OpenSceneGraph/src/osgGA/NodeTrackerManipulator.cpp:32:1: warning: base class ?class osg::Object? should be explicitly initialized in the copy constructor
OpenSceneGraph/src/osgGA/TerrainManipulator.cpp:31:1: warning: base class ?class osg::Object? should be explicitly initialized in the copy constructor
OpenSceneGraph/include/osgSim/ShapeAttribute:99:9: warning: base class ?class std::vector<osgSim::ShapeAttribute>? should be explicitly initialized in the copy constructor
OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/zip/unzip.cpp:3102:14: warning: missing initializer for member ?unz_s::gi?
OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/zip/unzip.cpp:3102:14: warning: missing initializer for member ?unz_s::byte_before_the_zipfile?
OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/zip/unzip.cpp:3102:14: warning: missing initializer for member ?unz_s::num_file?
OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/zip/unzip.cpp:3102:14: warning: missing initializer for member ?unz_s::pos_in_central_dir?
OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/zip/unzip.cpp:3102:14: warning: missing initializer for member ?unz_s::current_file_ok?
OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/zip/unzip.cpp:3102:14: warning: missing initializer for member ?unz_s::central_pos?
OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/zip/unzip.cpp:3102:14: warning: missing initializer for member ?unz_s::size_central_dir?
OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/zip/unzip.cpp:3102:14: warning: missing initializer for member ?unz_s::offset_central_dir?
OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/zip/unzip.cpp:3102:14: warning: missing initializer for member ?unz_s::cur_file_info?
OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/zip/unzip.cpp:3102:14: warning: missing initializer for member ?unz_s::cur_file_info_internal?
OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/zip/unzip.cpp:3102:14: warning: missing initializer for member ?unz_s::pfile_in_zip_read?
OpenSceneGraph/src/osgViewer/CompositeViewer.cpp:30:1: warning: base class ?class osg::Object? should be explicitly initialized in the copy constructor
OpenSceneGraph/src/osgViewer/View.cpp:159:1: warning: base class ?class osg::Object? should be explicitly initialized in the copy constructor
OpenSceneGraph/src/osgViewer/Viewer.cpp:196:1: warning: base class ?class osg::Object? should be explicitly initialized in the copy constructor
OpenSceneGraph/src/osgViewer/Viewer.cpp:196:1: warning: base class ?class osgViewer::ViewerBase? should be explicitly initialized in the copy constructor
OpenSceneGraph/include/osgManipulator/Dragger:47:9: warning: base class ?class osg::Object? should be explicitly initialized in the copy constructor
CID 11815: Uninitialized scalar field (UNINIT_CTOR)
Non-static class member _cosMaxElevation is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
Non-static class member _cosMaxFadeElevation is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
Non-static class member _cosMinElevation is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
Non-static class member _cosMinFadeElevation is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
disable pragmas that turn off specific warnings for MSVC.
Unfortunately it's presence is only checked in osg/Export header,
making other Export headers disable warnings no matter what, which is
kind of incoherent.
My fix adds #include <osg/Config> to every Export header. I've also
unified checking whether to disable warnings to current osg/Export
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(OSG_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNINGS).
Attachment contains all changed Export files in their original locations."