Replaced the GPL notices with OSGPL usge in present3D and include/osgPresentation as this was intended when Present3D was merged back into OpenSceneGraph but missed.
forcing users to use osgDB::readRef*File() methods. The later is preferable as it closes a potential threading bug when using paging databases in conjunction
with the osgDB::Registry Object Cache. This threading bug occurs when one thread gets an object from the Cache via an osgDB::read*File() call where only
a pointer to the object is passed back, so taking a reference to the object is delayed till it gets reassigned to a ref_ptr<>, but at the same time another
thread calls a flush of the Object Cache deleting this object as it's referenceCount is now zero. Using osgDB::readREf*File() makes sure the a ref_ptr<> is
passed back and the referenceCount never goes to zero.
To ensure the OSG builds when OSG_PROVIDE_READFILE is to OFF the many cases of osgDB::read*File() usage had to be replaced with a ref_ptr<> osgDB::readRef*File()
usage. The avoid this change causing lots of other client code to be rewritten to handle the use of ref_ptr<> in place of C pointer I introduced a serious of
templte methods in various class to adapt ref_ptr<> to the underly C pointer to be passed to old OSG API's, example of this is found in include/osg/Group:
bool addChild(Node* child); // old method which can only be used with a Node*
tempalte<class T> bool addChild(const osg::ref_ptr<T>& child) { return addChild(child.get()); } // adapter template method
These changes together cover 149 modified files, so it's a large submission. This extent of changes are warrent to make use of the Object Cache
and multi-threaded loaded more robust.
git-svn-id: 16af8721-9629-0410-8352-f15c8da7e697
I added a new tag to p3d called forward_touch_event_to_device and renamed the existing forward_event_to_device to forward_mouse_event_to_device. This new tag will transmit touches to the virtual trackpad as touch events. I added the MultitouchTrackball to the p3d-app so zooming and moving a model remotely should now work, if you use forward_touch_event_to_device. I kept (and fixed) forward_mouse_event_to_device for background compatibility, so old presentations works as in previous versions, without the ability to zoom + scale. of course.
forward_touch_event_to_device needs some more testing, (e.g. with image-streams and keystone, afaik there’s no support for touch-events...) but for a first version it works nice.
* a new command-line-option to present3d and a new option to the p3d-plugin to suppress any found <env> tags
* a new command-line-option to present3d to forward mouse-events via osgGA::Device (defaults to off) so we can test the interface-files with present3d better
* I added a new attribute forward_to_devices for click_to_event to forward the event to all attached devices instead of handling the event locally. This will fix the annoyance with the new interface-files when toggling polygon-mode or switching light on/off.
Here’s an example:
<click_to_event forward_to_devices="true">0x72</click_to_event>
a few modifications to these files:
- applications/present3D/Cluster.cpp
- src/osgDB/FileUtils.cpp
The changes are needed to fix a few platform specific things such as the
absence of stat64, int/socklen_t differences, etc... and are in the same
line as Linux, Apple and FreeBSD specific checks.
I have attached the modified files; the original patches to 3.0.1 are
also visible here if you find it more convenient:
With these changes, osg 3.0.1 is able to be built and packaged on DragonFly
whereas it previously failed to compile."
* resthttp/osc: encapsulate RequestHandler-classes in their own namespaces to prevent class-name-lookup-errors in the debugger/code (had some weird crashes)
* QTKit: fixed a compile-bug for gcc and blocks
* osgPresentation: click_to_* will fire on RELEASE, only if the drawable received a PUSH beforehand
* p3d/osgPresentation: implemented "forward_mouse_event_to_device"-tag, which will forward mouse-events to all registered devices of a viewer, if an intersection occurs. The mouse-coordinates get reprojected
* present3d: all devices get registered with the viewer
* osgViewer: only devices which are capable of receiving events are queried for new events.
* GraphicWindowIOS: added a flag to GraphicWindowIOS::WindowData to set up a retained backing buffer (defaults to false) This will enable read-back of the render-buffer with glReadPixels even after the renderbuffer got presented
* curl: added an optimized check for file-existance, now only the headers are requested and checked, instead of reading the whole file and handle it with a ReaderWriter
* p3d: fixed a bug, where the existence of a local file may prevent the remote loading of a file with the same name.
* ZeroConfDevice does now return FILE_NOT_HANDLED instead of FILE_NOT_FOUND
* present3D supports multiple devices per env-var P3D_DEVICE, separate multiple device with a space
I refactored parts the p3d-plugin, the curl-plugin and parts of Registry and ReaderWriter. Currently the p3d-plugin tries to open all remote files with the help of the curl-plugin.
I added a new method to Registry called getReaderWriterForProtocolAndExtension. which will return a ReaderWriter which is capable in handling the remote file for the given protocol and extension. If no readerwriter is found for the given extension, a list is built of all readerwriters supporting the given protocol and this list is checked for support of wildcards (extension = "*"). If anything matches it get returned.
I added this principle also to the Registry, so now it's possible to register a generic ReaderWriter which can handle all filetypes for a given protocol, similar what curl is doing. All you have to do is to load the plugin at startup. The curl-fallback is still in place.
With these changes it is now possible to reference a movie inside a presentation without a server-address, read the presentation (with curl) and stream the movie with the correct plugin (e.g. QTKit)
* avfoundation: added support for IOS (CoreVideo-support is still in development, works only for SDK >= 6.0, set IPHONE_SDKVER in cMake accordingly)
* zeroconf: added ZeroConf-device-plugin (Mac/Win only, linux implementation missing) to advertise and discover services via ZeroConf/Bonjour, on windows you'll need the Bonjour SDK from Apple
* osgosc: modified the example to demonstrate the usage of the ZeroConf-plugin (start the example with the command-line-argument --zeroconf)
* SlideShowConstructor: enable/disable CoreVideo via a environment variable (P3D_ENABLE_CORE_VIDEO)
* RestHttp: mouse-motion-events get interpolated
* RestHttp: unhandled http-requests get sent as an user-event to the event-queue, all arguments get attached as user-values to the event
* modified some CMakeModules to work correctly when compiling for IOS
* fixed a compile-error for IOS in GraphicsWindowIOS
* some minor bugfixes"