2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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< TITLE > class OSGPRODUCER_EXPORT osgProducer::Viewer< / TITLE >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< / HEAD >
< BODY BGCOLOR = "#ffffff" >
< H2 > class OSGPRODUCER_EXPORT < A HREF = "#DOC.DOCU" > osgProducer::Viewer< / A > < / H2 > < / H2 > < HR >
< H2 > Inheritance:< / H2 >
< APPLET CODE = "ClassGraph.class" WIDTH = 600 HEIGHT = 125 >
< param name = classes value = "MosgGA::GUIActionAdapter,M,MProducer::CameraGroup,M,COsgCameraGroup,MOsgCameraGroup.html,CViewer,MViewer.html" >
< param name = before value = "M,M,M,M" >
< param name = after value = "Ml_,Md_||,MD_,M" >
< param name = indent value = "1,0,1,2" >
< param name = arrowdir value = "down" >
< / APPLET >
< HR >
< DL >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Public Classes< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > enum < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.6" > ViewerOptions< / A > < / B >
< / DL > < / P >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Public Methods< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.1" > Viewer< / A > < / B > ()
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.2" > Viewer< / A > < / B > (Producer::CameraConfig* cfg)
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.3" > Viewer< / A > < / B > (const std::string& configFile)
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.4" > Viewer< / A > < / B > (osg::ArgumentParser& arguments)
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.5" > ~Viewer< / A > < / B > ()
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.7" > setUpViewer< / A > < / B > (unsigned int options=<!1> < A HREF = "Viewer.html#DOC." > STANDARD_SETTINGS< / A > )
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.8" > setDone< / A > < / B > (bool <!1> < A HREF = "Viewer.html#DOC.2.5.10" > done< / A > )
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.9" > getDone< / A > < / B > () const
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.10" > done< / A > < / B > () const
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DD > < I > return true if the application is done and should exit< / I >
< DT >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.11" > setViewByMatrix< / A > < / B > ( const Producer::Matrix & pm)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DD > < I > Override the Producer::CameraGroup::setViewByMatrix to catch all changes to view< / I >
< DT >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.12" > realize< / A > < / B > (ThreadingModel thread_model)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DD > < I > Set the threading model and then call realize()< / I >
< DT >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.13" > realize< / A > < / B > ()
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.14" > update< / A > < / B > ()
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< DD > < I > Updated the scene.< / I >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.15" > setUpdateVisitor< / A > < / B > (osg::NodeVisitor* nv)
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< DD > < I > set the update visitor which does the update traversal of the scene graph.< / I >
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > osg::NodeVisitor* < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.16" > getUpdateVisitor< / A > < / B > ()
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< DD > < I > get the update visitor< / I >
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > const osg::NodeVisitor* < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.17" > getUpdateVisitor< / A > < / B > () const
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< DD > < I > get the const update visitor< / I >
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.19" > computeActiveCoordindateSystemNodePath< / A > < / B > ()
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.20" > setCoordindateSystemNodePath< / A > < / B > (const <!1> < A HREF = "Viewer.html#DOC.2.5.18" > RefNodePath< / A > & nodePath)
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.21" > setCoordindateSystemNodePath< / A > < / B > (const osg::NodePath& nodePath)
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > const <!1> < A HREF = "Viewer.html#DOC.2.5.18" > RefNodePath< / A > & < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.22" > getCoordindateSystemNodePath< / A > < / B > () const
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.23" > frame< / A > < / B > ()
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DD > < I > Dispatch the cull and draw for each of the Camera's for this frame< / I >
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.24" > requestRedraw< / A > < / B > ()
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.25" > requestContinuousUpdate< / A > < / B > (bool)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.26" > requestWarpPointer< / A > < / B > (float x, float y)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.27" > computePixelCoords< / A > < / B > (float x, float y, unsigned int cameraNum, float& pixel_x, float& pixel_y)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DD > < I > compute, from normalized mouse coords, for sepecified Camera, the pixel coords relative to that Camera's RenderSurface< / I >
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.28" > computeNearFarPoints< / A > < / B > (float x, float y, unsigned int cameraNum, osg::Vec3& near, osg::Vec3& far)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DD > < I > compute, from normalized mouse coords, for sepecified Camera, the near and far points in worlds coords< / I >
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.29" > computeIntersections< / A > < / B > (float x, float y, unsigned int cameraNum, osg::Node* node, osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hits, osg::Node::NodeMask traversalMask = 0xffffffff)
< DD > < I > compute, from normalized mouse coords, for all Cameras, intersections with the specified subgraph< / I >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.30" > computeIntersections< / A > < / B > (float x, float y, unsigned int cameraNum, osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hits, osg::Node::NodeMask traversalMask = 0xffffffff)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DD > < I > compute, from normalized mouse coords, for sepecified Camera, intersections with the scene< / I >
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.31" > computeIntersections< / A > < / B > (float x, float y, osg::Node* node, osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hits, osg::Node::NodeMask traversalMask = 0xffffffff)
