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// osgsimpleviewerCocoa
// Created by Eric Wing on 11/12/06.
// Copyright 2006. All rights reserved.
/* This class demonstrates how to subclass NSOpenGLView to integrate with the
* osgViewer::SimpleViewer.
* This class demonstrates:
* Objective-C++
* How to subclass NSOpenGLView
* Specifying OpenGL pixel formats
* V-sync
* Timer based animation
* One button and multibutton mice.
* Scroll events (Mighty Mouse, Two-finger trackpads)
* Keyboard events
* Drag and drop (as target)
* Resolution Independent UI (maybe, not Leopard tested, only Tiger Quartz Debug)
* Target-Action (for other widgets to invoke actions on this view)
* Things not demonstrated by this view or application example (but would be interesting):
* Cocoa Bindings (highly recommended)
* Core Data (works great with Cocoa Bindings)
* Custom Interface Builder palette with Inspector configurable options
* Shared OpenGLContexts
* More PixelFormat options
* Fullscreen mode
* Low-level CGL access.
* Delegates for your view
* Multithreading
* Drag-and-drop as a source (similar to the target code)
* Copy, Cut, Paste (very similar to drag-and-drop)
* Creating (updating) images of the window for the minimized view in the Dock
* Printing support
* Non-view stuff (Application Delegates, models, controllers)
* Launching by double-clicking a model or drag-and-drop onto Application Icon (non-view)
* Launching via commandline with parameters (non-view)
* Coding conventions:
* My coding style is slightly different than what you normally see in Cocoa.
* So here is the cheat sheet:
* I hate Hungarian (Microsoft) notation. And prefixed underscore _variables
* are technically reserved by the compiler which is why I avoid them. So...
* Member variables use camelCase (Pascal/Java)
* Local variables use under_scores (Ada)
* For methods, I follow standard Cocoa conventions.
* I tend to keep * with the type (e.g. NSView* foo) instead of with the variable (NSView *foo).
* (I tend to think of the pointer as part of the type.)
* For Obj-C named parameters, I tend to keep the namedParameter and the value
* together instead of separated by spaces
* (e.g. [self initWithX:x_val yVal:y_val zVal:z_val].
* (When I was first learning Objective-C, this made it easier for me to
* figure out which things * were paired.)
#import "SimpleViewerCocoa.h"
#include <osgViewer/SimpleViewer>
#include <osgGA/TrackballManipulator>
// Needed to explicitly typecast keys to the OSG type
#include <osgGA/GUIEventAdapter>
// Needed to load models
#include <osgDB/ReadFile>
// Used so I can change the background (clear) color
#include <osgUtil/SceneView>
#include <osg/Vec4>
// For debugging
//#include <osg/Notify>
// osgText is used only to announce that you can use drag-and-drop to load models.
// osgViewer itself does not have a dependency on osgText.
#include <osg/ref_ptr>
#include <osgText/Text>
#include <osg/Geode>
@implementation SimpleViewerCocoa
// My simple pixel format definition
+ (NSOpenGLPixelFormat*) basicPixelFormat
NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute pixel_attributes[] =
NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer, // double buffered
NSOpenGLPFADepthSize, (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)32, // depth buffer size in bits
return [[[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:pixel_attributes] autorelease];
/////////////////////////// Init Stuff /////////////////////////////////
/* This is the designated initializer for an NSOpenGLView. However, since I'm
* using Interface Builder to help, initWithCoder: is the initializer that gets called.
* But for completeness, I implement this method here.
- (id) initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame_rect pixelFormat:(NSOpenGLPixelFormat*)pixel_format
self = [super initWithFrame:frame_rect pixelFormat:pixel_format];
[self commonInit];
return self;
/* Going through the IB palette, this initializer is calling instead of the designated initializer
* initWithFrame:pixelFormat:
* But for some reason, the pixel format set in IB selected seems to be either ignored or is missing
* a value I need. (The depth buffer looks too shallow to me and glErrors are triggered.)
* So I explicitly set the pixel format inside here (overriding the IB palette options).
* This probably should be investigated, but since IB is getting an overhaul for Leopard,
* I'll wait on this for now.
- (id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)the_coder
self = [super initWithCoder:the_coder];
NSOpenGLPixelFormat* pixel_format = [SimpleViewerCocoa basicPixelFormat];
[self setPixelFormat:pixel_format];
[self commonInit];
return self;
// My custom methods to centralize common init stuff
- (void) commonInit
isUsingCtrlClick = NO;
isUsingOptionClick = NO;
[self initOSGViewer];
[self initAnimationTimer];
// Register for Drag and Drop
[self registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSFilenamesPboardType, NSURLPboardType, nil]];
// Allocate a SimpleViewer and do basic initialization. No assumption about having an
// a valid OpenGL context is made by this function.
