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2006-07-18 23:21:48 +08:00
/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield
* Copyright (C) 2012 David Callu
* This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under
* the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or
* (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file
* included with this distribution, and on the website.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details.
#include <osg/GL>
#include <osg/GLExtensions>
#include <osg/Object>
#include <osg/buffered_value>
#include <osg/FrameStamp>
#include <osg/GLObjects>
2011-01-25 05:12:25 +08:00
#include <iosfwd>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#ifndef GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
#define GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB 0x8892
#define GL_STREAM_DRAW_ARB 0x88E0
#define GL_STREAM_READ_ARB 0x88E1
#define GL_STREAM_COPY_ARB 0x88E2
#define GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB 0x88E4
#define GL_STATIC_READ_ARB 0x88E5
#define GL_STATIC_COPY_ARB 0x88E6
#define GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW_ARB 0x88E8
#define GL_DYNAMIC_READ_ARB 0x88E9
#define GL_READ_ONLY_ARB 0x88B8
#define GL_WRITE_ONLY_ARB 0x88B9
#define GL_READ_WRITE_ARB 0x88BA
#define GL_BUFFER_SIZE_ARB 0x8764
#define GL_BUFFER_USAGE_ARB 0x8765
#ifndef GL_VERSION_1_5
#define GL_STREAM_DRAW 0x88E0
#define GL_STREAM_READ 0x88E1
#define GL_STREAM_COPY 0x88E2
#define GL_STATIC_DRAW 0x88E4
#define GL_STATIC_READ 0x88E5
#define GL_STATIC_COPY 0x88E6
#define GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW 0x88E8
#define GL_DYNAMIC_READ 0x88E9
#define GL_DYNAMIC_COPY 0x88EA
#ifndef GL_VERSION_2_1
#ifndef GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object
namespace osg
class State;
class BufferData;
class BufferObject;
class BufferObjectProfile
_size(0) {}
BufferObjectProfile(GLenum target, GLenum usage, unsigned int size):
_size(size) {}
BufferObjectProfile(const BufferObjectProfile& bpo):
_size(bpo._size) {}
bool operator < (const BufferObjectProfile& rhs) const
if (_target < rhs._target) return true;
else if (_target > rhs._target) return false;
if (_usage < rhs._usage) return true;
else if (_usage > rhs._usage) return false;
return _size < rhs._size;
bool operator == (const BufferObjectProfile& rhs) const
return (_target == rhs._target) &&
(_usage == rhs._usage) &&
(_size == rhs._size);
void setProfile(GLenum target, GLenum usage, unsigned int size)
_target = target;
_usage = usage;
_size = size;
BufferObjectProfile& operator = (const BufferObjectProfile& rhs)
_target = rhs._target;
_usage = rhs._usage;
_size = rhs._size;
return *this;
GLenum _target;
GLenum _usage;
GLenum _size;
// forward declare
class GLBufferObjectSet;
class GLBufferObjectManager;
inline unsigned int computeBufferAlignment(unsigned int pos, unsigned int bufferAlignment)
if (bufferAlignment<2) return pos;
if ((pos%bufferAlignment)==0) return pos;
return ((pos/bufferAlignment)+1)*bufferAlignment;
class OSG_EXPORT GLBufferObject : public GraphicsObject
GLBufferObject(unsigned int contextID, BufferObject* bufferObject, unsigned int glObjectID=0);
void setProfile(const BufferObjectProfile& profile) { _profile = profile; }
const BufferObjectProfile& getProfile() const { return _profile; }
void setBufferObject(BufferObject* bufferObject);
BufferObject* getBufferObject() { return _bufferObject; }
2007-06-30 22:30:44 +08:00
struct BufferEntry
BufferEntry(): numRead(0), modifiedCount(0),dataSize(0),offset(0),dataSource(0) {}
BufferEntry(const BufferEntry& rhs):
dataSource(rhs.dataSource) {}
BufferEntry& operator = (const BufferEntry& rhs)
if (&rhs==this) return *this;
numRead = rhs.numRead;
