Currently this submission is Windows-only. I don't think OSX or Linux require any help in locating gl/glcorearb.h. But if they do, this submission can be easily modified.
- "CMakeLists.txt" is the top-level file.
- FindGLCORE.cmake" and "OsgMacroUtils.cmake" go in CMakeModules.
To select standard OpenGL 1/2 build with full backwards and forwards comtability use:
./configure -DOPENGL_PROFILE=GL2
To select OpenGL 3 core profile build using GL3/gl3.h header:
./configure -DOPENGL_PROFILE=GL3
To select OpenGL Arb core profile build using GL/glcorearb.h header:
To select OpenGL ES 1.1 profile use:
To select OpenGL ES 2 profile use:
Using OPENGL_PROFILE will select all the appropriate features required so no other settings in cmake will need to be adjusted.
The new configuration options are stored in the include/osg/OpenGL header that deprecates the old include/osg/GL header.
Added the Cmake option OSG_USE_LOCAL_LUA_SOURCE to control whether to build and use the Lua source code in the lua plugin, or look for lua as an external dependency.
* fixed a bug with multi-touch and touch-id-generation on iOS and OS X. (will fix a bug reported by Colin Cochran, without ditching the existing logic)
* removed unnecessary warning-flagss when generating xcode-projects via cmake, will enable the usage of OSG_AGGRESSIVE_WARNING_FLAGS
* added support for 10.9 (OS X)
* new cmake-variable: IPHONE_VERSION_MIN, this will set the deployment-target (previously hard-coded) If you set the IPHONE_VERSION_MIN to something like 7.0 osg gets compiled also for 64bit (amd64)
* cmake defaults now to the clang compiler if IPHONE_VERSION_MIN > 4.2
* cmake now sets some xcode-settings so the compiler uses the c++98-standard (clang defaults to c++11, w/o this I got a lot of linking errors)
* removed include-dir for avfoundation-plugin as not needed on OSX/IOS.
* enhanced the ios-example, will now show multitouch-information on a hud (similar to the osgmultitouch-example), and more importantly, will compile + link out of the box
* small enhancements for the osc-device-plugin (send only one msg for MOVE/DRAG, even if multiple msgs/event is enabled)
* better memory-handling for the zeroconf-plugin
* fixed a possible bug in the rest-http-plugin when receiving mouse-events.
* incorporated a fix from Colin Cochran "forwarded touch events are not transformed into the GL UIView“
Provided are lua, python and V8 (for javascript) plugins that just open up enough of a link to the respective libs to run a script, there is no scene graph <-> script communication in current implementation.
New methods osg::Geometry::containsDeprecatedData() and osg::Geometry::fixDeprecatedData() provide a means for converting geometries that still use the array indices and BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE across to complient
Cleaned up the rest of the OSG where use of array indices and BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE were accessed or used.
1> Disable project grouping for VCExpress users: the version I proposed previously in
Re: [osg-submissions] Cmake patch to support folders in IDE (29 Feb 2012)
2> Remove FIND_PACKAGE(OpenAL): not used in any project
3> add /wd4250 for Visual Studio 2012:
suppress the errors caused by a microsoft fix for a bugfix.
ref: "Warning messages VS2012..." on osg-users (30 May 2012)
CMake Warning (dev) in CMakeLists.txt:
A logical block opening on the line
/home/ledocc/work/perso/osg_Workspace/osg/CMakeLists.txt:823 (IF)
closes on the line
/home/ledocc/work/perso/osg_Workspace/osg/CMakeLists.txt:893 (ENDIF)
with mis-matching arguments.
I remove ENDIF argument, it is no longer needed by cmake"
It now points to sdk version 6.0 (I do intend to make this configurable my command line)
It also added a search for libtiff to Apple builds mainly for use with osg earth."
* avfoundation: added support for IOS (CoreVideo-support is still in development, works only for SDK >= 6.0, set IPHONE_SDKVER in cMake accordingly)
* zeroconf: added ZeroConf-device-plugin (Mac/Win only, linux implementation missing) to advertise and discover services via ZeroConf/Bonjour, on windows you'll need the Bonjour SDK from Apple
* osgosc: modified the example to demonstrate the usage of the ZeroConf-plugin (start the example with the command-line-argument --zeroconf)
* SlideShowConstructor: enable/disable CoreVideo via a environment variable (P3D_ENABLE_CORE_VIDEO)
* RestHttp: mouse-motion-events get interpolated
* RestHttp: unhandled http-requests get sent as an user-event to the event-queue, all arguments get attached as user-values to the event
* modified some CMakeModules to work correctly when compiling for IOS
* fixed a compile-error for IOS in GraphicsWindowIOS
* some minor bugfixes"