a fully functioning NodeKit.
Also reimplement notify() to try an prevent a crash which has been caused by
to objects in notify.cpp being initiliazed twice, the second time the auto_ptr
holding the dev/null ofstream was being initilized to 0.
VisualStudio .NET compile.
Added support for OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL and OSG_FILE_PATH into the relevant getenv
routines. This compliments the exisiting OSGNOTIFYLEVEL & OSGFILEPATH which
are deprecated but still supported. The OSG_ version are more consistent
with the rest of the env variables used in the OSG.
memory manager published at flipcode.com. This can be turned on
with the OSG_USE_MEMORY_MANGER option which then uses custom global
new and delete operators as well as provide osgNew and osgDelete macro's
which add ability to log line and file from which calls are made.
Updated osg,osgUtil,osgDB,osgText and osgPlugins/osg to use osgNew/osgDelete,
and fixed memory leaks highlighted by the new memory manager.