modifiedCount = rhs.modifiedCount;
dataSize = rhs.dataSize;
offset = rhs.offset;
dataSource = rhs.dataSource;
return *this;
unsigned int getNumClients() const;
unsigned int numRead;
unsigned int modifiedCount;
2009-10-07 17:39:45 +08:00
unsigned int dataSize;
unsigned int offset;
BufferData* dataSource;
inline unsigned int getContextID() const { return _contextID; }
inline GLuint& getGLObjectID() { return _glObjectID; }
inline GLuint getGLObjectID() const { return _glObjectID; }
inline GLsizeiptr getOffset(unsigned int i) const { return _bufferEntries[i].offset; }
inline void bindBuffer();
inline void unbindBuffer()
/** release GLBufferObject to the orphan list to be reused or deleted.*/
void release();
inline bool isDirty() const { return _dirty; }
void dirty() { _dirty = true; }
void clear();
void compileBuffer();
void deleteGLObject();
void assign(BufferObject* bufferObject);
bool isPBOSupported() const { return _extensions->isPBOSupported; }
bool hasAllBufferDataBeenRead() const;
void setBufferDataHasBeenRead(const osg::BufferData* bd);
virtual ~GLBufferObject();
unsigned int computeBufferAlignment(unsigned int pos, unsigned int bufferAlignment) const
return osg::computeBufferAlignment(pos, bufferAlignment);
unsigned int _contextID;
GLuint _glObjectID;
BufferObjectProfile _profile;
unsigned int _allocatedSize;
bool _dirty;
typedef std::vector<BufferEntry> BufferEntries;
BufferEntries _bufferEntries;
BufferObject* _bufferObject;
GLBufferObjectSet* _set;
GLBufferObject* _previous;
GLBufferObject* _next;
unsigned int _frameLastUsed;
GLExtensions* _extensions;
typedef std::list< ref_ptr<GLBufferObject> > GLBufferObjectList;
class OSG_EXPORT GLBufferObjectSet : public Referenced
GLBufferObjectSet(GLBufferObjectManager* parent, const BufferObjectProfile& profile);
const BufferObjectProfile& getProfile() const { return _profile; }
void handlePendingOrphandedGLBufferObjects();
void deleteAllGLBufferObjects();
void discardAllGLBufferObjects();
void flushAllDeletedGLBufferObjects();
void discardAllDeletedGLBufferObjects();
void flushDeletedGLBufferObjects(double currentTime, double& availableTime);
osg::ref_ptr<GLBufferObject> takeFromOrphans(BufferObject* bufferObject);
osg::ref_ptr<GLBufferObject> takeOrGenerate(BufferObject* bufferObject);
void moveToBack(GLBufferObject* to);
void addToBack(GLBufferObject* to);
void orphan(GLBufferObject* to);
void remove(GLBufferObject* to);
void moveToSet(GLBufferObject* to, GLBufferObjectSet* set);
unsigned int size() const { return _profile._size * _numOfGLBufferObjects; }
bool makeSpace(unsigned int& size);
bool checkConsistency() const;
GLBufferObjectManager* getParent() { return _parent; }
unsigned int computeNumGLBufferObjectsInList() const;
unsigned int getNumOfGLBufferObjects() const { return _numOfGLBufferObjects; }
unsigned int getNumOrphans() const { return static_cast<unsigned int>(_orphanedGLBufferObjects.size()); }
unsigned int getNumPendingOrphans() const { return static_cast<unsigned int>(_pendingOrphanedGLBufferObjects.size()); }
virtual ~GLBufferObjectSet();
OpenThreads::Mutex _mutex;
GLBufferObjectManager* _parent;
unsigned int _contextID;
BufferObjectProfile _profile;
unsigned int _numOfGLBufferObjects;
GLBufferObjectList _orphanedGLBufferObjects;
GLBufferObjectList _pendingOrphanedGLBufferObjects;
GLBufferObject* _head;
GLBufferObject* _tail;
class OSG_EXPORT GLBufferObjectManager : public GraphicsObjectManager
GLBufferObjectManager(unsigned int contextID);
void setNumberActiveGLBufferObjects(unsigned int size) { _numActiveGLBufferObjects = size; }
unsigned int& getNumberActiveGLBufferObjects() { return _numActiveGLBufferObjects; }
unsigned int getNumberActiveGLBufferObjects() const { return _numActiveGLBufferObjects; }
