1) they use direct link to texture
-> this is already handle by current plugin : OK
2) they defined colors with only 3 color components
-> it leads to a crash when trying to acces to the fourth component
I fixed that
3) they contain empty primitive lists
-> reading is ok, but osgviewer crashes when trying to display the geometries
The reason is that osg assume that DrawElementsare never empty (blunt acces to DrawElements.front() in PrimitiveSet.cpp)
I corrected this (on the plugin side), but I wonder :
Is it the responsability of plugins to create non empty DrawElements, or of osg core not to crash when they occur ?
If the responsability is on the osg core side, I can submit a patch to PrimitiveSet.cpp regarding that aspect.
4) they use a material binding scheme not supported by the plugin
->I've implemented a mechanism to handle this binding scheme
You will also find in the patch an example of these evil dae and comments on the offending elements.
They seems to be produced by ComputaMaps (www.computamaps.com)
They load well in Google Earth
the following error:
error: cannot initialize a parameter of type 'void *' with an lvalue of
type 'const void *const'
return __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&_ptr, ptrOld, ptrNew);
This can be solved by a cast to '(void*)ptrOld'. This should be benign since both
'ptrOld' and 'ptrNew' are only read and the cast is in fact in place for all other
implementations as well.
On OS X the cast compiles cleanly on both g++ (i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-g++-4.2 (GCC)
4.2.1) and clang++ (Apple clang version 3.1 (tags/Apple/clang-318.0.54)).
IF(${CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT} STREQUAL "/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.7.sdk")
ELSEIF(EXISTS /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk)
Which is fragile because XCode could be installed into another directory than /Developer. (In case XCode is not installed into the /Developer directory CMake can automatically resolve the path via command line utility ${CMAKE_XCODE_SELECT} --print-path)
This issue bites me currently because the latest XCode (Version 4.3.1 - 4E1019) installed through the Mac App Store is per default installed in "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer" and hence the 10.7 SDK in "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.7.sdk"
Searching the web to find the proper way to determine the version of the Platform SDK programmatically, I found no standard way. I came up with 2 options myself:
1) Parse the path string to extract the version number
2) Read a value from the SDKSettings.plist found in the root of each SDK (e.g., "defaults read ${CMAKE_OSX_ROOT}/SDKSettings.plist CanonicalName" gives "macosx10.7")
I implemented the last option and verified that at least the following Mac OS SDKs (10.3.9, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7) support this method. It also looks reasonably future proof. An additional benefit of this method is that it also seems to be compatible with iOS and iOS Simulator SDKs (at least for version 5.1, but I assume this also applies to older versions). This is interesting because the CMake infrastructure to build OSG for iOS currently still contains similar hard-coded paths and even requires you to manually change the cmake file to build for another iOS SDK version. In the near future I hope to address these issues, but I haven't been able to try this yet."
viewMatrix.makeLookAt(frustum.center+positionedLight.lightDir*zMin, frustum.center, lightUp);
viewMatrix.makeLookAt(frustum.center+positionedLight.lightDir*zMin, frustum.center+positionedLight.lightDir*zMax, lightUp);
The reason I've done such a change is that for huge scenes like a city on the earth, the values of frustum.center can be extremely large, but zMin may be very small (e.g., when model depth in light coords equals the model radius by chance) in some cases so the result of (eye - center) might jiggle while moving around the shadow scene and thus make the shadow map suddenly disappear some time. The small change here also considers the effect of zMax to avoid such problems.
I have also made changes to the RotateCylinderDragger to provide a cylinder ring with a thickness. It is totally optional, but IMHO makes the default behavior work better than a solid cylinder (which typically obscures the geometry you are trying to drag). Gives it a bit more to grab, especially in the case where eyepoint and cylinder axis are near parallel.
Now examples/osgmultitouch really works ;-)
Based on yesterdays trunk.
* It should now work with all Visual Studio Versions.
* WIN_VER is left as-is
* I added the missing declarations from a recent SDK, if not supplied by the SDK
* If someone chooses to update WIN_VER, the declarations should not break.
* All API Calls are runtime detected.
* No CMake Variable, Support is enabled automatically ."
If an object is comming with texture and NULL image, the texture atlas builder crash when sorting textures according to texture height.