- (void) initOSGViewer
// osg::setNotifyLevel( osg::DEBUG_FP );
simpleViewer = new osgViewer::SimpleViewer;
// Cocoa follows the same coordinate convention as OpenGL. osgViewer's default is inverted.
// Use a trackball manipulator...matches nicely with the Mighty Mouse Scrollball.
simpleViewer->setCameraManipulator(new osgGA::TrackballManipulator);
- (void) initAnimationTimer
// Cocoa is event driven, so by default, there is nothing to trigger redraws for animation.
// The easiest way to animate is to set a repeating NSTimer which triggers a redraw.
SEL the_selector;
NSMethodSignature* a_signature;
NSInvocation* an_invocation;
// animationCallback is my animation callback method
the_selector = @selector( animationCallback );
a_signature = [SimpleViewerCocoa instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:the_selector];
an_invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:a_signature] ;
[an_invocation setSelector:the_selector];
[an_invocation setTarget:self];
animationTimer = [NSTimer
scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0/60.0 // fps
[animationTimer retain];
// For single threaded apps like this one,
// Cocoa seems to block timers or events sometimes. This can be seen
// when I'm animating (via a timer) and you open an popup box or move a slider.
// Apparently, sheets and dialogs can also block (try printing).
// To work around this, Cocoa provides different run-loop modes. I need to
// specify the modes to avoid the blockage.
// NSDefaultRunLoopMode seems to be the default. I don't think I need to explicitly
// set this one, but just in case, I will set it anyway.
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:animationTimer forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
// This seems to be the one for preventing blocking on other events (popup box, slider, etc)
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:animationTimer forMode:NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode];
// This seems to be the one for dialogs.
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:animationTimer forMode:NSModalPanelRunLoopMode];
- (void) dealloc
[animationTimer invalidate];
[animationTimer release];
delete simpleViewer;
[super dealloc];
/* NSOpenGLView defines this method to be called (only once) after the OpenGL
* context is created and made the current context. It is intended to be used to setup
* your initial OpenGL state. This seems like a good place to initialize the
* OSG stuff. This method exists in 10.3 and later. If you are running pre-10.3, you
* must manually call this method sometime after the OpenGL context is created and
* made current, or refactor this code.
- (void) prepareOpenGL
[super prepareOpenGL];
// The NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval seems to be vsync. If 1, buffers are swapped with vertical refresh.
// If 0, flushBuffer will execute as soon as possible.
long swap_interval = 1 ;
[[self openGLContext] setValues:&swap_interval forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval];
// This is also might be a good place to setup OpenGL state that OSG doesn't control.
// We need to tell the osgViewer what the viewport size is
[self resizeViewport];
// This is optional:
// This is to setup some default text in the OpenGL view so the
// user knows that they should drag and drop a model into the view.
osg::ref_ptr<osgText::Text> default_text = new osgText::Text;
default_text->setText("Drag-and-Drop\nyour .osg model here!");
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> the_geode = new osg::Geode;
/////////////////////////// End Init Stuff /////////////////////////////
/////////////////////////// Mouse Stuff ////////////////////////////////
- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent*)the_event
// Because many Mac users have only a 1-button mouse, we should provide ways
// to access the button 2 and 3 actions of osgViewer.
// I will use the Ctrl modifer to represent right-clicking
// and Option modifier to represent middle clicking.
if([the_event modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask)
[self setIsUsingCtrlClick:YES];
[self doRightMouseButtonDown:the_event];
else if([the_event modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask)
[self setIsUsingOptionClick:YES];
[self doMiddleMouseButtonDown:the_event];
[self doLeftMouseButtonDown:the_event];
- (void) mouseDragged:(NSEvent*)the_event
// We must convert the mouse event locations from the window coordinate system to the
// local view coordinate system.
NSPoint the_point = [the_event locationInWindow];
NSPoint converted_point = [self convertPoint:the_point fromView:nil];
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseMotion(converted_point.x, converted_point.y);
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
- (void) mouseUp:(NSEvent*)the_event
// Because many Mac users have only a 1-button mouse, we should provide ways
// to access the button 2 and 3 actions of osgViewer.
