In osg::isGLExtensionOrVersionSupported in src/osg/GLExtensions.cpp when
using indirect X11 rendering,
glGetIntegerv( GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, &numExt );
is leaving numExt uninitilized causing the following glGetStringi to
return NULL when the extension number isn't present. Passing NULL to
std::string() then crashes. This is with the following nVidia driver.
OpenGL version string: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 256.35
I went ahead and initialized some of the other variables before
glGetInitegerv in other files as well. I don't know for sure
which ones can fail, so I don't know which are strictly required.
changed extensions from .c to .cpp and got compiling as C files as part of the osg core library.
Updated and cleaned up the rest of the OSG to use the new internal GLU.
type is supported at present. The attached osgparticleshader.cpp will
show how it works. It can also be placed in the examples folder. But I
just wonder how this example co-exists with another two (osgparticle
and osgparticleeffect)?
Member variables in Particle, including _alive, _current_size and
_current_alpha, are now merged into one Vec3 variable. Then we can
make use of the set...Pointer() methods to treat them as vertex
attribtues in GLSL. User interfaces are not changed.
Additional methods of ParticleSystem are introduced, including
setDefaultAttributesUsingShaders(), setSortMode() and
setVisibilityDistance(). You can see how they work in
Additional user-defined particle type is introduced. Set the particle
type to USER and attach a drawable to the template. Be careful because
of possible huge memory consumption. It is highly suggested to use
display lists here.
The ParticleSystemUpdater can accepts ParticleSystem objects as child
drawables now. I myself think it is a little simpler in structure,
than creating a new geode for each particle system. Of course, the
latter is still compatible, and can be used to transform entire
particles in the world.
New particle operators: bounce, sink, damping, orbit and explosion.
The bounce and sink opeartors both use a concept of domains, and can
simulate a very basic collision of particles and objects.
New composite placer. It contains a set of placers and emit particles
from them randomly. The added virtual method size() of each placer
will help determine the probability of generating.
New virtual method operateParticles() for the Operator class. It
actually calls operate() for each particle, but can be overrode to use
speedup techniques like SSE, or even shaders in the future.
Partly fix a floating error of 'delta time' in emitter, program and
updaters. Previously they keep the _t0 variable seperately and compute
different copies of dt by themseleves, which makes some operators,
especially the BounceOperator, work incorrectly (because the dt in
operators and updaters are slightly different). Now a getDeltaTime()
method is maintained in ParticleSystem, and will return the unique dt
value (passing by reference) for use. This makes thing better, but
still very few unexpected behavours at present...
All dotosg and serialzier wrappers for functionalities above are provided.
According to some simple tests, the new shader support is slightly
efficient than ordinary glBegin()/end(). That means, I haven't got a
big improvement at present. I think the bottlenack here seems to be
the cull traversal time. Because operators go through the particle
list again and again (for example, the fountain in the shader example
requires 4 operators working all the time).
A really ideal solution here is to implement the particle operators in
shaders, too, and copy the results back to particle attributes. The
concept of GPGPU is good for implementing this. But in my opinion, the
Camera class seems to be too heavy for realizing such functionality in
a particle system. Myabe a light-weight ComputeDrawable class is
enough for receiving data as textures and outputting the results to
the FBO render buffer. What do you think then?
The floating error of emitters
is not solved this time. But what I think is worth testing is that we
could directly compute the node path from the emitter to the particle
system rather than multiplying the worldToLocal and LocalToWorld
matrices. I'll try this idea later.
short oit. This rendering technique is also known as depth peeling.
Attached is the example that makes depth peeling work with the fixed function
pipeline. Ok, this is 'old fashioned' but required for our use case that
still has to work on older UNIX OpenGL implementations as well as together
with a whole existing application making use of the fixed function pipeline.
I can imagine to add support for shaders when we have that shader composition
framework where we can add a second depth test in a generic way.
This does *not* implement the dual depth peeling described in a paper from the
ETH Zurich.
This example could serve as a test case for the feature that you can on the
fly remove pre render cameras that you made work a few time ago.
It is also a test case for the new TraversalOrderBin that is used to composite
the depth layers in the correct blend order.
This example also stresses your new texture object cache since you can change
some parameters for the oit implementation at runtime.
You can just load any model with osgoit and see how it works.
Use the usual help key to see what you can change.
There is already an osgdepthpeeling example that I could not really make sense
of up to now. So I just made something new without touching what I do not