void setNumberOrphanedGLBufferObjects(unsigned int size) { _numOrphanedGLBufferObjects = size; }
unsigned int& getNumberOrphanedGLBufferObjects() { return _numOrphanedGLBufferObjects; }
unsigned int getNumberOrphanedGLBufferObjects() const { return _numOrphanedGLBufferObjects; }
void setCurrGLBufferObjectPoolSize(unsigned int size) { _currGLBufferObjectPoolSize = size; }
unsigned int& getCurrGLBufferObjectPoolSize() { return _currGLBufferObjectPoolSize; }
unsigned int getCurrGLBufferObjectPoolSize() const { return _currGLBufferObjectPoolSize; }
void setMaxGLBufferObjectPoolSize(unsigned int size);
unsigned int getMaxGLBufferObjectPoolSize() const { return _maxGLBufferObjectPoolSize; }
bool hasSpace(unsigned int size) const { return (_currGLBufferObjectPoolSize+size)<=_maxGLBufferObjectPoolSize; }
bool makeSpace(unsigned int size);
osg::ref_ptr<GLBufferObject> generateGLBufferObject(const osg::BufferObject* bufferObject);
void handlePendingOrphandedGLBufferObjects();
void deleteAllGLObjects();
void discardAllGLObjects();
void flushAllDeletedGLObjects();
void discardAllDeletedGLObjects();
void flushDeletedGLObjects(double currentTime, double& availableTime);
GLBufferObjectSet* getGLBufferObjectSet(const BufferObjectProfile& profile);
void newFrame(osg::FrameStamp* fs);
void resetStats();
void reportStats(std::ostream& out);
2016-06-02 21:31:44 +08:00
void recomputeStats(std::ostream& out) const;
unsigned int& getFrameNumber() { return _frameNumber; }
unsigned int& getNumberFrames() { return _numFrames; }
unsigned int& getNumberDeleted() { return _numDeleted; }
double& getDeleteTime() { return _deleteTime; }
unsigned int& getNumberGenerated() { return _numGenerated; }
double& getGenerateTime() { return _generateTime; }
unsigned int& getNumberApplied() { return _numApplied; }
double& getApplyTime() { return _applyTime; }
virtual ~GLBufferObjectManager();
typedef std::map< BufferObjectProfile, osg::ref_ptr<GLBufferObjectSet> > GLBufferObjectSetMap;
unsigned int _numActiveGLBufferObjects;
unsigned int _numOrphanedGLBufferObjects;
unsigned int _currGLBufferObjectPoolSize;
unsigned int _maxGLBufferObjectPoolSize;
GLBufferObjectSetMap _glBufferObjectSetMap;
unsigned int _frameNumber;
unsigned int _numFrames;
unsigned int _numDeleted;
double _deleteTime;
unsigned int _numGenerated;
double _generateTime;
unsigned int _numApplied;
double _applyTime;
class OSG_EXPORT BufferObject : public Object
/** Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.*/
BufferObject(const BufferObject& bo,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);
virtual bool isSameKindAs(const Object* obj) const { return dynamic_cast<const BufferObject*>(obj)!=NULL; }
virtual const char* libraryName() const { return "osg"; }
virtual const char* className() const { return "BufferObject"; }
void setTarget(GLenum target) { _profile._target = target; }
GLenum getTarget() const { return _profile._target; }
/** Set what type of usage the buffer object will have. Options are:
void setUsage(GLenum usage) { _profile._usage = usage; }
/** Get the type of usage the buffer object has been set up for.*/
GLenum getUsage() const { return _profile._usage; }
BufferObjectProfile& getProfile() { return _profile; }
const BufferObjectProfile& getProfile() const { return _profile; }
/** Set whether the BufferObject should use a GLBufferObject just for copying the BufferData and release it immmediately so that it may be reused.*/
void setCopyDataAndReleaseGLBufferObject(bool copyAndRelease) { _copyDataAndReleaseGLBufferObject = copyAndRelease; }
/** Get whether the BufferObject should use a GLBufferObject just for copying the BufferData and release it immmediately.*/