The fix is to skip textures with NULL image when inserting textures in the builder texture list.
osgshaders.cpp and demonstrates the use of GLSL vertex and fragment
shaders with a simple animation callback. I found the osgshaders.cpp
too complex to serve as a starting point for GLSL programming"
* If the eyepoint and cylinder axis are close to parallel (given some tolerance), then it uses a plane perpendicular to the cylinder axis.
* Otherwise it uses a plane parallel to the cylinder axis oriented towards the eyepoint (previous behavior). This gives decent behavior and is the only path that was taken in the previous code. I kept with previous behavior and that allowed a good bit of code to be removed, simplifying things. There is now no need for the _onCylinder flag, but since there is a public accessor, I wasn't sure how to handle it for backwards compatibility, so I left it in. NOTE - there is no default initialized value, so if it is kept in, it should be set to 'false' to keep same behavior as before. I am not quite sure how the _onCylinder case was supposed to behave as even forcing that path gave undesirable behavior, even with carefully controlled dragging.
- correction to writeFace : the fourth point was defined with an incorrect code (http://www.autodesk.com/techpubs/autocad/acad2000/dxf/3dface_dxf_06.htm)
- if no layer name was found, an empty string was used, with is incorrect according to dxf specifications and was rejected by Autodesk DWG TrueView
- the plugin was writting polygons and triangles as LINE, as if PolygonMode GL_LINE was active, and didn't use 3DFACE primitive.
I changed this behaviour to write 3DFACE as default, and LINE when PolygonMode GL_LINE is active.
when reading back the file with osg, the result is now consistent with the source
Tested with osg plugin, FME (Safe software), Autodesk DWG TrueView
in osg::Program::PerContextProgram :
typedef std::vector<UniformModifiedCountPair> LastAppliedUniformList;
should be
typedef std::map<unsigned int, UniformModifiedCountPair> LastAppliedUniformList;
Intel driver can use index uniform value > 200000.
With a std::vector, this index uniform value generate an out of memory error
Nothing in OpenGL or GLSL specification define index uniform value rules.
And all other implementation that deal with uniform index in osg::Program
use a std::map.
This fix could have a little performance impact but this is the cost
to pay to work with
all driver."
Here's a summary:
* Uses a separate ZIP file handle per thread
* Maintains a single shared (read-only) index, created the first time through
* Stress-tested with the DatabasePager using 24 threads under osgEarth
I also updated the member variables to use OSG's leading-underscore convention."
CLAMP all textures using only texcoord between [-0.001 1.001] to give a
chance to create an Atlas.
If the atlas creation failed for other reason (texture size, only one
compatible texture, ...) the texture remain modified in CLAMP mode.
But if you use texcoords between [0.0 1.0] using CLAMP mode instead
REPEAT it is not safe because you will have a blend to the border color
at extremities.
If we want to have exactly the same rendering after changing mode from
REPEAT to CLAMP we should use the CLAMP_TO_EDGE mode instead of CLAMP to
avoid blending to border color at extremities.
Please find as attachment the proposed patch against latest svn version.
into the #if defined(OSG_GL_FIXED_FUNCTION_AVAILABLE) block to solve problems under GLES and GL3.x/GL4.x
Bug description:
Let's say we have class A
namespace Bug
class A : public osg::Object
typedef std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<A> > AList;
AList _alist;
new Bug::A,
"osg::Object Bug::A" )
We create say 3 instances of class A: A1,A2,A3 and then we add A2 and A3 and A1 as child instances of A1 so we get next structure:
|- A2,A3,A1
we call osgDB::writeObjectFile(A1,"/data/a.osgt") -> saved correctly( third element in list is saved as unique id that references parentClass
now we call
A1 = osgDB::readObjectFile("/data/a.osgt");
Everything is deserialized correctely except last element in list which should be same instance as parent A1.
The attached code resolves this issue by passing UniqueID in readObjectFields method and saving object in _identifierMap as soon as we have valid object instance so we can make reference to parent object from any child instance.
I added AFAIK proper defaults for several Macos X Version API targets.
* In order to determine which defaults to apply, consult the CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT variable pointing to the used SDK, not the pure existence of an SDK.
* Defaults are now:
10.7: Support Intel 32 and 64 Bit Cocoa with imageio picture reader
10.6 + 10.5: Support Cocoa with imageio on Intel and PowerPC
10.4: Carbon, Quicktime and PowerPC
Now OSG compiles out of the box for MacOSX 10.7. , tested with gcc and clang with FlightGear."