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Raw Normal View History

// LocalVertexPoolRecord.h
#include "opcodes.h"
#include "Record.h"
#include "RecordVisitor.h"
namespace flt {
// LocalVertexPoolRecord
struct SLocalVertexPool // Local vertex info, new with 15.7
SRecHeader RecHeader; // Header (opcode and size)
uint32 numVerts; // Number of vertices contained in this record
uint32 attributeMask; // 32 bit mask indicating what kind of vertex information is contained in this vertex list. Bits are ordered from left to right (bit 1 is leftmost).
class LocalVertexPoolRecord : public AncillaryRecord
enum AttributeMask
POSITION = 0x80000000, // Has Position - indicates that each vertex in the list includes x, y, and z coordinates (three double-precision floating point values)
COLOR_INDEX = 0x40000000, // Has Color Index- indicates that each vertex in the list includes a color value that is a color table index (one integer value)
RGB_COLOR = 0x20000000, // Has RGB Color - indicates that each vertex in the list includes a color value that is a packed RGB color value (one integer value) NOTE: Bits 2 and 3 are mutually exclusive - a vertex can have either a color index or an RGB color value or neither, but cannot have both a color index and an RGB value.
NORMAL = 0x10000000, // Has Normal - indicates that each vertex in the list includes a normal (three single-precision floating point values)
BASE_UV = 0x08000000, // Has Base UV - indicates that each vertex in the list includes uv texture coordinates for the base texture (two single-precision floating point values)
UV_1 = 0x04000000, // Has UV 1 - indicates that each vertex in the list includes uv texture coordinates for layer 1 (two single-precision floating point values)
UV_2 = 0x02000000, // Has UV 2 - indicates that each vertex in the list includes uv texture coordinates for layer 2 (two single-precision floating point values)
UV_3 = 0x01000000, // Has UV 3 - indicates that each vertex in the list includes uv texture coordinates for layer 3 (two single-precision floating point values)
UV_4 = 0x00800000, // Has UV 4 - indicates that each vertex in the list includes uv texture coordinates for layer 4 (two single-precision floating point values)
UV_5 = 0x00400000, // Has UV 5 - indicates that each vertex in the list includes uv texture coordinates for layer 5 (two single-precision floating point values)
UV_6 = 0x00200000, // Has UV 6 - indicates that each vertex in the list includes uv texture coordinates for layer 6 (two single-precision floating point values)
UV_7 = 0x00100000 // Has UV 7 - indicates that each vertex in the list includes uv texture coordinates for layer 7 (two single-precision floating point values)
virtual void accept ( RecordVisitor &rv ) { rv.apply ( *this ); }
virtual const char * className() const { return "LocalVertexPoolRecord"; }
virtual int classOpcode() const { return LOCAL_VERTEX_POOL_OP; }
virtual Record * clone() const { return new LocalVertexPoolRecord(); }
virtual SLocalVertexPool* getData() const { return (SLocalVertexPool *) _pData; }
uint32 getNumVertices() const { return this->getData()->numVerts; }
// Vertex attributes.
bool getColorIndex ( const uint32 &whichVertex, uint32 &colorIndex ) const;
bool getColorRGBA ( const uint32 &whichVertex, float32 &r, float32 &g, float32 &b, float32 &a ) const;
bool getNormal ( const uint32 &whichVertex, float32 &nx, float32 &ny, float32 &nz ) const;
bool getPosition ( const uint32 &whichVertex, float64 &px, float64 &py, float64 &pz ) const;
bool getUV ( const uint32 &whichVertex, const AttributeMask &whichUV, float32 &u, float32 &v ) const;
bool hasAttribute ( const uint32 &bits ) const { return flt::hasBits ( this->getData()->attributeMask, bits ); }
bool isInRange ( const uint32 &i ) const { return i < this->getNumVertices(); }
virtual void postReadInit();
virtual size_t sizeofData() const { return sizeof ( SLocalVertexPool ); }
class Offset
uint32 position, color, normal, baseUV, uv1, uv2, uv3, uv4, uv5, uv6, uv7;
Offset() : position ( 0 ), color ( 0 ), normal ( 0 ), baseUV ( 0 ), uv1 ( 0 ), uv2 ( 0 ), uv3 ( 0 ), uv4 ( 0 ), uv5 ( 0 ), uv6 ( 0 ), uv7 ( 0 ){}
} _offset;
virtual ~LocalVertexPoolRecord();
virtual void endian();
uint32 _getOffset ( const AttributeMask &attribute ) const;
char * _getStartOfVertices() const;
char * _getStartOfAttribute ( const uint32 &whichVertex, const uint32 &attributeOffset ) const;
void _initAttributeOffsets();
}; // end namespace flt
// Used in cpp file. Put it here because (if memory serves) gcc doesn't like
// macros in cpp files, only headers. If this is wrong then move to cpp file.
// Note: Asking for an attribute the vertex does not have will just return
// false. However, asking for a vertex that is out of range should assert
// and then return false. This was an arbitrary decision.
#define ARGUMENT_CHECK_FOR_GET_FUNCTION(which,attribute) \
if ( false == this->hasAttribute ( attribute ) ) \
return false; \
if ( false == this->isInRange ( which ) ) \
{ \
assert ( 0 ); \
return false; \