< DD > < I > compute, from normalized mouse coords, for all Cameras, intersections with specified subgraph< / I >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.32" > computeIntersections< / A > < / B > (float x, float y, osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hits, osg::Node::NodeMask traversalMask = 0xffffffff)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DD > < I > compute, from normalized mouse coords, for all Cameras, intersections with the scene< / I >
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.33" > setKeyboardMouse< / A > < / B > (Producer::KeyboardMouse* kbm)
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > Producer::KeyboardMouse* < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.34" > getKeyboardMouse< / A > < / B > ()
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > const Producer::KeyboardMouse* < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.35" > getKeyboardMouse< / A > < / B > () const
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.36" > setKeyboardMouseCallback< / A > < / B > (<!1> < A HREF = "KeyboardMouseCallback.html" > osgProducer::KeyboardMouseCallback< / A > * kbmcb)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > <!1> < A HREF = "KeyboardMouseCallback.html" > osgProducer::KeyboardMouseCallback< / A > * < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.37" > getKeyboardMouseCallback< / A > < / B > ()
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > const <!1> < A HREF = "KeyboardMouseCallback.html" > osgProducer::KeyboardMouseCallback< / A > * < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.38" > getKeyboardMouseCallback< / A > < / B > () const
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > <!1> < A HREF = "Viewer.html#DOC.2.5.39" > EventHandlerList< / A > & < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.40" > getEventHandlerList< / A > < / B > ()
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > const <!1> < A HREF = "Viewer.html#DOC.2.5.39" > EventHandlerList< / A > & < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.41" > getEventHandlerList< / A > < / B > () const
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > osgGA::KeySwitchMatrixManipulator* < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.42" > getKeySwitchMatrixManipulator< / A > < / B > ()
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > const osgGA::KeySwitchMatrixManipulator* < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.43" > getKeySwitchMatrixManipulator< / A > < / B > () const
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > unsigned int < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.44" > addCameraManipulator< / A > < / B > (osgGA::MatrixManipulator* cm)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.45" > selectCameraManipulator< / A > < / B > (unsigned int no)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.46" > setRecordingAnimationPath< / A > < / B > (bool on)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.47" > getRecordingAnimationPath< / A > < / B > () const
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.48" > setAnimationPath< / A > < / B > (osg::AnimationPath* path)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > osg::AnimationPath* < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.49" > getAnimationPath< / A > < / B > ()
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > const osg::AnimationPath* < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.50" > getAnimationPath< / A > < / B > () const
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > const double* < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.51" > getPosition< / A > < / B > () const
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > double < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.52" > getSpeed< / A > < / B > () const
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > osg::Quat < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.53" > getOrientation< / A > < / B > () const
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.54" > getUsage< / A > < / B > (osg::ApplicationUsage& usage) const
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DD > < I > Get the keyboard and mouse usage of this viewer< / I >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.55" > updatedSceneData< / A > < / B > ()
< DD > < I > update internal structures wrt updated scene data< / I >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< / DL > < / P >
< P > < DL >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< DT > < H3 > Public< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Node> > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.18" > RefNodePath< / A > < / B >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > typedef std::list< osg::ref_ptr< osgGA::GUIEventHandler> > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.39" > EventHandlerList< / A > < / B >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< / DL > < / P >
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Protected Fields< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.56" > _done< / A > < / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > osg::ref_ptr< Producer::KeyboardMouse> < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.57" > _kbm< / A > < / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > osg::ref_ptr< <!1> < A HREF = "KeyboardMouseCallback.html" > osgProducer::KeyboardMouseCallback< / A > > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.58" > _kbmcb< / A > < / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > <!1> < A HREF = "Viewer.html#DOC.2.5.39" > EventHandlerList< / A > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.59" > _eventHandlerList< / A > < / B >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > osg::ref_ptr< osgGA::KeySwitchMatrixManipulator> < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.60" > _keyswitchManipulator< / A > < / B >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > osg::ref_ptr< osg::NodeVisitor> < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.61" > _updateVisitor< / A > < / B >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > <!1> < A HREF = "Viewer.html#DOC.2.5.18" > RefNodePath< / A > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.62" > _coordinateSystemNodePath< / A > < / B >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.63" > _recordingAnimationPath< / A > < / B >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > double < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.64" > _recordingStartTime< / A > < / B >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > osg::ref_ptr< osg::AnimationPath> < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.65" > _animationPath< / A > < / B >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > double < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.66" > _position< / A > < / B > [3]
