I believe this is now fixed ... I have attached the new DistanceAccumulator.cpp, along with a modified example file that uses a PositionAttitudeTransform to draw the Earth's orbit around the Sun."
Very simple cases of state configuration are supported (all the ones I really need):
- single per pixel not attenuated non spot light source ON/OFF
- exp2 fog ON/OFF
- diffuse texture in rgb + optional specular gloss in alpha (Texture unit 0) ON/OFF
- normal map texture (Texture unit 1 and Tangent in VertexAttribArray 6) ON/OFF
- blending and alpha testing (not in shader pipeline)
To view fixed function pipeline files and paged databases simply run >osgshadergen myfile.osg"
Added handling of Image::getPixelAspectRatio() in geometry sizing.
Added scaling of the projection matrix to ensure that aspect ratio is honoured with running in fullscreen mode
"Summary of changes:
From Roland
-Added MorphGeometry
-Bone Bindmatrix is only calculated if needed
-osgAnimation plugin now supports all available channel types (before only linear vec3 or quat channels)
-osgAnimation plugin now supports MorphGeometry
-osgAnimation plugin now supports animation and channel weights, animation playmode, duration and starttime
-removed osgAnimationManager.cpp from CMakeList
From Cedric
-fixed the last_update field (it was only updated at the first update) in BasicAnimationManager.cpp
- Refactore some part of MorphGeometry minor changes
- Add osganimationmorph as example
AnimtkViewer.cpp: is a 3d poker game client -> is an example for viewing
osgAnimation animations"
equivalent to the GLSL shaders sample) that displays the forest with
shaders on Intel 945 GM hardware. This card supports OpenGL 1.4 and
ARB_fragment/vertex_program only.
I would be pleased if this change made it into the official set of
examples, as it illustrates the use of ARB shaders quite nicely. I did
not find any other example covering this topic."
- Animation : removed the _name attribute that is never used.
- BasicAnimationManager : fix a crash on Windows with the example
osganimationviewer. The _lastUpdate attribute was not initialized when
using copy constructor.
- CMakeLists.txt : add RigGeometry to the headers list"
LD_LIBRARY_PATH so the XUL libs would be found) I noticed that although
the gecko plugin was found it could not be loaded. But this did not
trigger any visible warning/error message (at least not without INFO
notify level). Would you mind if we change the notify level for a
dlerror() to WARNING? This will also make it more explicit for the case
when a plugin isn't actually found, which seems to come up a lot for
novice users (e.g. no freetype on win32, so no freetype plugin, etc).
Also, the current error message is misleading ("Warning: Could not FIND
plugin to ...") because the it's not always a case of not finding the
plugin. I slightly enhanced the situation of not finding a plugin versus
finding it but not being able to load it.
Here's also a few fixes to some of the examples:
- osgfont: make usage help line more in line with the actual behaviour
- osgcompositeviewer: complain when no model file was provided
- osgmovie: don't include quicktime-dependent feature on Linux
- osgocclussionquery: comment addition (as I was surprised that lines
were being drawn in a function called createRandomTriangles())"
the workaround we discussed for adding/removing views in a composite
viewer at runtime. A dummy view is added to the viewer to always keep
it live.
Also, I added a #define to the Qt event relay methods to not override
them on a Windows system. This fixes the bug where duplicate events
are being sent and making it impossible to throw the trackball."
- The text and dark background rectangles are now correctly placed, and
slightly resized here and there.
- All counters (vertices, etc) now use a fixed formatting with 0 digits
precision, to prevent the text from being shown in scientific notation
when the number get large (e.g. 6.34344e+6). I tested with a scene
containing roughly 4 million vertices, to make sure its stats would
display correctly.
I also made slight changes to osgcompositeviewer (attached) to aid in
testing the stats display, specifically displaying of camera and view
- add option to display bone (--drawbone)
- dont crash if the file does not contains a AnimationManagerBase, display the content only
- adjust the path of image for the gui
- add warn message instead of old assert
- change a method name to fit better with what it does. setMatrixInSkeletonSpace instead of setBoneInSkeletonSpace
- add patch from Fabien Lavignotte to compute normal correctly
- adjust behviour without assert, return 0 instead of crashing
address some OS X issues. Most of these fixes were previously submitted by Julian Scheid. However, this patch however should not break the example for non-OS X builds and has been tested on 64-bit Linux as well as Mac OS X 10.5.
o The value returned by QWidget::winId() is not usable as input for
WindowData under OS X the way it is for both Windows and Unix. Julian's fix
for this uses the Carbon API. Since the fix for X11 in unknown, it is now
assumed that OSG has been built with OSG_WINDOWING_SYSTEM='Carbon' for this
example to work at all when running under OS X.
o The CompositeViewer version would hang on exit with the original timer start
argument. Changing the argument value to match the non-composite version
seemed to cure the hanging.
o Julian's patch altered the setGeometry position to 30/30 in order to see any
window decorations. I did not have this problem, but left his changes intact.
o The non-composite viewer needed it's camera initialization defered until
after the ViewerQOSG's Qt base class had been initialized. Otherwise, the view
did not cover the entire window.
* When used PDS RenderStage::runCameraSetUp sets flag that FBO has already stencil,depth buffer attached. Prevents adding next depth buffer.
* Sets correct traits for p-buffer if used PDS and something goes wrong with FBO setup or p-buffer is used directly.
* Adds warning to camera if user add depth/stencil already attached through PDS.
* Sets blitMask when use blit to resolve buffer.
There is also new example with using multisampled FBO."
osgsidebyside -o cow.dae cow.osg
This example will read cow.osg, write cow.dae, read cow.dae and display cow.osg on the left side and cow.dae on the right side of the view.
Possible interactions:
KEY_UP Speedup DOF animation
KEY_DOWN SlowDown DOF animation
KEY_RIGHT Toggle all MultiSwitches"