Updated wrappers

This commit is contained in:
Robert Osfield 2005-05-11 20:05:51 +00:00
parent 9ef29824aa
commit 6abe4c8f8c
5 changed files with 22 additions and 137 deletions

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@ -17,130 +17,6 @@
#include <osg/StateAttribute> #include <osg/StateAttribute>
#include <osg/Uniform> #include <osg/Uniform>
Constructor1(IN, unsigned int, contextID);
Constructor1(IN, const osg::GL2Extensions &, rhs);
Method1(void, lowestCommonDenominator, IN, const osg::GL2Extensions &, rhs);
Method1(void, setupGL2Extensions, IN, unsigned int, contextID);
Method0(bool, isGlslSupported);
Method0(float, getGlVersion);
Method0(float, getLanguageVersion);
Method1(void, setShaderObjectsSupported, IN, bool, flag);
Method0(bool, isShaderObjectsSupported);
Method1(void, setVertexShaderSupported, IN, bool, flag);
Method0(bool, isVertexShaderSupported);
Method1(void, setFragmentShaderSupported, IN, bool, flag);
Method0(bool, isFragmentShaderSupported);
Method1(void, setLanguage100Supported, IN, bool, flag);
Method0(bool, isLanguage100Supported);
Method2(void, glBlendEquationSeparate, IN, GLenum, modeRGB, IN, GLenum, modeAlpha);
Method2(void, glDrawBuffers, IN, GLsizei, n, IN, const GLenum *, bufs);
Method4(void, glStencilOpSeparate, IN, GLenum, face, IN, GLenum, sfail, IN, GLenum, dpfail, IN, GLenum, dppass);
Method4(void, glStencilFuncSeparate, IN, GLenum, frontfunc, IN, GLenum, backfunc, IN, GLint, ref, IN, GLuint, mask);
Method2(void, glStencilMaskSeparate, IN, GLenum, face, IN, GLuint, mask);
Method2(void, glAttachShader, IN, GLuint, program, IN, GLuint, shader);
Method3(void, glBindAttribLocation, IN, GLuint, program, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLchar *, name);
Method1(void, glCompileShader, IN, GLuint, shader);
Method0(GLuint, glCreateProgram);
Method1(GLuint, glCreateShader, IN, GLenum, type);
Method1(void, glDeleteProgram, IN, GLuint, program);
Method1(void, glDeleteShader, IN, GLuint, shader);
Method2(void, glDetachShader, IN, GLuint, program, IN, GLuint, shader);
Method1(void, glDisableVertexAttribArray, IN, GLuint, index);
Method1(void, glEnableVertexAttribArray, IN, GLuint, index);
Method7(void, glGetActiveAttrib, IN, GLuint, program, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLsizei, bufSize, IN, GLsizei *, length, IN, GLint *, size, IN, GLenum *, type, IN, GLchar *, name);
Method7(void, glGetActiveUniform, IN, GLuint, program, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLsizei, bufSize, IN, GLsizei *, length, IN, GLint *, size, IN, GLenum *, type, IN, GLchar *, name);
Method4(void, glGetAttachedShaders, IN, GLuint, program, IN, GLsizei, maxCount, IN, GLsizei *, count, IN, GLuint *, obj);
Method2(GLint, glGetAttribLocation, IN, GLuint, program, IN, const GLchar *, name);
Method3(void, glGetProgramiv, IN, GLuint, program, IN, GLenum, pname, IN, GLint *, params);
Method4(void, glGetProgramInfoLog, IN, GLuint, program, IN, GLsizei, bufSize, IN, GLsizei *, length, IN, GLchar *, infoLog);
Method3(void, glGetShaderiv, IN, GLuint, shader, IN, GLenum, pname, IN, GLint *, params);
Method4(void, glGetShaderInfoLog, IN, GLuint, shader, IN, GLsizei, bufSize, IN, GLsizei *, length, IN, GLchar *, infoLog);
Method4(void, glGetShaderSource, IN, GLuint, shader, IN, GLsizei, bufSize, IN, GLsizei *, length, IN, GLchar *, source);
Method2(GLint, glGetUniformLocation, IN, GLuint, program, IN, const GLchar *, name);
Method3(void, glGetUniformfv, IN, GLuint, program, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLfloat *, params);
Method3(void, glGetUniformiv, IN, GLuint, program, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLint *, params);
Method3(void, glGetVertexAttribdv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLenum, pname, IN, GLdouble *, params);
Method3(void, glGetVertexAttribfv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLenum, pname, IN, GLfloat *, params);
Method3(void, glGetVertexAttribiv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLenum, pname, IN, GLint *, params);
Method3(void, glGetVertexAttribPointerv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLenum, pname, IN, GLvoid **, pointer);
Method1(GLboolean, glIsProgram, IN, GLuint, program);
Method1(GLboolean, glIsShader, IN, GLuint, shader);
Method1(void, glLinkProgram, IN, GLuint, program);
