Attached is modified source of AdapterWidget.cpp file from osgviewerQT
example. Original was token today from SVN - trunk. (2.3.6).
--mdi option needs to be set to run MDI version.
Few notes:
- tested on Windows box (Win XP)
- using QT4
- I was not able to execute the example with QOSGWidget - had same
error like described in [osg-users] "fate error using QOSGWidget in
develop release
2.3.0" thread from Shuxing Xiao, 2008-01-08.
- problems are described in source
And Later post:
The problem of keypress events was solved by QT community, attached is
repaired AdapterWidget.cpp file.
In the AdapterWidget class constructor following line was added:
Scene disappearing by resizing to minimum still needs to be fixed..."
with the original AdapterWidget implementation still available by default. The new implementation can be accessed by running:
osgviewerQT cow.osg --QOSGWidget