Made Matrix be a typedef to either Matrixf or Matrixd. Defaults to Matrixf.
Converted the osgGA::MatrixManipulators and osgProducer::Viewer/OsgCameraGroup
across to using exclusively Matrixd for internal computations and passing betwen
Manipulators, Producer and SceneView. Note, SceneView still uses Matrix internally
so will depend on what is set as the default in include/osg/Matrix.
Added the ability to osgProducer::setDone/getDone(), kept done() as the
method that the viewer main loop uses for detecting the exit condition.
the osgGA::AnimationPathManipulator to handle it.
Added a new Drawable::ConstAttributeFunctor and make the accept(PrimitiveFunctor)
be a const method so can disallows modification. Added Drawable::supports(...) methods
for each of the AttributeFunctor, ConstAttributeFunctor and PrimitiveFunctor so
that programs can querry whether it is possible to use functors with that object type.
Added missing support for reading geometry indices from the .osg format.
Added handling of geometry indices into the primitive functor in osg::Geometry.
Moved the method implementions of AnimationPathManipulator into src/osgGA and added extra convinience
methods for setting the manipulator with an hand built AnimationPath.
FCVS: VisualStudio/osgPlugins/iv/iv.dsp