"texture" paths. This is to drop absolute paths that some
3d editors export (even AC3D itself!). But this also strips
directories of relative paths, which is wrong and contradicts
the ac3d reference implementation. (The reference implementation
doesn't strip anything, though, and so takes the absolute paths
as they are. Definitely not what we want.)
The attached solution checks absolute paths and only strips
(1) A:\\foo\\bar.png -> bar.png (as before)
(2) /foo/bar.png -> bar.png (as before)
(3) foo/bar.png -> foo/bar.png (new)
(4) ../foo/bar.png -> ../foo/bar.png (new)
completed the new registration of the plugin-readerwriters
("REGISTER_OSGPLUGIN") according to your osgstaticviewer-example (see
attachment, based on today's svn)."