From Mike Wittman, updates to support new protected method support

This commit is contained in:
Robert Osfield 2007-03-04 13:03:47 +00:00
parent 267079e4d8
commit 9fa317c550

View File

@ -47,6 +47,193 @@ bool type_order(const Type *v1, const Type *v2)
return v1->getQualifiedName().compare(v2->getQualifiedName()) < 0;
void print_method(const MethodInfo &mi)
std::cout << "\t ";
// display if the method is virtual
if (mi.isVirtual())
std::cout << "virtual ";
// display the method's return type if defined
if (mi.getReturnType().isDefined())
std::cout << mi.getReturnType().getQualifiedName() << " ";
std::cout << "[UNDEFINED TYPE] ";
// display the method's name
std::cout << mi.getName() << "(";
// display method's parameters
const ParameterInfoList &params = mi.getParameters();
for (ParameterInfoList::const_iterator k=params.begin(); k!=params.end(); ++k)
// get the ParameterInfo object that describes the
// current parameter
const ParameterInfo &pi = **k;
// display the parameter's modifier
if (pi.isIn())
std::cout << "IN";
if (pi.isOut())
std::cout << "OUT";
if (pi.isIn() || pi.isOut())
std::cout << " ";
// display the parameter's type name
if (pi.getParameterType().isDefined())
std::cout << pi.getParameterType().getQualifiedName();
// display the parameter's name if defined
if (!pi.getName().empty())
std::cout << " " << pi.getName();
if ((k+1)!=params.end())
std::cout << ", ";
std::cout << ")";
if (mi.isConst())
std::cout << " const";
if (mi.isPureVirtual())
std::cout << " = 0";
std::cout << "\n";
void print_type(const Type &type)
// ignore pointer types and undefined types
if (!type.isDefined() || type.isPointer() || type.isReference())
// print the type name
std::cout << type.getQualifiedName() << "\n";
// check whether the type is abstract
if (type.isAbstract()) std::cout << "\t[abstract]\n";
// check whether the type is atomic
if (type.isAtomic()) std::cout << "\t[atomic]\n";
// check whether the type is an enumeration. If yes, display
// the list of enumeration labels
if (type.isEnum())
std::cout << "\t[enum]\n";
std::cout << "\tenumeration values:\n";
const EnumLabelMap &emap = type.getEnumLabels();
for (EnumLabelMap::const_iterator j=emap.begin(); j!=emap.end(); ++j)
std::cout << "\t\t" << j->second << " = " << j->first << "\n";
// if the type has one or more base types, then display their
// names
if (type.getNumBaseTypes() > 0)
std::cout << "\tderived from: ";
for (int j=0; j<type.getNumBaseTypes(); ++j)
const Type &base = type.getBaseType(j);
if (base.isDefined())
std::cout << base.getQualifiedName() << " ";
std::cout << "[undefined type] ";
std::cout << "\n";
// display a list of public methods defined for the current type
const MethodInfoList &mil = type.getMethods();
if (!mil.empty())
std::cout << "\t* public methods:\n";
for (MethodInfoList::const_iterator j=mil.begin(); j!=mil.end(); ++j)
// get the MethodInfo object that describes the current
// method
const MethodInfo &mi = **j;
// display a list of protected methods defined for the current type
const MethodInfoList &bmil = type.getMethods(Type::PROTECTED_FUNCTIONS);
if (!bmil.empty())
std::cout << "\t* protected methods:\n";
for (MethodInfoList::const_iterator j=bmil.begin(); j!=bmil.end(); ++j)
// get the MethodInfo object that describes the current
// method
const MethodInfo &mi = **j;
// display a list of properties defined for the current type
const PropertyInfoList &pil = type.getProperties();
if (!pil.empty())
std::cout << "\t* properties:\n";
for (PropertyInfoList::const_iterator j=pil.begin(); j!=pil.end(); ++j)
// get the PropertyInfo object that describes the current
// property
const PropertyInfo &pi = **j;
std::cout << "\t ";
std::cout << "{";
std::cout << (pi.canGet()? "G": " ");
std::cout << (pi.canSet()? "S": " ");
std::cout << (pi.canCount()? "C": " ");
std::cout << (pi.canAdd()? "A": " ");
std::cout << "} ";
// display the property's name
std::cout << pi.getName();
// display the property's value type if defined
std::cout << " (";
if (pi.getPropertyType().isDefined())
std::cout << pi.getPropertyType().getQualifiedName();
std::cout << "UNDEFINED TYPE";
std::cout << ") ";
// check whether the property is an array property
if (pi.isArray())
std::cout << " [ARRAY]";
// check whether the property is an indexed property
if (pi.isIndexed())
std::cout << " [INDEXED]\n\t\t indices:\n";
const ParameterInfoList &ind = pi.getIndexParameters();
// print the list of indices
int num = 1;