bool getCopyDataAndReleaseGLBufferObject() const { return _copyDataAndReleaseGLBufferObject; }
void dirty();
/** Resize any per context GLObject buffers to specified size. */
virtual void resizeGLObjectBuffers(unsigned int maxSize);
/** If State is non-zero, this function releases OpenGL objects for
* the specified graphics context. Otherwise, releases OpenGL objects
* for all graphics contexts. */
void releaseGLObjects(State* state=0) const;
unsigned int addBufferData(BufferData* bd);
void removeBufferData(unsigned int index);
void removeBufferData(BufferData* bd);
void setBufferData(unsigned int index, BufferData* bd);
BufferData* getBufferData(unsigned int index) { return _bufferDataList[index]; }
const BufferData* getBufferData(unsigned int index) const { return _bufferDataList[index]; }
unsigned int getNumBufferData() const { return static_cast<unsigned int>(_bufferDataList.size()); }
void setGLBufferObject(unsigned int contextID, GLBufferObject* glbo) { _glBufferObjects[contextID] = glbo; }
GLBufferObject* getGLBufferObject(unsigned int contextID) const { return _glBufferObjects[contextID].get(); }
GLBufferObject* getOrCreateGLBufferObject(unsigned int contextID) const;
unsigned int computeRequiredBufferSize() const;
/** deprecated, provided for backwards compatibility.*/
static void deleteBufferObject(unsigned int contextID,GLuint globj);
typedef std::vector< BufferData* > BufferDataList;
typedef osg::buffered_object< osg::ref_ptr<GLBufferObject> > GLBufferObjects;
BufferObjectProfile _profile;
bool _copyDataAndReleaseGLBufferObject;
BufferDataList _bufferDataList;
mutable GLBufferObjects _glBufferObjects;
2009-10-04 16:52:01 +08:00
class OSG_EXPORT BufferData : public Object
_numClients(0) {}
/** Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.*/
BufferData(const BufferData& bd,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY):
_numClients(0) {}
virtual bool isSameKindAs(const Object* obj) const { return dynamic_cast<const BufferData*>(obj)!=NULL; }
virtual const char* libraryName() const { return "osg"; }
virtual const char* className() const { return "BufferData"; }
virtual const GLvoid* getDataPointer() const = 0;
virtual unsigned int getTotalDataSize() const = 0;
virtual osg::Array* asArray() { return 0; }
virtual const osg::Array* asArray() const { return 0; }
virtual osg::PrimitiveSet* asPrimitiveSet() { return 0; }
virtual const osg::PrimitiveSet* asPrimitiveSet() const { return 0; }
virtual osg::Image* asImage() { return 0; }
virtual const osg::Image* asImage() const { return 0; }
void setBufferObject(BufferObject* bufferObject);
BufferObject* getBufferObject() { return _bufferObject.get(); }
const BufferObject* getBufferObject() const { return _bufferObject.get(); }
void setBufferIndex(unsigned int index) { _bufferIndex = index; }
unsigned int getBufferIndex() const { return _bufferIndex; }
GLBufferObject* getGLBufferObject(unsigned int contextID) const { return _bufferObject.valid() ? _bufferObject->getGLBufferObject(contextID) : 0; }
GLBufferObject* getOrCreateGLBufferObject(unsigned int contextID) const { return _bufferObject.valid() ? _bufferObject->getOrCreateGLBufferObject(contextID) : 0; }
struct ModifiedCallback : public virtual osg::Object
ModifiedCallback() {}
ModifiedCallback(const ModifiedCallback& org, const CopyOp& copyop) :
Object(org, copyop) {}
2010-05-01 03:41:24 +08:00
virtual void modified(BufferData* /*bufferData*/) const {}
void setModifiedCallback(ModifiedCallback* md) { _modifiedCallback = md; }
ModifiedCallback* getModifiedCallback() { return _modifiedCallback.get(); }
const ModifiedCallback* getModifiedCallback() const { return _modifiedCallback.get(); }
/** Dirty the primitive, which increments the modified count, to force buffer objects to update.
