This is caused by the OSG_MSVC_VERSIONED_DLL hack.
there are hard-coded paths to place the dll's in the bin /dir that normally would go
in the lib/config (release/debug) dirs. Nmake has different locations for the files (no config dir).
fix: change the macro's in OsgMacroUtils.cmake for the IF(NOT MSVC_IDE) situation.
Libs go in lib/, and DLLs and executables go in bin/
To accopmplish this for MSVC_IDE the targets get a "../../bin" prefix,
for nmake this should be "../bin" (because there are no config folders).
This fix mimics the behaviour of the MSCV_IDE (visual studio) build system when building with nmake.
A change in the main CMakeLists.txt creates the needed plugin directory in the binary dir.
see included files for the changes:
The behaviour of visual studio projects (and other build systems) remain unchanged.
Tested building and installing with nmake and visual studio 8 debug and release.
File osgShadow/Version.cpp, Line 25:
const char* osgShaodowGetLibraryName()
should be:
const char* osgShadowGetLibraryName()
File CMakeModules/OsgMacroUtils.cmake, Line 224:
should be:
Otherwise setting CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX to an empty string instead of "d" in
the main CMakeLists.txt does not work under Linux.
according to the OpenSceneGraph/CMakeLists.txt and the include/osg/Version settings.
These changes mean that the 1.9.5 release will have a libs/osgPlugins-1.9.5 directory.
Here are more changes for the CMake scripts:
- I removed CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX in FindOpenThreads as a follow up to
the discussion thread.
- I introduced an experimental CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to replace it.
CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH to the CMake GUI so users can enter values there
instead of in the environment.
These should be kept up-to-date with the real version numbers. Mac
bundles like to have version information so users can find out the
version they are running through standard About panels and also
automated system reporters for troubleshooting/bug tracking. In
theory, this information could be used for library versioning.
We should do the same for OpenThreads, but I forgot about it.
- I added some Mac Info.plist stuff (which uses the version information).
"Attached is a patch allows access access to the CMake MACOSX_BUNDLE
option. Now SETUP_APPLICATION and SETUP_EXAMPLE take an additional
optional parameter that specifies if the program is a command line
application or a GUI application (think: IS_COMMANDLINE_APP). Passing
1 means true (is_commandline_app). Passing 0 or omitting the parameter
means false.
I changed the scripts for osgversion and osgunittests to support this
option because I believe they are command line apps. Are there any
It should not be introusive to any other palatform apart MSVC, but in order to link to debug-specific libs
I had to change plugins CMakeLists to differentiate debug/release linkage, I have used the same macro used in core libs
Now the macro used for plugin and examples linking test for existance of TARGET_LIBRARIES_VARS
that holds the names of the variables that have to be used for linking"
so I' ve set up a macro that uses the variable name expanded for linking, and test if a variable ${LINK_VAR_NAME}_DEBUG
like OPENTHREADS_LIBRARY_DEBUG exists and in case uses it for linking in debug mode.
I' ve also set up FindOpenThreads to set up these variables.
I had to edit the core libraries CMakeLists to add the calls to the macros used.
I' ve tested under MSVC"