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Raw Normal View History

2001-01-11 00:32:10 +08:00
#include <osg/Export>
#include <osg/Vec3>
#include <float.h>
namespace osg {
class BoundingSphere;
/** General purpose axis-aligned bounding box class for enclosing objects/vertices.
Used to bounding the leaf objects in the scene,
i.e. osg::GeoSet's to assist in view frustum culling etc.
class SG_EXPORT BoundingBox
/** The corner with the smallest values for each coordinate of the
bounding box.*/
Vec3 _min;
/** The corner with the largest values for each coordinate of the
bounding box.*/
Vec3 _max;
/** construct to invalid values to represent an unset bounding box.*/
BoundingBox() : _min(FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX),
/** initialize to invalid values to represent an unset bounding box.*/
void init()
/** return true if the bounding box contains valid values,
false if the bounding box is effectively unset/empty.*/
bool isValid() const
return _max.x()>=_min.x();
float& xMin() { return _min.x(); }
float xMin() const { return _min.x(); }
float& yMin() { return _min.y(); }
float yMin() const { return _min.y(); }
float& zMin() { return _min.z(); }
float zMin() const { return _min.z(); }
float& xMax() { return _max.x(); }
float xMax() const { return _max.x(); }
float& yMax() { return _max.y(); }
float yMax() const { return _max.y(); }
float& zMax() { return _max.z(); }
float zMax() const { return _max.z(); }
/** Calculate and return the center of the bounding box.*/
Vec3 center() const
return (_min+_max)*0.5f;
/** Calculate and return the radius of the bounding box.*/
float radius() const
return sqrtf(radius2());
/** Calculate and return the radius squared of the bounding box.
Note, radius2() is faster to calculate than radius().*/
float radius2() const
return 0.25f*((_max-_min).length2());
/** return the corner of the bounding box.
Position (pos) is specfied by a number between 0 and 7,
the first bit toggles between x min and x max, second
bit toggles between y min and y max, third bit toggles
between z min and z max.*/
Vec3 corner(unsigned int pos) const
return Vec3(pos&1?_max.x():_min.x(),pos&2?_max.y():_min.y(),pos&4?_max.z():_min.z());
/** If the vertex is outwith the box expand to ecompass vertex.
If this box is empty then move set this box's min max to vertex. */
void expandBy(const Vec3& v);
/** If incomming box is outwith the box expand to ecompass incomming box.
If this box is empty then move set this box to incomming box. */
void expandBy(const BoundingBox& bb);
/** If incomming sphere is outwith the box expand to ecompass incomming sphere.
If this box is empty then move set this box to encompass the sphere. */
void expandBy(const BoundingSphere& sh);
/** return true is vertex v is within the box.*/
bool contains(const Vec3& v)
return isValid() &&
(v.x()>=_min.x() && v.x()<=_max.x()) &&
(v.y()>=_min.y() && v.y()<=_max.y()) &&
(v.z()>=_min.z() && v.z()<=_max.z());