* If a ModifiedCallback is attached to this BufferData then the callback is called prior to the bufferObject's dirty is called. */
inline void dirty()
if (_modifiedCallback.valid()) _modifiedCallback->modified(this);
if (_bufferObject.valid()) _bufferObject->dirty();
/** Set the modified count value.*/
inline void setModifiedCount(unsigned int value) { _modifiedCount=value; }
/** Get modified count value.*/
inline unsigned int getModifiedCount() const { return _modifiedCount; }
/** Resize any per context GLObject buffers to specified size. */
virtual void resizeGLObjectBuffers(unsigned int maxSize);
/** If State is non-zero, this function releases OpenGL objects for
* the specified graphics context. Otherwise, releases OpenGL objects
* for all graphics contexts. */
void releaseGLObjects(State* state=0) const;
unsigned int getNumClients() const { return _numClients; }
void addClient(osg::Object * /*client*/) { ++_numClients; }
void removeClient(osg::Object * /*client*/) { --_numClients; }
virtual ~BufferData();
unsigned int _modifiedCount;
unsigned int _bufferIndex;
osg::ref_ptr<BufferObject> _bufferObject;
osg::ref_ptr<ModifiedCallback> _modifiedCallback;
unsigned int _numClients;
class Array;
class OSG_EXPORT VertexBufferObject : public BufferObject
/** Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.*/
VertexBufferObject(const VertexBufferObject& vbo,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);
unsigned int addArray(osg::Array* array);
void removeArray(osg::Array* array);
void setArray(unsigned int i, Array* array);
Array* getArray(unsigned int i);
const Array* getArray(unsigned int i) const;
virtual ~VertexBufferObject();
class DrawElements;
class OSG_EXPORT ElementBufferObject : public BufferObject
/** Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.*/
ElementBufferObject(const ElementBufferObject& pbo,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);
unsigned int addDrawElements(osg::DrawElements* PrimitiveSet);
void removeDrawElements(osg::DrawElements* PrimitiveSet);
void setDrawElements(unsigned int i, DrawElements* PrimitiveSet);
DrawElements* getDrawElements(unsigned int i);
const DrawElements* getDrawElements(unsigned int i) const;
virtual ~ElementBufferObject();
class OSG_EXPORT DrawIndirectBufferObject : public BufferObject
/** Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.*/
DrawIndirectBufferObject(const DrawIndirectBufferObject& vbo,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);
unsigned int addArray(osg::Array* array);
void removeArray(osg::Array* array);
void setArray(unsigned int i, Array* array);
Array* getArray(unsigned int i);
const Array* getArray(unsigned int i) const;
virtual ~DrawIndirectBufferObject();
class Image;
class OSG_EXPORT PixelBufferObject : public BufferObject
PixelBufferObject(osg::Image* image=0);
/** Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.*/
PixelBufferObject(const PixelBufferObject& pbo,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);
void setImage(osg::Image* image);
Image* getImage();
const Image* getImage() const;
bool isPBOSupported(unsigned int contextID) const { return _glBufferObjects[contextID]->isPBOSupported(); }
virtual ~PixelBufferObject();
From Art Tevs, "here is a submission of an additional class of PixelBufferObejct, which implements more general way of handling with PBOs. Current osg implementation of PBO does use an attached osg::Image to copy data from. This is somehow only one way of using it and doesn't provide full functionality of PBOs. -------------------------------------------- Descripton: The patch does provide a new class PixelDataBufferObject which is capable of allocating memory on the GPU side (PBO memory) of arbitrary size. The memory can then further be used to be enabled into read mode (GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB) or in write mode (GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB). Enabling the buffer into write mode will force the driver to write data from bounded textures into that buffer (i.e. glGetTexImage). Using buffer in read mode give you the possibility to read data from the buffer into a texture with e.g. glTexSubImage or other instuctions. Hence no data is copied over the CPU (host memory), all the operations are done in the GPU memory. -------------------------------------------- Compatibility: The new class require the unbindBuffer method from the base class BufferObject to be virtual, which shouldn't break any functionality of already existing classes. Except of this the new class is fully orthogonal to existing one, hence can be safely added into already existing osg system. -------------------------------------------- Testing: The new class was tested in the current svn version of osgPPU. I am using the new class to copy data from textures into the PBO and hence provide them to CUDA kernels. Also reading the results back from CUDA is implemented using the provided patch. The given patch gives a possibility of easy interoperability between CUDA and osg (osgPPU ;) ) -------------------------------------------- I think in general it is a better way to derive the PixelBufferObject class from PixelDataBufferObject, since the second one is a generalization of the first one. However this could break the current functionality, hence I haven't implemented it in such a way. However I would push that on a stack of wished osg 3.x features, since this will reflect the OpenGL PBO functionality through the classes better. "
