"To reproduce the bug:
1. Create a template osg::Sequence node (and underlying geometry) but do not attach the node to the current active scenegraph.
2. At some point during the rendering loop (perhaps on a keystroke) clone the sequence node (I use the call:
dynamic_cast<osg::Node*>(templateNode -> clone( osg::CopyOp( (osg::CopyOp::CopyFlags)osg::CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_NODES ) ) )
3. Set the cloned sequence node duration to a value that makes the animation run slower (i.e. 2.0).
4. Start the cloned sequence (using setMode()).
5. Repeat steps 2 \u2013 4 and observe that the cloned sequences do not run slow but run as fast, appearing to ignore the duration that has been set on them.
Looking at the \u2018good documentation\u2019 (2.4 source code), I see that _start is being set to _now (osg::Sequence::setMode(), line 192). Should this not _start not be set to -1.0?"
The plug-in is a wrapper around open-exr (http://www.openexr.com) that consists of two projects, ilmbase-1.0.1 and openexr-1.6.1.
I have only tested it on windows XP 32 machine. So there might be some work making it work on other platforms.
The plug-in supports writing and reading EXR files. When writing it can use the data type GL_HALF_FLOAT_ARB(se ilmbase-1.0.1) and GL_FLOAT. When reading the data type always becomes GL_HALF_FLOAT_ARB. It supports textures with three and four channels.
When reading an exr file it automatically removes Alfa channel if it didn't store any information."
From Robert Osfield, started work on ported it to other platforms, but could fix some problems relating to error:
?Imf::OStream::OStream(const Imf::OStream&)? is private
I'm checking in now so that others can have a bash at completing the port.
Also, I've modified the FindCOLLADA.cmake to locate the current 2.1 versions of the COLLADA DOM in the build directories under VC8. I've also added a COLLADA_LIBRARY_DEBUG spec. Other flavors may be added depending on compiler version and DOM version."
Standard is to generate one stl file.
With an additional option it is possible to write one file per Geode. This option is not very "useful" for typical application, I use it for separating and conversion of geometric data. So it could be removed if considered to special."
* When used PDS RenderStage::runCameraSetUp sets flag that FBO has already stencil,depth buffer attached. Prevents adding next depth buffer.
* Sets correct traits for p-buffer if used PDS and something goes wrong with FBO setup or p-buffer is used directly.
* Adds warning to camera if user add depth/stencil already attached through PDS.
* Sets blitMask when use blit to resolve buffer.
There is also new example with using multisampled FBO."
I have not reverted added Compiler options. I assume that one may want to have warnings enabled for the application but may not want to see them while OSG libraries and examples compile.
Modified files:
osg/Export - now explicitly includes osg/Config to make sure OSG_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNINGS is read
osg/Config.in - declares OSG_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNINGS flag to be added to autogenerated osg/Config
CMakeLists.txt - declares OSG_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNINGS as option with default ON setting
osgsidebyside -o cow.dae cow.osg
This example will read cow.osg, write cow.dae, read cow.dae and display cow.osg on the left side and cow.dae on the right side of the view.
Possible interactions:
KEY_UP Speedup DOF animation
KEY_DOWN SlowDown DOF animation
KEY_RIGHT Toggle all MultiSwitches"
New features
+Read and write of osg::LOD, osg::Switch, osgSim::Sequence, osgim::MultiSwitch and osgSim::DOFTransform data in <extra>
+Read and write of osg::Node description data in <extra>
+Plugin option "NoExtras" to prevent writing of <extra> data and only traverse the active children when saving
+instanced_geometry and instanced_controller are now loaded in a single Geode with multiple Geometries instead of multiple geodes with a single Geometry
+Changed all calls to the deprecated createAndPlace() to the new add() methods
+All transformation elements <scale>, <rotate>, <translate>, <lookat>, <matrix>, <skew> are now concatenated properly in to a single MatrixTransform.
Previously this was not done in order as required by Collada and and not all elements were included.
+Complete skew matrix creation
+Automatically add GL_RESCALE_NORMAL if scale is non-identity
+Blinn shininess remapping to [0,128] when in range [0,1]
+Changes to CMake file to make it compile on Windows
+Coding style and code documentation
Bug fixes
+Transparent texture writing fixed
+Fixed bug in using osg node name as collada node ID
+Fixed usage of double sided faces in GOOGLEEARTH extra
+Not adding blendfunc and blendcolor when opaque
-solve differences in drawables, DAE reader should place multiple collation elements into multiple primitivesets in a single geometry where possible (only when same material)
-solve differences in matrices
-multitexture support
-skinned mesh and generic animations using osgAnimation
-profile_GLSL based on COLLADA OpenGL Effects Viewer http://ati.amd.com/developer/rendermonkey/downloads.html
-handling more <extra> to more closely mimic the intended lighting"
The set up for this to work is a bit more complex than most files, since the engine expects all files to be in a certain place, and it tends to mix case a lot. I tried to explain everything in the VBSP_README.txt file."
This plugin has been integrated with the pre-exisiting bsp plugin.
After taking a look at the current state of the BMP loader I decided it might be worth a shot at reimplementing that part. For example: the current loader doesn't properly handle 1- and 4-bit files, incorrectly loads 16-bit files as intensity-alpha (they are RGB555), is full of dead code, and generally not in very good shape.
Attached is my re-implementation for review.
I've checked it against the test images from http://wvnvaxa.wvnet.edu/vmswww/bmp.html and models that use BMP files.
1. if the camera is not a slave camera
1.1 set the eventState's graphics context to the current context.
2. if the current master view is not the view which has the focus
2.1 set the current master view to be the view which has the focus
2.2 use the new master view's eventState instead of the old one
Now as you can see from this sequence, the graphics context is set on the eventState before switching to the view which has focus (and thus using another eventState). So the new eventState, in the case we need to switch views, will contain an old graphics context, not the correct one.
Just inversing these steps fixes the problem:
1. if the current master view is not the view which has the focus
1.1 set the current master view to be the view which has the focus
1.2 use the new master view's eventState instead of the old one
2. if the camera is not a slave camera
2.1 set the eventState's graphics context to the current context.
Now, the eventState will refer to the correct graphics context in both cases.
Attached is a fixed CompositeViewer.cpp (based on today's SVN) which does this. Note that some other things are done in the 1. and 2. cases, but they have no influence on each other so they can just be swapped without problems.