// I will use the Ctrl modifer to represent right-clicking
// and Option modifier to represent middle clicking.
if([self isUsingCtrlClick] == YES)
[self setIsUsingCtrlClick:NO];
[self doRightMouseButtonUp:the_event];
if([self isUsingOptionClick] == YES)
[self setIsUsingOptionClick:NO];
[self doMiddleMouseButtonUp:the_event];
[self doLeftMouseButtonUp:the_event];
- (void) rightMouseDown:(NSEvent*)the_event
[self doRightMouseButtonDown:the_event];
- (void) rightMouseDragged:(NSEvent*)the_event
// We must convert the mouse event locations from the window coordinate system to the
// local view coordinate system.
NSPoint the_point = [the_event locationInWindow];
NSPoint converted_point = [self convertPoint:the_point fromView:nil];
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseMotion(converted_point.x, converted_point.y);
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
- (void) rightMouseUp:(NSEvent*)the_event
[self doRightMouseButtonUp:the_event];
// "otherMouse" seems to capture middle button and any other buttons beyond (4th, etc).
- (void) otherMouseDown:(NSEvent*)the_event
// We must convert the mouse event locations from the window coordinate system to the
// local view coordinate system.
NSPoint the_point = [the_event locationInWindow];
NSPoint converted_point = [self convertPoint:the_point fromView:nil];
// Button 0 is left
// Button 1 is right
// Button 2 is middle
// Button 3 keeps going
// osgViewer expects 1 for left, 3 for right, 2 for middle
// osgViewer has a reversed number mapping for right and middle compared to Cocoa
if([the_event buttonNumber] == 2)
[self doMiddleMouseButtonDown:the_event];
else // buttonNumber should be 3,4,5,etc; must map to 4,5,6,etc in osgViewer
[self doExtraMouseButtonDown:the_event buttonNumber:[the_event buttonNumber]];
- (void) otherMouseDragged:(NSEvent*)the_event
// We must convert the mouse event locations from the window coordinate system to the
// local view coordinate system.
NSPoint the_point = [the_event locationInWindow];
NSPoint converted_point = [self convertPoint:the_point fromView:nil];
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseMotion(converted_point.x, converted_point.y);
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// "otherMouse" seems to capture middle button and any other buttons beyond (4th, etc).
- (void) otherMouseUp:(NSEvent*)the_event
// Button 0 is left
// Button 1 is right
// Button 2 is middle
// Button 3 keeps going
// osgViewer expects 1 for left, 3 for right, 2 for middle
// osgViewer has a reversed number mapping for right and middle compared to Cocoa
if([the_event buttonNumber] == 2)
[self doMiddleMouseButtonUp:the_event];
else // buttonNumber should be 3,4,5,etc; must map to 4,5,6,etc in osgViewer
// I don't think osgViewer does anything for these additional buttons,
// but just in case, pass them along. But as a Cocoa programmer, you might
// think about things you can do natively here instead of passing the buck.
} [self doExtraMouseButtonUp:the_event buttonNumber:[the_event buttonNumber]];
- (void) setIsUsingCtrlClick:(BOOL)is_using_ctrl_click
isUsingCtrlClick = is_using_ctrl_click;
- (BOOL) isUsingCtrlClick
return isUsingCtrlClick;
- (void) setIsUsingOptionClick:(BOOL)is_using_option_click
isUsingOptionClick = is_using_option_click;
- (BOOL) isUsingOptionClick
return isUsingOptionClick;
- (void) doLeftMouseButtonDown:(NSEvent*)the_event
// We must convert the mouse event locations from the window coordinate system to the
// local view coordinate system.
NSPoint the_point = [the_event locationInWindow];
NSPoint converted_point = [self convertPoint:the_point fromView:nil];
if([the_event clickCount] == 1)
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseButtonPress(converted_point.x, converted_point.y, 1);
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseDoubleButtonPress(converted_point.x, converted_point.y, 1);
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
- (void) doLeftMouseButtonUp:(NSEvent*)the_event
// We must convert the mouse event locations from the window coordinate system to the
// local view coordinate system.
NSPoint the_point = [the_event locationInWindow];
NSPoint converted_point = [self convertPoint:the_point fromView:nil];
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseButtonRelease(converted_point.x, converted_point.y, 1);
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
- (void) doRightMouseButtonDown:(NSEvent*)the_event
// We must convert the mouse event locations from the window coordinate system to the
// local view coordinate system.