for (ParameterInfoList::const_iterator k=ind.begin(); k!=ind.end(); ++k, ++num)
std::cout << "\t\t " << num << ") ";
const ParameterInfo &par = **k;
std::cout << par.getParameterType().getQualifiedName() << " " << par.getName();
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "\n" << std::string(75, '-') << "\n";
void print_types()
// get the map of types that have been reflected
@ -65,169 +252,7 @@ void print_types()
// details for each type
for (TypeList::const_iterator i=types.begin(); i!=types.end(); ++i)
// ignore pointer types and undefined types
if (!(*i)->isDefined() || (*i)->isPointer() || (*i)->isReference())
// print the type name
std::cout << (*i)->getQualifiedName() << "\n";
// check whether the type is abstract
if ((*i)->isAbstract()) std::cout << "\t[abstract]\n";
// check whether the type is atomic
if ((*i)->isAtomic()) std::cout << "\t[atomic]\n";
// check whether the type is an enumeration. If yes, display
// the list of enumeration labels
if ((*i)->isEnum())
std::cout << "\t[enum]\n";
std::cout << "\tenumeration values:\n";
const EnumLabelMap &emap = (*i)->getEnumLabels();
for (EnumLabelMap::const_iterator j=emap.begin(); j!=emap.end(); ++j)
std::cout << "\t\t" << j->second << " = " << j->first << "\n";
// if the type has one or more base types, then display their
// names
if ((*i)->getNumBaseTypes() > 0)
std::cout << "\tderived from: ";
for (int j=0; j<(*i)->getNumBaseTypes(); ++j)
const Type &base = (*i)->getBaseType(j);
if (base.isDefined())
std::cout << base.getQualifiedName() << " ";
std::cout << "[undefined type] ";
std::cout << "\n";
// display a list of methods defined for the current type
const MethodInfoList &mil = (*i)->getMethods();
if (!mil.empty())
std::cout << "\t* methods:\n";
for (MethodInfoList::const_iterator j=mil.begin(); j!=mil.end(); ++j)
// get the MethodInfo object that describes the current
// method
const MethodInfo &mi = **j;
std::cout << "\t ";
// display if the method is virtual
if (mi.isVirtual())
std::cout << "virtual ";
// display the method's return type if defined
if (mi.getReturnType().isDefined())
std::cout << mi.getReturnType().getQualifiedName() << " ";
std::cout << "[UNDEFINED TYPE] ";
// display the method's name
std::cout << mi.getName() << "(";
// display method's parameters
const ParameterInfoList &params = mi.getParameters();
for (ParameterInfoList::const_iterator k=params.begin(); k!=params.end(); ++k)
// get the ParameterInfo object that describes the
// current parameter
const ParameterInfo &pi = **k;
// display the parameter's modifier
if (pi.isIn())
std::cout << "IN";
if (pi.isOut())
std::cout << "OUT";
if (pi.isIn() || pi.isOut())
std::cout << " ";
// display the parameter's type name
if (pi.getParameterType().isDefined())
std::cout << pi.getParameterType().getQualifiedName();
// display the parameter's name if defined
if (!pi.getName().empty())
std::cout << " " << pi.getName();
if ((k+1)!=params.end())
std::cout << ", ";
std::cout << ")";
if (mi.isConst())
std::cout << " const";
if (mi.isPureVirtual())
std::cout << " = 0";
std::cout << "\n";
// display a list of properties defined for the current type
const PropertyInfoList &pil = (*i)->getProperties();
if (!pil.empty())
std::cout << "\t* properties:\n";
for (PropertyInfoList::const_iterator j=pil.begin(); j!=pil.end(); ++j)
// get the PropertyInfo object that describes the current
// property
const PropertyInfo &pi = **j;
std::cout << "\t ";
std::cout << "{";
std::cout << (pi.canGet()? "G": " ");
std::cout << (pi.canSet()? "S": " ");
std::cout << (pi.canCount()? "C": " ");
std::cout << (pi.canAdd()? "A": " ");
std::cout << "} ";
// display the property's name
std::cout << pi.getName();
// display the property's value type if defined
std::cout << " (";
if (pi.getPropertyType().isDefined())
std::cout << pi.getPropertyType().getQualifiedName();
std::cout << "UNDEFINED TYPE";
std::cout << ") ";
// check whether the property is an array property
if (pi.isArray())
std::cout << " [ARRAY]";
// check whether the property is an indexed property
if (pi.isIndexed())
std::cout << " [INDEXED]\n\t\t indices:\n";
const ParameterInfoList &ind = pi.getIndexParameters();
// print the list of indices
int num = 1;
for (ParameterInfoList::const_iterator k=ind.begin(); k!=ind.end(); ++k, ++num)
std::cout << "\t\t " << num << ") ";
const ParameterInfo &par = **k;
std::cout << par.getParameterType().getQualifiedName() << " " << par.getName();
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "\n" << std::string(75, '-') << "\n";