This file adds the same string API wrapper to the State object for other older apps that
track Uniforms by string. The original comment about performance is preserved."
hpux. I have skipped irix this time as irix is too dead to keep osg building
As usual, solaris does not like member templates in stl containers.
Some headers missing and link problems due to missing libraries."
Initial email from Tim : "I've implemented using a timestamp, available with ARB_timer_query and OpenGL 3.3, to gather GPU stats. This is nice because it can accurately fix the GPU draw time with respect to the other times on the stats graph, rather than having to estimate the wall time of the end of GPU drawing. This also prevents anomalies like the GPU phase starting before the draw phase..."
Changes to Tim's submission by Robert: Removal of need for swap buffer callback in ViewerBase.cpp, by
integrating a osg::State::frameCompleted() method that does the stats timing collection. Introduction of a
GraphicsContext::swapBuffersCallbackOrImplementation() method that calls the State::frameCompleted() and
the swap buffers callback or the swapImplementation as required.
creation of main shader to ShaderComposer and
collection of ShaderComponent to osg::State.
Also added very basic shader set up in osgshadecomposition example.
glActiveTexture on every State::apply after more than one texunits have been
This is against 2.9.6 (I think SVN head is the same)
Quick Synopsis:
New functions:
All copies of the normal versions, but they also set the active tex unit if
absolutely necessary (i.e. only if they call something OpenGL).
State::apply (*2)
Changed to call the above functions and no longer call setActiveTextureUnit
Made inline, so the benefit of having applyModeOnTexUnit (etc) inline
is retained.
Added support for automatic aliasing of vertex, normal, color etc. arrays to Vertex Attribute equivelants.
Added new osg::GLBeginEndAdapter class for runtime conversion from glBegin/glEnd codes to vertex arrray equivelants.
Added automatic shader source conversion from gl_ to osg_ builtins.
The fix was to convert the osg::State to use C pointers for the set of applied PerContexProgram objects, and use the osg::Oberver mechanism to avoid dangling pointers for being maintained in osg::State.
setActiveTextureUnit methods of osg::State so they return false if the
texture unit is outside the range of allowable units for the driver.
Currently, the functions would return true even if the units are
invalid. This would cause the osg::State to become out of sync with
the actual driver state, which can cause some bugs in certain cases.
The change I made would verify that the unit passed to
setClientActiveTextureUnit is below GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS, and the
unit passed to setActiveTextureUnit is below
modeled this behavior from the OpenGL docs for these commands which
can be found here:
handle scenes with multiple views with elements that need coordinating on a per view basis.
Added beginings of new osgText::FadeText class (not functionality yet).
enum CheckForGLErrors
/** NEVER_CHECK_GL_ERRORS hints that OpenGL need not be checked for, this
is the fastest option since checking for errors does incurr a small overhead.*/
/** ONCE_PER_FRAME means that OpenGl errors will be checked for once per
frame, the overhead is still small, but at least OpenGL errors that are occurring
will be caught, the reporting isn't fine grained enough for debugging purposes.*/
/** ONCE_PER_ATTRIBUTE means that OpenGL errors will be checked for after
every attribute is applied, allow errors to be directly associated with
particular operations which makes debugging much easier.*/
/** Set whether and how often OpenGL errors should be checked for.*/
void setCheckForGLErrors(CheckForGLErrors check) { _checkGLErrors = check; }
/** Get whether and how often OpenGL errors should be checked for.*/
CheckForGLErrors getCheckForGLErrors() const { return _checkGLErrors; }
support for the unsigned int member to be paired with types in osg::StateSet
so that lights, clipplanes and other attributes that have a type group but
then need to differentiate within that group via a member uint.
the state stack, thus readying the state object to recieve a new frame.
Removed the state.reset() call in osgUtil::SceneView::cull() as this was
causing problems with stats producing inheritance of state when toggling
stats on.
part of prep for supporting both Matrixf (float) and Matrixd (double).
Added osg::Matrixf::glLoadMatrix() and osg::Matrixf::glMultiMatrix() methods
and changed corresponding usage of glLoad/MultMatrixf() calls across to use these
methods. Again prep for support Matrixd.
Fixes for VisualStudio 6.0 compile.
by osgUtil::RenderLeaf to test if any abort state has been set, if so it
doesn't do any further drawing.
The osgProducer::Viewer has been set up to set the osg::State's it manages
with their AbortRendering flag pointers set to the osgProducer::Viewer::_done
memeber varaible. Now when escape is pressed the rendering is aborted early.
that they arn't created on the stack inappropriately.
Split the implemention of Matrix up so that it is a simple no referenced counted
class and can be safefly created on the stack. To support referenced counting a
seperate subclass now exists, this is RefMatrix which inherits from both Matrix and
Added new osg::State::setInterleavedArray() method.
Added new osg::Group::setNode(uint,Node*) method.
Cleaned up and fixed the osg::Texture's handling of dirtyTextureParamters().
code which modifies the OpenGL state and needs to tell the osg::State
about it to ensure that the OSG doesn't make any errors during lazy
state updating.
so that they cannot be overriden from above via the OVERRIDE flag. This is
useful for things like manipulators that have handles display in the scene, you
might want to prevent their state being affected by other overriding of
light, wireframe modes etc.
all unsed texture units can be turned off simply within Drawables such
as Geometry and GeoSet. This can be used to prevent bleed of arrays from
one object to the next - which can cause crashes.