Added the Cmake option OSG_USE_LOCAL_LUA_SOURCE to control whether to build and use the Lua source code in the lua plugin, or look for lua as an external dependency.
To the Lua plugin added support for assigned lua functions to C++ osg::Objects via the new osg::CallbackObject mechanism. To invoke the scripts function from C++ one must get the CallbackObject and call run on it.
Renamed ScriptCallback to ScriptNodeCallback to avoid possibly confusion between osg::CallbackObject and the ScriptNodeCallback.
From Robert Osfield, changed the example so that the vertical and horizon scalar bars are rotated to the XZ plane so you can see them with the default viewer's camera orientation.
Tweaked the positioning of title text of vertic scalar bar to avoid overlap of text.
I added a new tag to p3d called forward_touch_event_to_device and renamed the existing forward_event_to_device to forward_mouse_event_to_device. This new tag will transmit touches to the virtual trackpad as touch events. I added the MultitouchTrackball to the p3d-app so zooming and moving a model remotely should now work, if you use forward_touch_event_to_device. I kept (and fixed) forward_mouse_event_to_device for background compatibility, so old presentations works as in previous versions, without the ability to zoom + scale. of course.
forward_touch_event_to_device needs some more testing, (e.g. with image-streams and keystone, afaik there’s no support for touch-events...) but for a first version it works nice.
with the --write-to-source-file-directory added to allow one to have the original behaviour
of writing to the same directory as the original source file.
* force _OPENTHREADS_ATOMIC_USE_BSD_ATOMIC for IOS device + simulator as the test does not pick the right implementation
* fixed a small compile-bug for iphone-example
* added a check to prevent multiple realization of a GraphicsWindowIOS-object
* MultiTouchTrackball: some code cleanup and support for normalized touch-points
* oscdevice: receiving and sending multi-touch-events via the Cursor2D-profile from TUIO
* added some documentation
* fixed a bug with multi-touch and touch-id-generation on iOS and OS X. (will fix a bug reported by Colin Cochran, without ditching the existing logic)
* removed unnecessary warning-flagss when generating xcode-projects via cmake, will enable the usage of OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS
* added support for 10.9 (OS X)
* new cmake-variable: IPHONE_VERSION_MIN, this will set the deployment-target (previously hard-coded) If you set the IPHONE_VERSION_MIN to something like 7.0 osg gets compiled also for 64bit (amd64)
* cmake defaults now to the clang compiler if IPHONE_VERSION_MIN > 4.2
* cmake now sets some xcode-settings so the compiler uses the c++98-standard (clang defaults to c++11, w/o this I got a lot of linking errors)
* removed include-dir for avfoundation-plugin as not needed on OSX/IOS.
* enhanced the ios-example, will now show multitouch-information on a hud (similar to the osgmultitouch-example), and more importantly, will compile + link out of the box
* small enhancements for the osc-device-plugin (send only one msg for MOVE/DRAG, even if multiple msgs/event is enabled)
* better memory-handling for the zeroconf-plugin
* fixed a possible bug in the rest-http-plugin when receiving mouse-events.
* incorporated a fix from Colin Cochran "forwarded touch events are not transformed into the GL UIView“
1> osgmultiplemovies example does not use SDL so needs no link to SDL
2> Added header files to "Plugins osg" project, so visual studio can find the source of
OSG_WARN << "AsciiInputIterator::readProperty(): Unmatched property "