the OutputStream/InputStream implementations, which was just finished
last weekend with a few tests on Windows and Ubuntu. Hope it could
work and get more feedbacks soon.
I've added a new option "SchemaData" to the osg2 plugin. Developers
may test the new feature with the command line:
# osgconv cow.osg cow.osgb -O SchemaData
It will record all serializer properties used in the scene graph, at
the beginning of the generated file. And when osgviewer and user
applications is going to read the osgb file, the inbuilt data will be
automatically read and applied first, to keep backwards compatibility
partly. This will not affect osgb files generated with older versions.
The new example, named osgviewerQtContext (because of deriving from GraphicsContext), works fine on Windows XP SP3 and Qt 4.5.0, with 4 widgets in QGridLayout and a popup window and 60Hz frame rate. I haven't tested it on Unix/Linux and Mac OSX yet. So any feedback from these platforms is appreciated. I wish this example be a useful complement to current osgviewerQt and osgviewerQtWidgets ones. :)
Some unfinished functionalities: inheritedWindowData, sharedContext, and more tests needed."
This has the effect of always compiling OpenThreads as a framework under OSX. The CMakeLists.txt that I use to be able to compile the non-framework version of OpenThreads is attached. I simply replaced the '!' replaced by a 'NOT' and added a MESSAGE to notify me when the .framework will be compiled."
in process: a wrong definition of the OSG_FATAL macro, and wrong logic
inside the KeySwitchMatrixManipulator::getDistance() function. I
believe both were slips."
META_OSGMANIPULATOR_Object macro to ensure these classes could work
with their wrappers, and a few naming styles should be changed as
well. Fortunately everything seems to compile fine under Windows and
my new Ubuntu system.
And I finally find the problem of the
serializers/osgTerrain/Terrain.cpp, it just missed an "osg::Group"
before "osg::CoordinateSystemNode" indicator. With the small fix
attached now VPB could generate terrain with osgt/osgb formats."
JIV:"I deleted a line from the ReaderWriterDAE.cpp file that was introduced in rev 11341. I got a crash on this line when the options pointer was NULL."
MP:"Good spot John. The next line is also unnecessary and can be removed as well (attached, plus some minor code beautifying)"
osg::TransferFunction1D* tf(new osg::TransferFunction1D());
tf->setColor(-10000,osg::Vec4( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,1.0));
tf->setColor(-1e-6,osg::Vec4( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,1.0));
tf->setColor( 0,osg::Vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,1.0));
Remark: The value -1e-6 may be added (falsely) because of a rounding error.
The attached fix prevents assigning NaN values to the image.