Method4(void, glShaderSource, IN, GLuint, shader, IN, GLsizei, count, IN, const GLchar **, string, IN, const GLint *, length);
Method1(void, glUseProgram, IN, GLuint, program);
Method2(void, glUniform1f, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLfloat, v0);
Method3(void, glUniform2f, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLfloat, v0, IN, GLfloat, v1);
Method4(void, glUniform3f, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLfloat, v0, IN, GLfloat, v1, IN, GLfloat, v2);
Method5(void, glUniform4f, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLfloat, v0, IN, GLfloat, v1, IN, GLfloat, v2, IN, GLfloat, v3);
Method2(void, glUniform1i, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLint, v0);
Method3(void, glUniform2i, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLint, v0, IN, GLint, v1);
Method4(void, glUniform3i, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLint, v0, IN, GLint, v1, IN, GLint, v2);
Method5(void, glUniform4i, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLint, v0, IN, GLint, v1, IN, GLint, v2, IN, GLint, v3);
Method3(void, glUniform1fv, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLsizei, count, IN, const GLfloat *, value);
Method3(void, glUniform2fv, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLsizei, count, IN, const GLfloat *, value);
Method3(void, glUniform3fv, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLsizei, count, IN, const GLfloat *, value);
Method3(void, glUniform4fv, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLsizei, count, IN, const GLfloat *, value);
Method3(void, glUniform1iv, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLsizei, count, IN, const GLint *, value);
Method3(void, glUniform2iv, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLsizei, count, IN, const GLint *, value);
Method3(void, glUniform3iv, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLsizei, count, IN, const GLint *, value);
Method3(void, glUniform4iv, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLsizei, count, IN, const GLint *, value);
Method4(void, glUniformMatrix2fv, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLsizei, count, IN, GLboolean, transpose, IN, const GLfloat *, value);
Method4(void, glUniformMatrix3fv, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLsizei, count, IN, GLboolean, transpose, IN, const GLfloat *, value);
Method4(void, glUniformMatrix4fv, IN, GLint, location, IN, GLsizei, count, IN, GLboolean, transpose, IN, const GLfloat *, value);
Method1(void, glValidateProgram, IN, GLuint, program);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib1d, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLdouble, x);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib1dv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLdouble *, v);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib1f, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLfloat, x);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib1fv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLfloat *, v);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib1s, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLshort, x);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib1sv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLshort *, v);
Method3(void, glVertexAttrib2d, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLdouble, x, IN, GLdouble, y);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib2dv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLdouble *, v);
Method3(void, glVertexAttrib2f, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLfloat, x, IN, GLfloat, y);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib2fv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLfloat *, v);
Method3(void, glVertexAttrib2s, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLshort, x, IN, GLshort, y);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib2sv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLshort *, v);
Method4(void, glVertexAttrib3d, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLdouble, x, IN, GLdouble, y, IN, GLdouble, z);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib3dv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLdouble *, v);
Method4(void, glVertexAttrib3f, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLfloat, x, IN, GLfloat, y, IN, GLfloat, z);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib3fv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLfloat *, v);