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > osg::Quat < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.67" > _orientation< / A > < / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > double < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.5.68" > _speed< / A > < / B >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< / DL > < / P >
< / DL >
< HR > < H3 > Inherited from < A HREF = "OsgCameraGroup.html" > OsgCameraGroup< / A > :< / H3 >
< DL >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Public Classes< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
class OSGPRODUCER_EXPORT < B > < A HREF = "RealizeCallback.html" > RealizeCallback< / A > < / B > : public osg::Referenced
< DD > < I > RealizeCallback class one should override to provide an the implemention of realize callbacks.RealizeCallback class one should override to provide an the implemention of realize callbacks.< / I >
< / DL > < / P >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Public Methods< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::Vec4& < B > getBackgroundColor< / B > ()
< DT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > void < B > setApplicationUsage< / B > (osg::ApplicationUsage* au)
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::ApplicationUsage* < B > getApplicationUsage< / B > ()
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > const osg::ApplicationUsage* < B > getApplicationUsage< / B > () const
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > <!1> < A HREF = "OsgCameraGroup.html#DOC.2.3.11" > SceneHandlerList< / A > & < B > getSceneHandlerList< / B > ()
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > const <!1> < A HREF = "OsgCameraGroup.html#DOC.2.3.11" > SceneHandlerList< / A > & < B > getSceneHandlerList< / B > () const
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > void < B > setSceneData< / B > ( osg::Node* scene )
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::Node* < B > getSceneData< / B > ()
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > const osg::Node* < B > getSceneData< / B > () const
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > void < B > setSceneDecorator< / B > ( osg::Group* decorator)
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::Group* < B > getSceneDecorator< / B > ()
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > const osg::Group* < B > getSceneDecorator< / B > () const
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::Node* < B > getTopMostSceneData< / B > ()
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > const osg::Node* < B > getTopMostSceneData< / B > () const
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > void < B > setDisplaySettings< / B > ( osg::DisplaySettings* ds )
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::DisplaySettings* < B > getDisplaySettings< / B > ()
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > const osg::DisplaySettings* < B > getDisplaySettings< / B > () const
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > void < B > setFrameStamp< / B > ( osg::FrameStamp* fs )
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::FrameStamp* < B > getFrameStamp< / B > ()
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > const osg::FrameStamp* < B > getFrameStamp< / B > () const
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > void < B > setGlobalStateSet< / B > ( osg::StateSet* sset )
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::StateSet* < B > getGlobalStateSet< / B > ()
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > const osg::StateSet* < B > getGlobalStateSet< / B > () const
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > void < B > setBackgroundColor< / B > ( const osg::Vec4& backgroundColor)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > const osg::Vec4& < B > getBackgroundColor< / B > () const
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > void < B > setClearColor< / B > ( const osg::Vec4& clearColor )
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > const osg::Vec4& < B > getClearColor< / B > () const
< DT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > void < B > setLODScale< / B > ( float scale )
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > float < B > getLODScale< / B > () const
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > void < B > setFusionDistance< / B > ( osgUtil::SceneView::FusionDistanceMode mode, float value=1.0f)
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > void < B > setRealizeSceneViewOptions< / B > (unsigned int options)
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > unsigned int < B > getRealizeSceneViewOptions< / B > ()
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< DT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > void < B > setRealizeCallback< / B > ( <!1> < A HREF = "RealizeCallback.html" > RealizeCallback< / A > * cb)
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > <!1> < A HREF = "RealizeCallback.html" > RealizeCallback< / A > * < B > getRealizeCallback< / B > ()
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > const <!1> < A HREF = "RealizeCallback.html" > RealizeCallback< / A > * < B > getRealizeCallback< / B > () const
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > void < B > advance< / B > ()
< DT >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > virtual void < B > setView< / B > (const osg::Matrixd& matrix)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::Matrixd < B > getViewMatrix< / B > () const
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > virtual void < B > sync< / B > ()
< / DL > < / P >
< P > < DL >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< DT > < H3 > Public< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > typedef std::vector< Producer::ref_ptr< <!1> < A HREF = "OsgSceneHandler.html" > osgProducer::OsgSceneHandler< / A > > > < B > SceneHandlerList< / B >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< / DL > < / P >
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Protected Fields< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::Vec4 < B > _background_color< / B >
< DT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::ApplicationUsage* < B > _applicationUsage< / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::ref_ptr< osg::Node> < B > _scene_data< / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::ref_ptr< osg::Group> < B > _scene_decorator< / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::ref_ptr< osg::StateSet> < B > _global_stateset< / B >