NSPoint the_point = [the_event locationInWindow];
NSPoint converted_point = [self convertPoint:the_point fromView:nil];
if([the_event clickCount] == 1)
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseButtonPress(converted_point.x, converted_point.y, 3);
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseDoubleButtonPress(converted_point.x, converted_point.y, 3);
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
- (void) doRightMouseButtonUp:(NSEvent*)the_event
// We must convert the mouse event locations from the window coordinate system to the
// local view coordinate system.
NSPoint the_point = [the_event locationInWindow];
NSPoint converted_point = [self convertPoint:the_point fromView:nil];
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseButtonRelease(converted_point.x, converted_point.y, 3);
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
- (void) doMiddleMouseButtonDown:(NSEvent*)the_event
// We must convert the mouse event locations from the window coordinate system to the
// local view coordinate system.
NSPoint the_point = [the_event locationInWindow];
NSPoint converted_point = [self convertPoint:the_point fromView:nil];
if([the_event clickCount] == 1)
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseButtonPress(converted_point.x, converted_point.y, 2);
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseDoubleButtonPress(converted_point.x, converted_point.y, 2);
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
- (void) doExtraMouseButtonDown:(NSEvent*)the_event buttonNumber:(int)button_number
// We must convert the mouse event locations from the window coordinate system to the
// local view coordinate system.
NSPoint the_point = [the_event locationInWindow];
NSPoint converted_point = [self convertPoint:the_point fromView:nil];
if([the_event clickCount] == 1)
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseButtonPress(converted_point.x, converted_point.y, button_number+1);
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseDoubleButtonPress(converted_point.x, converted_point.y, button_number+1);
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
- (void) doMiddleMouseButtonUp:(NSEvent*)the_event
// We must convert the mouse event locations from the window coordinate system to the
// local view coordinate system. NSPoint the_point = [the_event locationInWindow];
NSPoint the_point = [the_event locationInWindow];
NSPoint converted_point = [self convertPoint:the_point fromView:nil];
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseButtonRelease(converted_point.x, converted_point.y, 2);
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
- (void) doExtraMouseButtonUp:(NSEvent*)the_event buttonNumber:(int)button_number
// We must convert the mouse event locations from the window coordinate system to the
// local view coordinate system. NSPoint the_point = [the_event locationInWindow];
NSPoint the_point = [the_event locationInWindow];
NSPoint converted_point = [self convertPoint:the_point fromView:nil];
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseButtonRelease(converted_point.x, converted_point.y, button_number+1);
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// This is a job for Mighty Mouse!
// For the most fluid experience turn on 360 degree mode availble in 10.4.8+.
// With your Mighty Mouse plugged in,
// open 'Keyboard & Mouse' in 'System Preferences'.
// Select the 'Mouse' tab.
// Under 'Scrolling Options' select '360 degree'.
// That should improve diagonal scrolling.
// You should also be able to use 'two-finger scrolling' on newer laptops.
- (void) scrollWheel:(NSEvent*)the_event
// Unfortunately, it turns out mouseScroll2D doesn't actually do anything.
// The camera manipulators don't seem to implement any code that utilize the scroll values.
// This this call does nothing.
// simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseScroll2D([the_event deltaX], [the_event deltaY]);
// With the absense of a useful mouseScroll2D API, we can manually simulate the desired effect.
NSPoint the_point = [the_event locationInWindow];
NSPoint converted_point = [self convertPoint:the_point fromView:nil];
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseButtonPress(converted_point.x, converted_point.y, 1);
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseMotion(converted_point.x + -[the_event deltaX], converted_point.y + [the_event deltaY]);
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->mouseButtonRelease(converted_point.x + -[the_event deltaX], converted_point.y + [the_event deltaY], 1);
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
/////////////////////////// End Mouse Stuff ////////////////////////////
/////////////////////////// Keyboard Stuff /////////////////////////////
// Needed to accept keyboard events
- (BOOL) acceptsFirstResponder
return YES;
- (void) keyDown:(NSEvent*)the_event
// Do you want characters or charactersIgnoringModifiers?
NSString* event_characters = [the_event characters];
// NSString* event_characters = [the_event charactersIgnoringModifiers];
unichar unicode_character = [event_characters characterAtIndex:0];
// NSLog(@"unicode_character: %d", unicode_character);
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
- (void) keyUp:(NSEvent*)the_event
// Do you want characters or charactersIgnoringModifiers?
NSString* event_characters = [the_event characters];
// NSString* event_characters = [the_event charactersIgnoringModifiers];
unichar unicode_character = [event_characters characterAtIndex:0];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
/////////////////////////// End Keyboard Stuff /////////////////////////
/////////////////////////// View and Draw Stuff ////////////////////////
// This method is periodically called by my timer.