Method4(void, glVertexAttrib3s, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLshort, x, IN, GLshort, y, IN, GLshort, z);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib3sv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLshort *, v);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib4Nbv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLbyte *, v);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib4Niv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLint *, v);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib4Nsv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLshort *, v);
Method5(void, glVertexAttrib4Nub, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLubyte, x, IN, GLubyte, y, IN, GLubyte, z, IN, GLubyte, w);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib4Nubv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLubyte *, v);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib4Nuiv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLuint *, v);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib4Nusv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLushort *, v);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib4bv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLbyte *, v);
Method5(void, glVertexAttrib4d, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLdouble, x, IN, GLdouble, y, IN, GLdouble, z, IN, GLdouble, w);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib4dv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLdouble *, v);
Method5(void, glVertexAttrib4f, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLfloat, x, IN, GLfloat, y, IN, GLfloat, z, IN, GLfloat, w);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib4fv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLfloat *, v);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib4iv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLint *, v);
Method5(void, glVertexAttrib4s, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLshort, x, IN, GLshort, y, IN, GLshort, z, IN, GLshort, w);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib4sv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLshort *, v);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib4ubv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLubyte *, v);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib4uiv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLuint *, v);
Method2(void, glVertexAttrib4usv, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const GLushort *, v);
Method6(void, glVertexAttribPointer, IN, GLuint, index, IN, GLint, size, IN, GLenum, type, IN, GLboolean, normalized, IN, GLsizei, stride, IN, const GLvoid *, pointer);
Method0(GLuint, getCurrentProgram);
Method2(bool, getProgramInfoLog, IN, GLuint, program, IN, std::string &, result);
Method2(bool, getShaderInfoLog, IN, GLuint, shader, IN, std::string &, result);
Method2(bool, getAttribLocation, IN, const char *, attribName, IN, GLuint &, slot);
ReadOnlyProperty(GLuint, CurrentProgram);
WriteOnlyProperty(bool, FragmentShaderSupported);
ReadOnlyProperty(float, GlVersion);
WriteOnlyProperty(bool, Language100Supported);
ReadOnlyProperty(float, LanguageVersion);
WriteOnlyProperty(bool, ShaderObjectsSupported);
WriteOnlyProperty(bool, VertexShaderSupported);
WriteOnlyProperty(unsigned int, upGL2Extensions);
TYPE_NAME_ALIAS(std::map< std::string COMMA GLuint >, osg::Program::AttribBindingList); TYPE_NAME_ALIAS(std::map< std::string COMMA GLuint >, osg::Program::AttribBindingList);
TYPE_NAME_ALIAS(std::map< std::string COMMA std::pair< GLint COMMA GLenum > >, osg::Program::NameInfoMap); TYPE_NAME_ALIAS(std::map< std::string COMMA std::pair< GLint COMMA GLenum > >, osg::Program::NameInfoMap);
@ -165,7 +41,8 @@ BEGIN_OBJECT_REFLECTOR(osg::Program)
Method1(osg::Shader *, getShader, IN, unsigned int, i); Method1(osg::Shader *, getShader, IN, unsigned int, i);
Method1(const osg::Shader *, getShader, IN, unsigned int, i); Method1(const osg::Shader *, getShader, IN, unsigned int, i);
Method1(bool, removeShader, IN, osg::Shader *, shader); Method1(bool, removeShader, IN, osg::Shader *, shader);