2008-12-01 21:28:13 +08:00
* This object represent a general class of pixel buffer objects,
* which are capable of allocating buffer object (memory)
* on the GPU. The memory can then be used either for CPU-GPU
* pixel transfer or directly for GPU-GPU transfer, without CPU intervention.
class OSG_EXPORT PixelDataBufferObject : public BufferObject
PixelDataBufferObject(const PixelDataBufferObject& pbo, const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);
META_Object(osg, PixelDataBufferObject);
//! Set new size of the buffer object. This will reallocate the memory on the next compile
inline void setDataSize(unsigned int size) { _profile._size = size; dirty(); }
From Art Tevs, "here is a submission of an additional class of PixelBufferObejct, which implements more general way of handling with PBOs. Current osg implementation of PBO does use an attached osg::Image to copy data from. This is somehow only one way of using it and doesn't provide full functionality of PBOs. -------------------------------------------- Descripton: The patch does provide a new class PixelDataBufferObject which is capable of allocating memory on the GPU side (PBO memory) of arbitrary size. The memory can then further be used to be enabled into read mode (GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB) or in write mode (GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB). Enabling the buffer into write mode will force the driver to write data from bounded textures into that buffer (i.e. glGetTexImage). Using buffer in read mode give you the possibility to read data from the buffer into a texture with e.g. glTexSubImage or other instuctions. Hence no data is copied over the CPU (host memory), all the operations are done in the GPU memory. -------------------------------------------- Compatibility: The new class require the unbindBuffer method from the base class BufferObject to be virtual, which shouldn't break any functionality of already existing classes. Except of this the new class is fully orthogonal to existing one, hence can be safely added into already existing osg system. -------------------------------------------- Testing: The new class was tested in the current svn version of osgPPU. I am using the new class to copy data from textures into the PBO and hence provide them to CUDA kernels. Also reading the results back from CUDA is implemented using the provided patch. The given patch gives a possibility of easy interoperability between CUDA and osg (osgPPU ;) ) -------------------------------------------- I think in general it is a better way to derive the PixelBufferObject class from PixelDataBufferObject, since the second one is a generalization of the first one. However this could break the current functionality, hence I haven't implemented it in such a way. However I would push that on a stack of wished osg 3.x features, since this will reflect the OpenGL PBO functionality through the classes better. "
2008-12-01 21:28:13 +08:00
//! Get data size of the used buffer
inline unsigned int getDataSize() const { return _profile._size; }
From Art Tevs, "here is a submission of an additional class of PixelBufferObejct, which implements more general way of handling with PBOs. Current osg implementation of PBO does use an attached osg::Image to copy data from. This is somehow only one way of using it and doesn't provide full functionality of PBOs. -------------------------------------------- Descripton: The patch does provide a new class PixelDataBufferObject which is capable of allocating memory on the GPU side (PBO memory) of arbitrary size. The memory can then further be used to be enabled into read mode (GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB) or in write mode (GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB). Enabling the buffer into write mode will force the driver to write data from bounded textures into that buffer (i.e. glGetTexImage). Using buffer in read mode give you the possibility to read data from the buffer into a texture with e.g. glTexSubImage or other instuctions. Hence no data is copied over the CPU (host memory), all the operations are done in the GPU memory. -------------------------------------------- Compatibility: The new class require the unbindBuffer method from the base class BufferObject to be virtual, which shouldn't break any functionality of already existing classes. Except