Stephan and I tested it on Mac and Win.
Just a couple of notes:
* the plugin is able to load both regular 2D images and movie stream. There is a #define QT_HANDLE_IMAGES_ALSO mechanism to indicate whether to use it for images or not. This is defined by default on Mac only, to avoid conflicts with the standard windows plugins. See comments on QTUtils.h
* de-initialization of quicktime before exit is now left to an observer, which calls exitQuicktime() when last media loaded with the plugin is released. This prevent a crash on exit without need of any extra call external to the plugin."
include/osgParticle/ParticleSystem. I replaced
Particle(ptemplate? *ptemplate: _def_ptemp)
ptemplate? *ptemplate: _def_ptemp
in a couple of places. This should make particle creation and reuse go
a little faster without all that memory allocation and copying."
+ Multi-display-support
+ automatic hiding of the menubar/dock if one of the windows intersects
the menubar/dock
+ event-handling was done by the first opened window, other windows did
not receive events -- fixed
+ mouse-coordinates were absolute, now they are relative to the window.
known bugs:
+ windows with decoration and in fullscreen-size are moved by the system
a little bit, so that the titlebar is accessible/visible. So if you want
real fullscreen-windows, don't decorate the window :)
I updated the XCode-project-file so all ported examples are linked
against osgViewer."
The loss of accuracy should not affect 'normal' users with terrains that are roughly square (say up to 100:1 aspect ratio) and where the Z range is comparable to the X-Y range. Retested with Pauls data, amalric's strange polygon constraint and the standard test constraints.
I also added 2 tests for routines with a NULL argument passed to them (no-one would usually pass a NULL pointer to these routines unless - as I did in testing- you remove some of the constraints but still pass their pointer to the routine). And I removed 3 tests for triangles which are already removed when generating the geometry.
NB Paul - the previous delaunay triangulator fails under VS8 IF it has any constraints as it attempts to use some vertices that have already been deleted when applying the constraints to edges. Under VS6 and less rigorous compilers it works as the deleted vertices are still in the points stl::Vector; however any added vertices would replace one of the supertriangle vertices with non-disastrous but wrong results."
Note, merged with latest name changes in CVS.