Method2(void, bindAttribLocation, IN, GLuint, index, IN, const char *, name); Method2(void, addBindAttribLocation, IN, const std::string &, name, IN, GLuint, index);
Method1(void, removeBindAttribLocation, IN, const std::string &, name);
Method0(const osg::Program::AttribBindingList &, getAttribBindingList); Method0(const osg::Program::AttribBindingList &, getAttribBindingList);
Method0(bool, isFixedFunction); Method0(bool, isFixedFunction);
Method2(bool, getGlProgramInfoLog, IN, unsigned int, contextID, IN, std::string &, log); Method2(bool, getGlProgramInfoLog, IN, unsigned int, contextID, IN, std::string &, log);

View File

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
#include <osgIntrospection/TypedMethodInfo> #include <osgIntrospection/TypedMethodInfo>
#include <osgIntrospection/Attributes> #include <osgIntrospection/Attributes>
#include <osg/AlphaFunc>
#include <osg/CopyOp> #include <osg/CopyOp>
#include <osg/Object>
#include <osg/Shader> #include <osg/Shader>
@ -19,16 +19,12 @@ BEGIN_ENUM_REFLECTOR(osg::Shader::Type)
EnumLabel(osg::Shader::UNDEFINED); EnumLabel(osg::Shader::UNDEFINED);
BaseType(osg::Object); BaseType(osg::Object);
ConstructorWithDefaults1(IN, osg::Shader::Type, type, osg::Shader::UNDEFINED); ConstructorWithDefaults1(IN, osg::Shader::Type, type, osg::Shader::UNDEFINED);
Constructor2(IN, osg::Shader::Type, type, IN, const std::string &, source); Constructor2(IN, osg::Shader::Type, type, IN, const std::string &, source);
ConstructorWithDefaults2(IN, const osg::Shader &, rhs, , IN, const osg::CopyOp &, copyop, osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); ConstructorWithDefaults2(IN, const osg::Shader &, rhs, , IN, const osg::CopyOp &, copyop, osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);
Method0(osg::Object *, cloneType); Method2(, META_Object, IN, osg, x, IN, osg::Shader, x);
Method1(osg::Object *, clone, IN, const osg::CopyOp &, copyop);
Method1(bool, isSameKindAs, IN, const osg::Object *, obj);
Method0(const char *, libraryName);
Method0(const char *, className);
Method1(int, compare, IN, const osg::Shader &, rhs); Method1(int, compare, IN, const osg::Shader &, rhs);
Method1(bool, setType, IN, osg::Shader::Type, t); Method1(bool, setType, IN, osg::Shader::Type, t);
Method1(void, setShaderSource, IN, const std::string &, sourceText); Method1(void, setShaderSource, IN, const std::string &, sourceText);

View File

@ -10,10 +10,11 @@
#include <osgIntrospection/Attributes> #include <osgIntrospection/Attributes>
#include <osg/CopyOp> #include <osg/CopyOp>
#include <osg/Matrix> #include <osg/GL2Extensions>
#include <osg/Matrixd>
#include <osg/Matrixf>
#include <osg/NodeVisitor> #include <osg/NodeVisitor>
#include <osg/Object> #include <osg/Object>
#include <osg/Program>
#include <osg/StateSet> #include <osg/StateSet>
#include <osg/Uniform> #include <osg/Uniform>
#include <osg/Vec2> #include <osg/Vec2>
@ -67,7 +68,8 @@ BEGIN_OBJECT_REFLECTOR(osg::Uniform)
Constructor2(IN, const char *, name, IN, const osg::Vec2 &, v2); Constructor2(IN, const char *, name, IN, const osg::Vec2 &, v2);
Constructor2(IN, const char *, name, IN, const osg::Vec3 &, v3); Constructor2(IN, const char *, name, IN, const osg::Vec3 &, v3);
Constructor2(IN, const char *, name, IN, const osg::Vec4 &, v4); Constructor2(IN, const char *, name, IN, const osg::Vec4 &, v4);
Constructor2(IN, const char *, name, IN, const osg::Matrix &, m4); Constructor2(IN, const char *, name, IN, const osg::Matrixf &, m4);
Constructor2(IN, const char *, name, IN, const osg::Matrixd &, m4);
Constructor3(IN, const char *, name, IN, int, i0, IN, int, i1); Constructor3(IN, const char *, name, IN, int, i0, IN, int, i1);
Constructor4(IN, const char *, name, IN, int, i0, IN, int, i1, IN, int, i2); Constructor4(IN, const char *, name, IN, int, i0, IN, int, i1, IN, int, i2);
Constructor5(IN, const char *, name, IN, int, i0, IN, int, i1, IN, int, i2, IN, int, i3); Constructor5(IN, const char *, name, IN, int, i0, IN, int, i1, IN, int, i2, IN, int, i3);
@ -88,7 +90,8 @@ BEGIN_OBJECT_REFLECTOR(osg::Uniform)
Method1(bool, set, IN, const osg::Vec2 &, v2); Method1(bool, set, IN, const osg::Vec2 &, v2);
Method1(bool, set, IN, const osg::Vec3 &, v3); Method1(bool, set, IN, const osg::Vec3 &, v3);
Method1(bool, set, IN, const osg::Vec4 &, v4); Method1(bool, set, IN, const osg::Vec4 &, v4);
Method1(bool, set, IN, const osg::Matrix &, m4); Method1(bool, set, IN, const osg::Matrixf &, m4);
