2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
< HTML >
< HEAD >
< TITLE > class SG_EXPORT osg::Stencil< / TITLE >
< / HEAD >
< BODY BGCOLOR = "#ffffff" >
2001-12-25 05:56:22 +08:00
< H2 > class SG_EXPORT < A HREF = "#DOC.DOCU" > osg::Stencil< / A > < / H2 > < / H2 > < BLOCKQUOTE > Encapsulate OpenGL glStencilFunc/Op/Mask functions< / BLOCKQUOTE >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< HR >
< H2 > Inheritance:< / H2 >
< APPLET CODE = "ClassGraph.class" WIDTH = 600 HEIGHT = 125 >
< param name = classes value = "CReferenced,MReferenced.html,CObject,MObject.html,CStateAttribute,MStateAttribute.html,CStencil,MStencil.html" >
< param name = before value = "M,M,M,M" >
< param name = after value = "Md_SPSP,Md_SP,Md_,M" >
< param name = indent value = "0,1,2,3" >
< param name = arrowdir value = "down" >
< / APPLET >
< HR >
< DL >
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Public Methods< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.1" > Stencil< / A > < / B > ()
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.2" > Stencil< / A > < / B > (const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.2" > Stencil< / A > & stencil, const <!1> < A HREF = "CopyOp.html" > CopyOp< / A > & copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
2002-02-09 18:54:18 +08:00
< DD > < I > Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy< / I >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.3" > META_StateAttribute< / A > < / B > (<!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html" > Stencil< / A > , <!1> < A HREF = "StateAttribute.html#DOC." > STENCIL< / A > )
2002-02-09 18:54:18 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual int < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.4" > compare< / A > < / B > (const <!1> < A HREF = "StateAttribute.html" > StateAttribute< / A > & sa) const
2001-09-22 10:42:08 +08:00
< DD > < I > return -1 if *this < *rhs, 0 if *this==*rhs, 1 if *this>*rhs< / I >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.5" > setStateSetModes< / A > < / B > (<!1> < A HREF = "StateSet.html" > StateSet< / A > & ds, const <!1> < A HREF = "StateAttribute.html#DOC.2.102.2" > GLModeValue< / A > value) const
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.7" > setFunction< / A > < / B > (const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.6" > Function< / A > func, int <!1> < A HREF = "Referenced.html#DOC.2.94.4" > ref< / A > , uint mask)
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.6" > Function< / A > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.8" > getFunction< / A > < / B > () const
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline const int < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.9" > getFunctionRef< / A > < / B > () const
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline const uint < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.10" > getFunctionMask< / A > < / B > () const
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.12" > setOperation< / A > < / B > (const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > sfail, const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > zfail, const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > zpass)
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DD > < I > set the operations to apply when the various stencil and depth tests fail or pass.< / I >
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.13" > getStencilFailOperation< / A > < / B > () const
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DD > < I > get the operation when the stencil test fails< / I >
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.14" > getStencilPassAndDepthFailOperation< / A > < / B > () const
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DD > < I > get the operation when the stencil test passes but the depth test fails< / I >
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.15" > getStencilPassAndDepthPassOperation< / A > < / B > () const
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DD > < I > get the operation when both the stencil test and the depth test pass< / I >
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.16" > setWriteMask< / A > < / B > (uint mask)
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline const uint < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.17" > getWriteMask< / A > < / B > () const
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.18" > apply< / A > < / B > (<!1> < A HREF = "State.html" > State< / A > & state) const
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< / DL > < / P >
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Public Members< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > enum < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.6" > Function< / A > < / B >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > enum < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > < / B >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< / DL > < / P >
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Protected Fields< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.6" > Function< / A > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.20" > _func< / A > < / B >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > int < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.21" > _funcRef< / A > < / B >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > uint < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.22" > _funcMask< / A > < / B >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.23" > _sfail< / A > < / B >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.24" > _zfail< / A > < / B >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.25" > _zpass< / A > < / B >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > uint < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.26" > _writeMask< / A > < / B >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< / DL > < / P >
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Protected Methods< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.105.19" > ~Stencil< / A > < / B > ()
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< / DL > < / P >
< / DL >
< HR > < H3 > Inherited from < A HREF = "StateAttribute.html" > StateAttribute< / A > :< / H3 >
< DL >
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Public Methods< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
2002-02-09 18:54:18 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > virtual <!1> < A HREF = "Object.html" > Object< / A > * < B > cloneType< / B > () const