- (void) animationCallback
// Simply notify Cocoa that a drawRect needs to take place.
// Potential optimization is to query the OSG stuff to find out if a redraw is actually necessary.
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// This is an optional optimization. This states you don't have a transparent view/window.
// Obviously don't use this or set it to NO if you intend for your view to be see-through.
- (BOOL) isOpaque
return YES;
// Resolution Independent UI is coming... (Tiger's Quartz Debug already has the tool.)
// We must think in 'point sizes', not pixel sizes, so a conversion is needed for OpenGL.
- (void) resizeViewport
NSSize size_in_points = [self bounds].size;
// This coordinate system conversion seems to make things work with Quartz Debug.
NSSize size_in_window_coordinates = [self convertSize:size_in_points toView:nil];
simpleViewer->getEventQueue()->windowResize(0, 0, size_in_window_coordinates.width, size_in_window_coordinates.height);
// For window resize
- (void) reshape
[super reshape];
[self resizeViewport];
// This is the code that actually draws.
// Remember you shouldn't call drawRect: directly and should use setNeedsDisplay:YES
// This is so the operating system can optimize when a draw is actually needed.
// (e.g. No sense drawing when the application is hidden.)
- (void) drawRect:(NSRect)the_rect
[[self openGLContext] makeCurrentContext];
[[self openGLContext] flushBuffer];
/////////////////////////// End View and Draw Stuff ////////////////////
/////////////////////////// For drag and drop //////////////////////////
- (unsigned int) draggingEntered:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)the_sender
if([the_sender draggingSource] != self)
NSPasteboard* paste_board = [the_sender draggingPasteboard];
// I respond to filename types or URL types
NSArray* supported_types = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSFilenamesPboardType, NSURLPboardType, nil];
// If any of the supported types are being dragged in, activate the copy operation
NSString* first_type = [paste_board availableTypeFromArray:supported_types];
if(first_type != nil)
return NSDragOperationCopy;
// Means we don't support this type
return NSDragOperationNone;
// We're not using this method, but here it is as an example.
- (void) draggingExited:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)the_sender
- (BOOL) prepareForDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)the_sender
return YES;
- (BOOL) performDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)the_sender
NSPasteboard* paste_board = [the_sender draggingPasteboard];
if([[paste_board types] containsObject:NSFilenamesPboardType])
NSArray* file_names = [paste_board propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType];
// int number_of_files = [file_names count];
// Exercise for the reader: Try loading all files in the array
NSString* single_file = [file_names objectAtIndex:0];
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> loaded_model = osgDB::readNodeFile([single_file UTF8String]);
NSLog(@"File: %@ failed to load", single_file);
return NO;
return YES;
else if([[paste_board types] containsObject:NSURLPboardType])
NSURL* file_url = [NSURL URLFromPasteboard:paste_board];
// See if the URL is valid file path
if(![file_url isFileURL])
NSLog(@"URL: %@ needs to be a file for readNodeFile()", file_url);
return NO;
NSString* file_path = [file_url path];
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> loaded_model = osgDB::readNodeFile([file_path UTF8String]);
NSLog(@"URL: %@ failed to load, %@", file_url, file_path);
return NO;
return YES;
return NO;
// This method isn't really needed (I could move setNeedsDisplay up), but is here as an example
- (void) concludeDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)the_sender
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
/////////////////////////// End of drag and drop ///////////////////////
/////////////////////////// IBAction examples /////////////////////////
// Connect a button to this to stop and reset the position.
- (IBAction) resetPosition:(id)the_sender
// osgGA::MatrixManipulator* camera_manipulator = simpleViewer->getCameraManipulator();
// This only resets the position
// camera_manipulator->home(0.0);
// There is no external API from SimpleViewer that I can see that will stop movement.
// So fake the 'spacebar' to stop things and reset.
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// Connect a NSColorWell to this to change color.
// A better way to do this is use Cocoa Bindings because it will automatically
// synchronize between your model and view, but since this demo lacks a model and controller
// aspect it wouldn't do much good.
- (IBAction) takeBackgroundColorFrom:(id)the_sender
NSColor* the_color = [the_sender color];
osgUtil::SceneView* scene_view = simpleViewer->getSceneView();
[the_color redComponent],
[the_color greenComponent],
[the_color blueComponent],
[the_color alphaComponent]
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
/////////////////////////// End IBAction examples /////////////////////