Method1(bool, set, IN, const osg::Matrixd &, m4);
Method2(bool, set, IN, int, i0, IN, int, i1); Method2(bool, set, IN, int, i0, IN, int, i1);
Method3(bool, set, IN, int, i0, IN, int, i1, IN, int, i2); Method3(bool, set, IN, int, i0, IN, int, i1, IN, int, i2);
Method4(bool, set, IN, int, i0, IN, int, i1, IN, int, i2, IN, int, i3); Method4(bool, set, IN, int, i0, IN, int, i1, IN, int, i2, IN, int, i3);
@ -101,7 +104,8 @@ BEGIN_OBJECT_REFLECTOR(osg::Uniform)
Method1(bool, get, IN, osg::Vec2 &, v2); Method1(bool, get, IN, osg::Vec2 &, v2);
Method1(bool, get, IN, osg::Vec3 &, v3); Method1(bool, get, IN, osg::Vec3 &, v3);
Method1(bool, get, IN, osg::Vec4 &, v4); Method1(bool, get, IN, osg::Vec4 &, v4);
Method1(bool, get, IN, osg::Matrix &, m4); Method1(bool, get, IN, osg::Matrixf &, m4);
Method1(bool, get, IN, osg::Matrixd &, m4);
Method2(bool, get, IN, int &, i0, IN, int &, i1); Method2(bool, get, IN, int &, i0, IN, int &, i1);
Method3(bool, get, IN, int &, i0, IN, int &, i1, IN, int &, i2); Method3(bool, get, IN, int &, i0, IN, int &, i1, IN, int &, i2);
Method4(bool, get, IN, int &, i0, IN, int &, i1, IN, int &, i2, IN, int &, i3); Method4(bool, get, IN, int &, i0, IN, int &, i1, IN, int &, i2, IN, int &, i3);

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include <osg/Object> #include <osg/Object>
#include <osg/Vec3> #include <osg/Vec3>
#include <osgParticle/Emitter> #include <osgParticle/Emitter>
#include <osgParticle/Particle>
#include <osgParticle/ParticleEffect> #include <osgParticle/ParticleEffect>
#include <osgParticle/ParticleSystem> #include <osgParticle/ParticleSystem>
#include <osgParticle/Program> #include <osgParticle/Program>
@ -28,6 +29,10 @@ BEGIN_ABSTRACT_OBJECT_REFLECTOR(osgParticle::ParticleEffect)
Method1(void, accept, IN, osg::NodeVisitor &, nv); Method1(void, accept, IN, osg::NodeVisitor &, nv);
Method1(void, setUseLocalParticleSystem, IN, bool, local); Method1(void, setUseLocalParticleSystem, IN, bool, local);
Method0(bool, getUseLocalParticleSystem); Method0(bool, getUseLocalParticleSystem);
Method1(void, setTextureFileName, IN, const std::string &, filename);
Method0(const std::string &, getTextureFileName);
Method1(void, setDefaultParticleTemplate, IN, const osgParticle::Particle &, p);
Method0(const osgParticle::Particle &, getDefaultParticleTemplate);
Method1(void, setPosition, IN, const osg::Vec3 &, position); Method1(void, setPosition, IN, const osg::Vec3 &, position);
Method0(const osg::Vec3 &, getPosition); Method0(const osg::Vec3 &, getPosition);
Method1(void, setScale, IN, float, scale); Method1(void, setScale, IN, float, scale);
@ -53,6 +58,7 @@ BEGIN_ABSTRACT_OBJECT_REFLECTOR(osgParticle::ParticleEffect)
Method0(void, setDefaults); Method0(void, setDefaults);
Method0(void, setUpEmitterAndProgram); Method0(void, setUpEmitterAndProgram);
Method0(void, buildEffect); Method0(void, buildEffect);
Property(const osgParticle::Particle &, DefaultParticleTemplate);
ReadOnlyProperty(osgParticle::Emitter *, Emitter); ReadOnlyProperty(osgParticle::Emitter *, Emitter);
Property(double, EmitterDuration); Property(double, EmitterDuration);
Property(float, Intensity); Property(float, Intensity);
@ -62,6 +68,7 @@ BEGIN_ABSTRACT_OBJECT_REFLECTOR(osgParticle::ParticleEffect)
ReadOnlyProperty(osgParticle::Program *, Program); ReadOnlyProperty(osgParticle::Program *, Program);
Property(float, Scale); Property(float, Scale);
Property(double, StartTime); Property(double, StartTime);
Property(const std::string &, TextureFileName);
Property(bool, UseLocalParticleSystem); Property(bool, UseLocalParticleSystem);
Property(const osg::Vec3 &, Wind); Property(const osg::Vec3 &, Wind);

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ BEGIN_VALUE_REFLECTOR(osgUtil::Optimizer::FlattenStaticTransformsVisitor)
Method1(void, apply, IN, osg::Node &, geode); Method1(void, apply, IN, osg::Node &, geode);
Method1(void, apply, IN, osg::Geode &, geode); Method1(void, apply, IN, osg::Geode &, geode);
Method1(void, apply, IN, osg::Billboard &, geode); Method1(void, apply, IN, osg::Billboard &, geode);
Method1(void, apply, IN, osg::ProxyNode &, node);
Method1(void, apply, IN, osg::Transform &, transform); Method1(void, apply, IN, osg::Transform &, transform);
Method1(bool, removeTransforms, IN, osg::Node *, nodeWeCannotRemove); Method1(bool, removeTransforms, IN, osg::Node *, nodeWeCannotRemove);