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > virtual <!1> < A HREF = "Object.html" > Object< / A > * < B > clone< / B > (const <!1> < A HREF = "CopyOp.html" > CopyOp< / A > & ) const
2001-09-22 10:42:08 +08:00
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > virtual bool < B > isSameKindAs< / B > (const <!1> < A HREF = "Object.html" > Object< / A > * obj) const
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > virtual const char* < B > className< / B > () const
< DT >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > virtual const <!1> < A HREF = "StateAttribute.html#DOC.2.102.5" > Type< / A > < B > getType< / B > () const
2001-09-22 10:42:08 +08:00
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > bool < B > operator < < / B > (const <!1> < A HREF = "StateAttribute.html" > StateAttribute< / A > & rhs) const
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > bool < B > operator == < / B > (const <!1> < A HREF = "StateAttribute.html" > StateAttribute< / A > & rhs) const
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > bool < B > operator != < / B > (const <!1> < A HREF = "StateAttribute.html" > StateAttribute< / A > & rhs) const
< DT >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > virtual void < B > compile< / B > (<!1> < A HREF = "State.html" > State< / A > & ) const
< / DL > < / P >
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Public Members< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > typedef GLenum < B > GLMode< / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > typedef unsigned int < B > GLModeValue< / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > typedef unsigned int < B > OverrideValue< / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > enum < B > Values< / B >
< DT >
2001-09-22 10:42:08 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > typedef unsigned int < B > Type< / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > enum < B > Types< / B >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< / DL > < / P >
< / DL >
< HR > < H3 > Inherited from < A HREF = "Object.html" > Object< / A > :< / H3 >
< DL >
< / DL >
< HR > < H3 > Inherited from < A HREF = "Referenced.html" > Referenced< / A > :< / H3 >
< DL >
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Public Methods< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > inline <!1> < A HREF = "Referenced.html" > Referenced< / A > & < B > operator = < / B > (<!1> < A HREF = "Referenced.html" > Referenced< / A > & )
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > inline void < B > ref< / B > () const
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > inline void < B > unref< / B > () const
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > inline const int < B > referenceCount< / B > () const
< / DL > < / P >
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Protected Fields< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > mutable int < B > _refCount< / B >
< / DL > < / P >
< / DL >
< A NAME = "DOC.DOCU" > < / A >
< HR >
< H2 > Documentation< / H2 >
2001-12-25 05:56:22 +08:00
< BLOCKQUOTE > Encapsulate OpenGL glStencilFunc/Op/Mask functions< / BLOCKQUOTE >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DL >
< A NAME = "Stencil" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.1" > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > Stencil()< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2002-02-09 18:54:18 +08:00
< A NAME = "Stencil" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.2" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > Stencil(const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.2" > Stencil< / A > & stencil, const <!1> < A HREF = "CopyOp.html" > CopyOp< / A > & copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)< / B > < / TT >
2002-02-09 18:54:18 +08:00
< DD > Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2001-09-22 10:42:08 +08:00
< A NAME = "META_StateAttribute" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.3" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > META_StateAttribute(<!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html" > Stencil< / A > , <!1> < A HREF = "StateAttribute.html#DOC." > STENCIL< / A > )< / B > < / TT >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2001-09-22 10:42:08 +08:00
< A NAME = "compare" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.4" > < / A >
2001-09-22 10:42:08 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual int compare(const <!1> < A HREF = "StateAttribute.html" > StateAttribute< / A > & sa) const < / B > < / TT >
< DD > return -1 if *this < *rhs, 0 if *this==*rhs, 1 if *this>*rhs
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "setStateSetModes" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.5" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual void setStateSetModes(<!1> < A HREF = "StateSet.html" > StateSet< / A > & ds, const <!1> < A HREF = "StateAttribute.html#DOC.2.102.2" > GLModeValue< / A > value) const < / B > < / TT >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "Function" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.6" > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > enum Function< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P > < DL >
< A NAME = "NEVER" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > NEVER< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "LESS" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > LESS< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "EQUAL" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > EQUAL< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "LEQUAL" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > LEQUAL< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "GREATER" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > GREATER< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "NOTEQUAL" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > NOTEQUAL< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "GEQUAL" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > GEQUAL< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "ALWAYS" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > ALWAYS< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P > < / DL >
