to ensure the correct methods on constraints and callbaks are called for each Command. Also fixed the handling of
Constraints when applied to composite Draggers.
Selection is now just a typedef of osg::MatrixTransform, and is deprecated
CommandManager is shell class that just sets values directly on Dragger, and is deprecated
Dragger now has list of DraggerCallback that takes over the roll of tracking changes to the Dragger, and
allows users to track the dragger in any way they wish.
Dragger now has a convinience method making MatrixTransforms track a dragger.
Selection and CommandManager are no longer required for use of osgManipulator and are kept around for backwards compatibility.
Vivek's email to osg-submissions:
"I'm happy to release the osgdragger nodekit to the OSG community. I
implemented the nodekit for my company, Fugro-Jason Inc., and they
have kindly agreed to open source it.
The nodekit contains a few draggers but it should be easy to build new
draggers on top of it. The design of the nodekit is based on a
SIGGRAPH 2002 course - "Design and Implementation of Direct
Manipulation in 3D". You can find the course notes at Reading pages 20 - 29 of
the course notes should give you a fair understanding of how the
nodekit works.
The source code also contains an example of how to use the draggers."