of these methods in src/osgViewer/Renderer.cpp to make sure that the draw thread keeps references to all in scene graph Cameras
that are being used by the drawing threads, to keep the Camera's alive even when the main thread removes these Cameras from the scene graph.
Very simple cases of state configuration are supported (all the ones I really need):
- single per pixel not attenuated non spot light source ON/OFF
- exp2 fog ON/OFF
- diffuse texture in rgb + optional specular gloss in alpha (Texture unit 0) ON/OFF
- normal map texture (Texture unit 1 and Tangent in VertexAttribArray 6) ON/OFF
- blending and alpha testing (not in shader pipeline)
To view fixed function pipeline files and paged databases simply run >osgshadergen myfile.osg"
Because there already exists the option to convert slow path geometry to the fast path by computing an internal fast path alternative, I added a new optimizer option that automatically does this. To check the results I also made some changes to the statistics gathering and rendering.
Somewhat unrelated, but also part of the optimizer I disabled removal of CameraView nodes during RemoveRedundantNodes optimization.
As discussed on the ML, CameraViews were removed from the scenegraph. This solves that issue.
-Geometry::areFastPathsUsed now also looks at internalOptimizedGeometry
-Added Optimize option to make all slow path geometry compute their internal fast path alternative
-Added fast geometry counter to the statistics
-Disabled removel of CameraViews in optimizer
"I made several modifications:
* The cause of my errors was that my OSG source directory path contains spaces. To fix this issue I wrapped all paths with quotes, as stated in doxygen documentation.
* I also received some warning messages about deprecated doxygen settings, which I fixed by updating the doxygen file, i.e. running \u2018doxygen \u2013u doxygen.cmake\u2018. By running this command deprecated doxygen options are removed, some option comments have changed and quite some options have been added (I kept their default settings unless mentioned).
* I was surprised to find that the doxygen OUTPUT_DIRECTORY was set to \u201c${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}/doc\u201d, which does not seem appropriate for out of source builds; I changed this to \u201c${OpenSceneGraph_BINARY_DIR}/doc\u201d. (On the other hand, maybe a cmake selectable option should be given to the user?)
* Fixed two warnings I received about unexpected end-of-list-markers in \u2018osg\AnimationPath and \u2018osgUtil\CullVisitor due to excess trailing points in comments.
* Fixed a warning in osgWidget\StyleInterface due to an #include directive (strangely) placed inside a namespace.
* Fixed a warning in osg\Camera due to the META_Object macro that confused doxygen. Adding a semi-colon fixed this.
* Removed auto_Mainpage from the INCLUDE option, because I am positive that this file does not belong there; It never generated useful documentation anyway.
* I added the OSG version number environment variable to the PROJECT_NUMBER option so that the version number is now shown on the main page of generated documentation (e.g. index.html).
* Changed option FULL_PATH_NAMES to YES, but made sure STRIP_FROM_PATH stripped the absolute path until the include dir. This fixed an issue that created mangled names for identical filenames in different directories. E.g. osg/Export and osgDB/Export are now correctly named.
* Changed option SHOW_DIRECTORIES to yes, which is a case of preference I guess.
with gcc (version 4.3.1) I got the following error message in
include/osgUtil/TriStripVisitor and Tessellator
error: type qualifiers ignored on function return type
The errors belong all to a INLINE function definition. Find attached my
modified version."
to optimize away duplicate state with dynamic, static and unspecified DataVarience. By default
the code now optimizes away duplicate state with either static and unspecied state, previously
it was just handling static state.
From Robert Osfield, made a range of changes to Terry's visitor integrating it into osgUtil::Optimizer and
changing the code to use a style more like the rest of the OSG.
viewport settings in stereo mode. It seems that the SceneView::cull()
method will pass the full size viewport to the left/right
cullvisitors, instead of the modified stereo viewport. I made quite a
few changes to SceneView to fix the issue. The SceneView::cullStage()
method will now receive the viewport as an argument, instead of using
the global viewport. The SceneView::cull() method will pass the
modifed viewport to cullStage when rendering in stereo.
There are 2 new private methods computeLeftEyeViewport() and
computeRightEyeViewport() that will compute the stereo viewports. I
also modified the draw() function so it applies the correct viewport
to the prerender stages. These changes are only necessary for
horizontal/vertical split stereo."
via StateSet::setNestedRenderBin(bool) whether the new RenderBin should be nested
with the existing RenderBin, or be nested with the enclosing RenderStage.
From Robert Osfield, refactored the FrameBufferObejcts::_drawBuffers set up so that its done
within the setAttachment method to avoid potential threading/execution order issues.