of this the new class is fully orthogonal to existing one, hence can be safely added into already existing osg system. -------------------------------------------- Testing: The new class was tested in the current svn version of osgPPU. I am using the new class to copy data from textures into the PBO and hence provide them to CUDA kernels. Also reading the results back from CUDA is implemented using the provided patch. The given patch gives a possibility of easy interoperability between CUDA and osg (osgPPU ;) ) -------------------------------------------- I think in general it is a better way to derive the PixelBufferObject class from PixelDataBufferObject, since the second one is a generalization of the first one. However this could break the current functionality, hence I haven't implemented it in such a way. However I would push that on a stack of wished osg 3.x features, since this will reflect the OpenGL PBO functionality through the classes better. "
2008-12-01 21:28:13 +08:00
//! Compile the buffer (reallocate the memory if buffer is dirty)
virtual void compileBuffer(State& state) const;
//! Bind the buffer in read mode, which means that data can be downloaded from the buffer (note: GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB)
virtual void bindBufferInReadMode(State& state);
//! Bind the buffer in write mode, which means following OpenGL instructions will write data into the buffer (note: GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB)
virtual void bindBufferInWriteMode(State& state);
//! Unbind the buffer
From Art Tevs, "here is a submission of an additional class of PixelBufferObejct, which implements more general way of handling with PBOs. Current osg implementation of PBO does use an attached osg::Image to copy data from. This is somehow only one way of using it and doesn't provide full functionality of PBOs. -------------------------------------------- Descripton: The patch does provide a new class PixelDataBufferObject which is capable of allocating memory on the GPU side (PBO memory) of arbitrary size. The memory can then further be used to be enabled into read mode (GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB) or in write mode (GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB). Enabling the buffer into write mode will force the driver to write data from bounded textures into that buffer (i.e. glGetTexImage). Using buffer in read mode give you the possibility to read data from the buffer into a texture with e.g. glTexSubImage or other instuctions. Hence no data is copied over the CPU (host memory), all the operations are done in the GPU memory. -------------------------------------------- Compatibility: The new class require the unbindBuffer method from the base class BufferObject to be virtual, which shouldn't break any functionality of already existing classes. Except of this the new class is fully orthogonal to existing one, hence can be safely added into already existing osg system. -------------------------------------------- Testing: The new class was tested in the current svn version of osgPPU. I am using the new class to copy data from textures into the PBO and hence provide them to CUDA kernels. Also reading the results back from CUDA is implemented using the provided patch. The given patch gives a possibility of easy interoperability between CUDA and osg (osgPPU ;) ) -------------------------------------------- I think in general it is a better way to derive the PixelBufferObject class from PixelDataBufferObject, since the second one is a generalization of the first one. However this could break the current functionality, hence I haven't implemented it in such a way. However I would push that on a stack of wished osg 3.x features, since this will reflect the OpenGL PBO functionality through the classes better. "
2008-12-01 21:28:13 +08:00
virtual void unbindBuffer(unsigned int contextID) const;
/** Resize any per context GLObject buffers to specified size. */
virtual void resizeGLObjectBuffers(unsigned int maxSize);
enum Mode
//! A normal mode of this data buffer
NONE = 0,
//! Buffer is in read mode (@see bindBufferInReadMode)
READ = 1,
//! Buffer is in write mode (@see bindBufferInWriteMode)
Mode getMode(unsigned int contextID) const { return (Mode)_mode[contextID]; }
virtual ~PixelDataBufferObject();
typedef osg::buffered_value<unsigned int> ModeList;
