Finally, I have fixed TemplateTarget<osg::Quat>::lerp() as it was giving incorrect results when interpolating between some small rotations.
From Cedric Pinson, i renamed the method in channel to be more general. Adjusted the CubicBezier key constructor to use a single value as input.
"Summary of changes:
From Roland
-Added MorphGeometry
-Bone Bindmatrix is only calculated if needed
-osgAnimation plugin now supports all available channel types (before only linear vec3 or quat channels)
-osgAnimation plugin now supports MorphGeometry
-osgAnimation plugin now supports animation and channel weights, animation playmode, duration and starttime
-removed osgAnimationManager.cpp from CMakeList
From Cedric
-fixed the last_update field (it was only updated at the first update) in BasicAnimationManager.cpp
- Refactore some part of MorphGeometry minor changes
- Add osganimationmorph as example