Added template readFile(..) function to make it more convinient to cast to a specific object type.
Added support for osgGA::Device to osgViewer.
Added sdl plugin to provides very basic joystick osgGA::Device integration.
SETUP_EXE, in order to have a unique entry point to build the
libraries. With this changes the android integration will be less
painful (currently is a big IF(ANDROID) for each CMakeLists.txt) and
more maintainable in the future. I hope next submissions will be for
supporting android from my colleague Jorge.
osgGA. My approach is to bundle all touchpoints into one custom data
structure which is attached to an GUIEventAdapter.
The current approach simulates a moving mouse for the first touch-point,
so basic manipulators do work, sort of.
I created a MultiTouchTrackballManipulator-class, one touch-point does
rotate the view, two touch-points pan and zoom the view as known from
the iphone or other similar multi-touch-devices. A double-tap (similar
to a double-click) resets the manipulator to its home-position.
The multi-touch-trackball-implementation is not the best, see it as a
first starting point. (there's a demo-video at )"
- new mouse wheel zoom/movement/center functionality
- ability to fix vertical axis (important for CAD)
- possibility to specify values as absolute values or relative to model size
- kind of backward compatibility by flags passed to constructor
- and much more
- restructuring classes to use kind of hierarchy and standard way of event processing (handle methods). This way, there is much more code reusability and it is more easy to develop new kinds of manipulators.
Briefly, the new architecture keeps MatrixManipulator as base abstract class. StandardManipulator is the feature-rich standard manipulator with two main descendant classes: OrbitManipulator and FirstPersonManipulator. OrbitManipulator is base class for all trackball style manipulators, based on center, rotation and distance from center. FirstPersonManipulator is base for walk or fly style manipulators, using position and rotation for camera manipulation.
Changes by Robert: Replaced osg::Vec3 by osg::Vec3d, introduced DEFAULT_SETTINGS enum and usage. Added frame time member variables in prep for improving throw animation when vysync is off.
Also, there was also a small bug in osgDB's CMakeLists.txt that was causing an error when I tested with CMake 2.4.4.
was changed to
A Collada camera will be added to the scenegraph as osg::CameraView. This allows the user to create a set of predefined camera viewpoints. I also added a new MatrixManipulator to osgGA called CameraViewSwitchManipulator and added usage of this to the osgviewer example. This manipulator allows switching between the predefined camera viewpoints. The current design limition I ran into is that a MatrixManipulator only manipulates the ViewMatrix, but for this particular manipulator I also want to update the projectionMatrix of the camera when switching to a new viewpoint. This is not implemented because I don't know what would be the best way to design it. Any ideas?
Furthermore Collada also supports orthographic camera's, where an osg::CameraView only supports a perspective camera. Would it be useful to create a CameraView with customizable optics for this?"