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::Vec4 < B > _clear_color< / B >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > float < B > _LODScale< / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osgUtil::SceneView::FusionDistanceMode < B > _fusionDistanceMode< / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > float < B > _fusionDistanceValue< / B >
< DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > unsigned int < B > _realizeSceneViewOptions< / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > <!1> < A HREF = "OsgCameraGroup.html#DOC.2.3.11" > SceneHandlerList< / A > < B > _shvec< / B >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::ref_ptr< <!1> < A HREF = "RealizeCallback.html" > RealizeCallback< / A > > < B > _realizeCallback< / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::ref_ptr< osg::DisplaySettings> < B > _ds< / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > bool < B > _initialized< / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > unsigned int < B > _frameNumber< / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::Timer < B > _timer< / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::Timer_t < B > _start_tick< / B >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > osg::ref_ptr< osg::FrameStamp> < B > _frameStamp< / B >
< / DL > < / P >
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Protected Methods< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > virtual void < B > setUpSceneViewsWithData< / B > ()
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "o" SRC = icon2.gif > void < B > _init< / B > ()
< / DL > < / P >
< / DL >
< A NAME = "DOC.DOCU" > < / A >
< HR >
< H2 > Documentation< / H2 >
< DL >
< A NAME = "Viewer" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.1" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > Viewer()< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "Viewer" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.2" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > Viewer(Producer::CameraConfig* cfg)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "Viewer" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.3" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > Viewer(const std::string& configFile)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "Viewer" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.4" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > Viewer(osg::ArgumentParser& arguments)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "~Viewer" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.5" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual ~Viewer()< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "ViewerOptions" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.6" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > enum ViewerOptions< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P > < DL >
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > NO_EVENT_HANDLERS< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > TRACKBALL_MANIPULATOR< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > DRIVE_MANIPULATOR< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > FLIGHT_MANIPULATOR< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > TERRAIN_MANIPULATOR< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > STATE_MANIPULATOR< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > HEAD_LIGHT_SOURCE< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > SKY_LIGHT_SOURCE< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > STATS_MANIPULATOR< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > VIEWER_MANIPULATOR< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > ESCAPE_SETS_DONE< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > STANDARD_SETTINGS< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P > < / DL >
< A NAME = "setUpViewer" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.7" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > void setUpViewer(unsigned int options=<!1> < A HREF = "Viewer.html#DOC." > STANDARD_SETTINGS< / A > )< / B > < / TT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< A NAME = "setDone" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.8" > < / A >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > void setDone(bool <!1> < A HREF = "Viewer.html#DOC.2.5.10" > done< / A > )< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getDone" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.9" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > bool getDone() const < / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "done" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.10" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual bool done() const < / B > < / TT >
< DD > return true if the application is done and should exit
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "setViewByMatrix" > < / A >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.11" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual void setViewByMatrix( const Producer::Matrix & pm)< / B > < / TT >
< DD > Override the Producer::CameraGroup::setViewByMatrix to catch all changes to view
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "realize" > < / A >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.12" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual bool realize(ThreadingModel thread_model)< / B > < / TT >
< DD > Set the threading model and then call realize()
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "realize" > < / A >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.13" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual bool realize()< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "update" > < / A >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.14" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual void update()< / B > < / TT >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< DD > Updated the scene. Handle any queued up events, do an update traversal and set the CameraGroup's setViewByMatrix if any camera manipulators are active.
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "setUpdateVisitor" > < / A >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.15" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > void setUpdateVisitor(osg::NodeVisitor* nv)< / B > < / TT >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< DD > set the update visitor which does the update traversal of the scene graph. Automatically called by the update() method.