< A NAME = "setFunction" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.7" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline void setFunction(const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.6" > Function< / A > func, int <!1> < A HREF = "Referenced.html#DOC.2.94.4" > ref< / A > , uint mask)< / B > < / TT >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getFunction" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.8" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.6" > Function< / A > getFunction() const < / B > < / TT >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getFunctionRef" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.9" > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline const int getFunctionRef() const < / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getFunctionMask" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.10" > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline const uint getFunctionMask() const < / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "Operation" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.11" > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > enum Operation< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P > < DL >
< A NAME = "KEEP" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > KEEP< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "ZERO" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > ZERO< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "REPLACE" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > REPLACE< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "INCR" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > INCR< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "DECR" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > DECR< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "INVERT" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > INVERT< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P > < / DL >
< A NAME = "setOperation" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.12" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline void setOperation(const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > sfail, const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > zfail, const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > zpass)< / B > < / TT >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DD > set the operations to apply when the various stencil and depth
2001-12-25 05:56:22 +08:00
tests fail or pass. First parameter is to control the operation
when the stencil test fails. The second parameter is to control the
operation when the stencil test passes, but depth test fails. The
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
third parameter controls the operation when both the stencil test
and depth pass. Ordering of parameter is the same as if using
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getStencilFailOperation" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.13" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > getStencilFailOperation() const < / B > < / TT >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DD > get the operation when the stencil test fails
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getStencilPassAndDepthFailOperation" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.14" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > getStencilPassAndDepthFailOperation() const < / B > < / TT >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DD > get the operation when the stencil test passes but the depth test fails
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getStencilPassAndDepthPassOperation" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.15" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline const <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > getStencilPassAndDepthPassOperation() const < / B > < / TT >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DD > get the operation when both the stencil test and the depth test pass
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "setWriteMask" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.16" > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline void setWriteMask(uint mask)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getWriteMask" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.17" > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline const uint getWriteMask() const < / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "apply" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.18" > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual void apply(<!1> < A HREF = "State.html" > State< / A > & state) const < / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "~Stencil" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.19" > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual ~Stencil()< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "_func" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.20" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.6" > Function< / A > _func< / B > < / TT >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "_funcRef" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.21" > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > int _funcRef< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "_funcMask" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.22" > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > uint _funcMask< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "_sfail" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.23" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > _sfail< / B > < / TT >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "_zfail" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.24" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > _zfail< / B > < / TT >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "_zpass" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.25" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > <!1> < A HREF = "Stencil.html#DOC.2.105.11" > Operation< / A > _zpass< / B > < / TT >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "_writeMask" > < / A >
2002-02-25 07:03:10 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.105.26" > < / A >
2001-09-20 05:19:47 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > uint _writeMask< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P > < / DL >
< HR > < DL > < DT > < B > This class has no child classes.< / B > < / DL >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P > < P > < I > < A HREF = "index.html" > Alphabetic index< / A > < / I > < I > < A HREF = "HIER.html" > HTML hierarchy of classes< / A > or < A HREF = "HIERjava.html" > Java< / A > < / I > < / P > < HR >
< BR >
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