From Art Tevs, "here is a submission of an additional class of PixelBufferObejct, which implements more general way of handling with PBOs. Current osg implementation of PBO does use an attached osg::Image to copy data from. This is somehow only one way of using it and doesn't provide full functionality of PBOs. -------------------------------------------- Descripton: The patch does provide a new class PixelDataBufferObject which is capable of allocating memory on the GPU side (PBO memory) of arbitrary size. The memory can then further be used to be enabled into read mode (GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB) or in write mode (GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB). Enabling the buffer into write mode will force the driver to write data from bounded textures into that buffer (i.e. glGetTexImage). Using buffer in read mode give you the possibility to read data from the buffer into a texture with e.g. glTexSubImage or other instuctions. Hence no data is copied over the CPU (host memory), all the operations are done in the GPU memory. -------------------------------------------- Compatibility: The new class require the unbindBuffer method from the base class BufferObject to be virtual, which shouldn't break any functionality of already existing classes. Except of this the new class is fully orthogonal to existing one, hence can be safely added into already existing osg system. -------------------------------------------- Testing: The new class was tested in the current svn version of osgPPU. I am using the new class to copy data from textures into the PBO and hence provide them to CUDA kernels. Also reading the results back from CUDA is implemented using the provided patch. The given patch gives a possibility of easy interoperability between CUDA and osg (osgPPU ;) ) -------------------------------------------- I think in general it is a better way to derive the PixelBufferObject class from PixelDataBufferObject, since the second one is a generalization of the first one. However this could break the current functionality, hence I haven't implemented it in such a way. However I would push that on a stack of wished osg 3.x features, since this will reflect the OpenGL PBO functionality through the classes better. "
2008-12-01 21:28:13 +08:00
mutable ModeList _mode;
From Art Tevs, "here is a submission of an additional class of PixelBufferObejct, which implements more general way of handling with PBOs. Current osg implementation of PBO does use an attached osg::Image to copy data from. This is somehow only one way of using it and doesn't provide full functionality of PBOs. -------------------------------------------- Descripton: The patch does provide a new class PixelDataBufferObject which is capable of allocating memory on the GPU side (PBO memory) of arbitrary size. The memory can then further be used to be enabled into read mode (GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB) or in write mode (GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB). Enabling the buffer into write mode will force the driver to write data from bounded textures into that buffer (i.e. glGetTexImage). Using buffer in read mode give you the possibility to read data from the buffer into a texture with e.g. glTexSubImage or other instuctions. Hence no data is copied over the CPU (host memory), all the operations are done in the GPU memory. -------------------------------------------- Compatibility: The new class require the unbindBuffer method from the base class BufferObject to be virtual, which shouldn't break any functionality of already existing classes. Except of this the new class is fully orthogonal to existing one, hence can be safely added into already existing osg system. -------------------------------------------- Testing: The new class was tested in the current svn version of osgPPU. I am using the new class to copy data from textures into the PBO and hence provide them to CUDA kernels. Also reading the results back from CUDA is implemented using the provided patch. The given patch gives a possibility of easy interoperability between CUDA and osg (osgPPU ;) ) -------------------------------------------- I think in general it is a better way to derive the PixelBufferObject class from PixelDataBufferObject, since the second one is a generalization of the first one. However this could break the current functionality, hence I haven't implemented it in such a way. However I would push that on a stack of wished osg 3.x features, since this will reflect the OpenGL PBO functionality through the classes better. "
2008-12-01 21:28:13 +08:00
class OSG_EXPORT UniformBufferObject : public BufferObject
UniformBufferObject(const UniformBufferObject& ubo, const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);
META_Object(osg, UniformBufferObject);
virtual ~UniformBufferObject();
class OSG_EXPORT AtomicCounterBufferObject : public BufferObject
AtomicCounterBufferObject(const AtomicCounterBufferObject& ubo, const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);
META_Object(osg, AtomicCounterBufferObject);
virtual ~AtomicCounterBufferObject();
inline void GLBufferObject::bindBuffer()
if (_set) _set->moveToBack(this);
class OSG_EXPORT ShaderStorageBufferObject : public BufferObject
ShaderStorageBufferObject(const ShaderStorageBufferObject& ubo, const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);
META_Object(osg, ShaderStorageBufferObject);
virtual ~ShaderStorageBufferObject();