implementations being registered at the same time.
One usage case for this functionality to support usage of Wayland and X11 in the same version of the osgViewer.
As part of the new functionality there is now a osg::GraphicsContext::Traits::windowingSystemPreferrence string
that default to empty, but if defined will ensure that a specific WindowingSystemInterface is utilized when
you do a generic call like osg::createGraphicsContext().
Also implemented is standard proxy object for registering the new contexts and removing them automatically, and
declaration of standard graphicswindow_name() C entry point to help with static build linking.
When an application is built with Qt4, but osgQt was built with Qt5 (or vice versa), upon #includeing osgQt users will receive an #error aborting the build.
This at least provides a proper error message rather than a crash, while we are working on better fixes for the problem."
git-svn-id: 16af8721-9629-0410-8352-f15c8da7e697
There was code in the osgViewer/Viewer.cpp and osgViewer/CompositeViewer.cpp that transformed the Y-coordinates of an event. The code in the composite viewer did however miss the touch-data of the event. I thought that it should really be the GUIEventAdapter that should know about this, and hence I added the
GUIEventAdapter::setMouseYOrientationAndUpdateCoords which is re-computing the coordinates. First I simply added a boolean to the setMouseYOrientation function:
setMouseYOrientation( MouseYOrientation, bool updatecooreds=false );
but then the serializer complained.
This function is called from both the Viewer and the CompositeViewer. We have not tested from the viewer, but I cannot see it would not work from visual inspection.
The other change is in MultiTouchTrackballManipulator::handleMultiTouchDrag. I have removed the normalisation. The reason for that is that it normalised into screen coordinates from 0,0 to 1,1. The problem with that is that if you have a pinch event and you keep the distance say 300 pixels between your fingers, these 300 pixels represent 0.20 of the screen in the horizontal domain, but 0.3 of the screen in the vertical domain. A rotation of the pinch-fingers will hence result in a zoom in, as the normalised distance is changing between them.
A consequence of this is that I have changed the pan-code to use the same algorithm as the middle-mouse-pan.
The rest of it is very similar from previous revision, and there has been some fine-tuning here and there.
To select standard OpenGL 1/2 build with full backwards and forwards comtability use:
./configure -DOPENGL_PROFILE=GL2
To select OpenGL 3 core profile build using GL3/gl3.h header:
./configure -DOPENGL_PROFILE=GL3
To select OpenGL Arb core profile build using GL/glcorearb.h header:
To select OpenGL ES 1.1 profile use:
To select OpenGL ES 2 profile use:
Using OPENGL_PROFILE will select all the appropriate features required so no other settings in cmake will need to be adjusted.
The new configuration options are stored in the include/osg/OpenGL header that deprecates the old include/osg/GL header.
From Robert Osfield, changed Roni's code to use a #define GETDEVICEPIXELRATIO to access the versioned Qt devicePixelRatio() method to avoid duplication of the Qt version checking.
- renamed osgQt::GraphWidget to osgQt::GLWidget
as it better fits to Qt naming (osgQt::GLWidget is derived from QGLWidget
while recent GraphWidget... it is unclear, maybe QGraphicsView,
- added the code to properly manage ON_DEMAND rendering scheme
(involves osgQt::setViewer() and internal HeartBeat class)
- added forward key events functionality. It allows to not eat the key events
by GLWidget, but it forwards them to Qt processing as well.
- destroying GLWidget before GraphicsWindowQt and vice versa does not crash
the application
- it is possible to request particular QGLFormat in GLWidget constructor
- added QtWindowingSystem class
- multithread OSG rendering improvements/fixes
From Robert Osfield, added back in getGraphWidget() method for backwards compatibility.