to make is easier to write code that can work on DrawElementUByte, UShort or UInt.
Changed the osgTerrain::GeometryTechnique so that it automatically chooses
the use of DrawElementUShort or DrawElementsUInt accordining to the size of the tile.
"I have taken the liberty of updating a few files so that there is no longer any derivation from std::vector. I have done this by adding a new file osg/MixinVector and by updating only two others: osg/PrimitiveSet and osg/Array. You will notice that this actually removes what is acknowledged as a \u2018hack\u2019 in osg/PrimitiveSet.
With the original code I did manage to find memory leaks with some compiler options on VC 8 and 9, as well as Intel compiler. I determined the leak existence by instrumenting the destructor code, and by use of a garbage collector as a leak detector (in a similar manner to the Firefox project). Hence in contrast to what I said originally, it is exhibiting symptoms on at least some platforms.
Since I am trying to be a good OSG citizen I got out my editor and started hacking! I have built and tested on Linux (Ubuntu) with GCC 4.x and Windows VC 8 SP1. It appears that nothing is broken, and that I\u2019m using less memory J"
that they arn't created on the stack inappropriately.
Split the implemention of Matrix up so that it is a simple no referenced counted
class and can be safefly created on the stack. To support referenced counting a
seperate subclass now exists, this is RefMatrix which inherits from both Matrix and
the osgGA::AnimationPathManipulator to handle it.
Added a new Drawable::ConstAttributeFunctor and make the accept(PrimitiveFunctor)
be a const method so can disallows modification. Added Drawable::supports(...) methods
for each of the AttributeFunctor, ConstAttributeFunctor and PrimitiveFunctor so
that programs can querry whether it is possible to use functors with that object type.
Added new osg::IndexGeometry implemention, *not* complete yet.
Changed the rest of the OSG to handle the renaming og Primitive to PrimitiveSet.