroConf-device-plugin (Mac/Win only, linux implementation missing) to advertise and discover services via ZeroConf/Bonjour, on windows you'll need the Bonjour SDK from Apple
* osgosc: modified the example to demonstrate the usage of the ZeroConf-plugin (start the example with the command-line-argument --zeroconf)
* SlideShowConstructor: enable/disable CoreVideo via a environment variable (P3D_ENABLE_CORE_VIDEO)
* RestHttp: mouse-motion-events get interpolated
* RestHttp: unhandled http-requests get sent as an user-event to the event-queue, all arguments get attached as user-values to the event
* modified some CMakeModules to work correctly when compiling for IOS
* fixed a compile-error for IOS in GraphicsWindowIOS
* some minor bugfixes"
IF(${CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT} STREQUAL "/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.7.sdk")
ELSEIF(EXISTS /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk)
Which is fragile because XCode could be installed into another directory than /Developer. (In case XCode is not installed into the /Developer directory CMake can automatically resolve the path via command line utility ${CMAKE_XCODE_SELECT} --print-path)
This issue bites me currently because the latest XCode (Version 4.3.1 - 4E1019) installed through the Mac App Store is per default installed in "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer" and hence the 10.7 SDK in "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.7.sdk"
Searching the web to find the proper way to determine the version of the Platform SDK programmatically, I found no standard way. I came up with 2 options myself:
1) Parse the path string to extract the version number
2) Read a value from the SDKSettings.plist found in the root of each SDK (e.g., "defaults read ${CMAKE_OSX_ROOT}/SDKSettings.plist CanonicalName" gives "macosx10.7")
I implemented the last option and verified that at least the following Mac OS SDKs (10.3.9, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7) support this method. It also looks reasonably future proof. An additional benefit of this method is that it also seems to be compatible with iOS and iOS Simulator SDKs (at least for version 5.1, but I assume this also applies to older versions). This is interesting because the CMake infrastructure to build OSG for iOS currently still contains similar hard-coded paths and even requires you to manually change the cmake file to build for another iOS SDK version. In the near future I hope to address these issues, but I haven't been able to try this yet."