Very simple cases of state configuration are supported (all the ones I really need):
- single per pixel not attenuated non spot light source ON/OFF
- exp2 fog ON/OFF
- diffuse texture in rgb + optional specular gloss in alpha (Texture unit 0) ON/OFF
- normal map texture (Texture unit 1 and Tangent in VertexAttribArray 6) ON/OFF
- blending and alpha testing (not in shader pipeline)
To view fixed function pipeline files and paged databases simply run >osgshadergen myfile.osg"
Added handling of Image::getPixelAspectRatio() in geometry sizing.
Added scaling of the projection matrix to ensure that aspect ratio is honoured with running in fullscreen mode
"Summary of changes:
From Roland
-Added MorphGeometry
-Bone Bindmatrix is only calculated if needed
-osgAnimation plugin now supports all available channel types (before only linear vec3 or quat channels)
-osgAnimation plugin now supports MorphGeometry
-osgAnimation plugin now supports animation and channel weights, animation playmode, duration and starttime
-removed osgAnimationManager.cpp from CMakeList
From Cedric
-fixed the last_update field (it was only updated at the first update) in BasicAnimationManager.cpp
- Refactore some part of MorphGeometry minor changes
- Add osganimationmorph as example
AnimtkViewer.cpp: is a 3d poker game client -> is an example for viewing
osgAnimation animations"
equivalent to the GLSL shaders sample) that displays the forest with
shaders on Intel 945 GM hardware. This card supports OpenGL 1.4 and
ARB_fragment/vertex_program only.
I would be pleased if this change made it into the official set of
examples, as it illustrates the use of ARB shaders quite nicely. I did
not find any other example covering this topic."
- Animation : removed the _name attribute that is never used.
- BasicAnimationManager : fix a crash on Windows with the example
osganimationviewer. The _lastUpdate attribute was not initialized when
using copy constructor.
- CMakeLists.txt : add RigGeometry to the headers list"
LD_LIBRARY_PATH so the XUL libs would be found) I noticed that although
the gecko plugin was found it could not be loaded. But this did not
trigger any visible warning/error message (at least not without INFO
notify level). Would you mind if we change the notify level for a
dlerror() to WARNING? This will also make it more explicit for the case
when a plugin isn't actually found, which seems to come up a lot for
novice users (e.g. no freetype on win32, so no freetype plugin, etc).
Also, the current error message is misleading ("Warning: Could not FIND
plugin to ...") because the it's not always a case of not finding the
plugin. I slightly enhanced the situation of not finding a plugin versus
finding it but not being able to load it.
Here's also a few fixes to some of the examples:
- osgfont: make usage help line more in line with the actual behaviour
- osgcompositeviewer: complain when no model file was provided
- osgmovie: don't include quicktime-dependent feature on Linux
- osgocclussionquery: comment addition (as I was surprised that lines
were being drawn in a function called createRandomTriangles())"
the workaround we discussed for adding/removing views in a composite
viewer at runtime. A dummy view is added to the viewer to always keep
it live.
Also, I added a #define to the Qt event relay methods to not override
them on a Windows system. This fixes the bug where duplicate events
are being sent and making it impossible to throw the trackball."
- The text and dark background rectangles are now correctly placed, and
slightly resized here and there.
- All counters (vertices, etc) now use a fixed formatting with 0 digits
precision, to prevent the text from being shown in scientific notation
when the number get large (e.g. 6.34344e+6). I tested with a scene
containing roughly 4 million vertices, to make sure its stats would
display correctly.
I also made slight changes to osgcompositeviewer (attached) to aid in
testing the stats display, specifically displaying of camera and view
- add option to display bone (--drawbone)
- dont crash if the file does not contains a AnimationManagerBase, display the content only
- adjust the path of image for the gui
- add warn message instead of old assert
- change a method name to fit better with what it does. setMatrixInSkeletonSpace instead of setBoneInSkeletonSpace
- add patch from Fabien Lavignotte to compute normal correctly
- adjust behviour without assert, return 0 instead of crashing