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "getUpdateVisitor" > < / A >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.16" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > osg::NodeVisitor* getUpdateVisitor()< / B > < / TT >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< DD > get the update visitor
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "getUpdateVisitor" > < / A >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.17" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > const osg::NodeVisitor* getUpdateVisitor() const < / B > < / TT >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< DD > get the const update visitor
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "RefNodePath" > < / A >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.18" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Node> > RefNodePath< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "computeActiveCoordindateSystemNodePath" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.19" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > void computeActiveCoordindateSystemNodePath()< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "setCoordindateSystemNodePath" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.20" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > void setCoordindateSystemNodePath(const <!1> < A HREF = "Viewer.html#DOC.2.5.18" > RefNodePath< / A > & nodePath)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "setCoordindateSystemNodePath" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.21" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > void setCoordindateSystemNodePath(const osg::NodePath& nodePath)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getCoordindateSystemNodePath" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.22" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > const <!1> < A HREF = "Viewer.html#DOC.2.5.18" > RefNodePath< / A > & getCoordindateSystemNodePath() const < / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "frame" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.23" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual void frame()< / B > < / TT >
< DD > Dispatch the cull and draw for each of the Camera's for this frame
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "requestRedraw" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.24" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual void requestRedraw()< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "requestContinuousUpdate" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.25" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual void requestContinuousUpdate(bool)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "requestWarpPointer" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.26" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual void requestWarpPointer(float x, float y)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "computePixelCoords" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.27" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > bool computePixelCoords(float x, float y, unsigned int cameraNum, float& pixel_x, float& pixel_y)< / B > < / TT >
< DD > compute, from normalized mouse coords, for sepecified Camera, the pixel coords relative to that Camera's RenderSurface
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "computeNearFarPoints" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.28" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > bool computeNearFarPoints(float x, float y, unsigned int cameraNum, osg::Vec3& near, osg::Vec3& far)< / B > < / TT >
< DD > compute, from normalized mouse coords, for sepecified Camera, the near and far points in worlds coords
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "computeIntersections" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.29" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > bool computeIntersections(float x, float y, unsigned int cameraNum, osg::Node* node, osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hits, osg::Node::NodeMask traversalMask = 0xffffffff)< / B > < / TT >
< DD > compute, from normalized mouse coords, for all Cameras, intersections with the specified subgraph
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "computeIntersections" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.30" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > bool computeIntersections(float x, float y, unsigned int cameraNum, osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hits, osg::Node::NodeMask traversalMask = 0xffffffff)< / B > < / TT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DD > compute, from normalized mouse coords, for sepecified Camera, intersections with the scene
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "computeIntersections" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.31" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > bool computeIntersections(float x, float y, osg::Node* node, osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hits, osg::Node::NodeMask traversalMask = 0xffffffff)< / B > < / TT >
< DD > compute, from normalized mouse coords, for all Cameras, intersections with specified subgraph
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "computeIntersections" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.32" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > bool computeIntersections(float x, float y, osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hits, osg::Node::NodeMask traversalMask = 0xffffffff)< / B > < / TT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DD > compute, from normalized mouse coords, for all Cameras, intersections with the scene
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< A NAME = "setKeyboardMouse" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.33" > < / A >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > void setKeyboardMouse(Producer::KeyboardMouse* kbm)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< A NAME = "getKeyboardMouse" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.34" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > Producer::KeyboardMouse* getKeyboardMouse()< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getKeyboardMouse" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.35" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > const Producer::KeyboardMouse* getKeyboardMouse() const < / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< A NAME = "setKeyboardMouseCallback" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.36" > < / A >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > void setKeyboardMouseCallback(<!1> < A HREF = "KeyboardMouseCallback.html" > osgProducer::KeyboardMouseCallback< / A > * kbmcb)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< A NAME = "getKeyboardMouseCallback" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.37" > < / A >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > <!1> < A HREF = "KeyboardMouseCallback.html" > osgProducer::KeyboardMouseCallback< / A > * getKeyboardMouseCallback()< / B > < / TT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getKeyboardMouseCallback" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.38" > < / A >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > const <!1> < A HREF = "KeyboardMouseCallback.html" > osgProducer::KeyboardMouseCallback< / A > * getKeyboardMouseCallback() const < / B > < / TT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "EventHandlerList" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.39" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > typedef std::list< osg::ref_ptr< osgGA::GUIEventHandler> > EventHandlerList< / B > < / TT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getEventHandlerList" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.40" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > <!1> < A HREF = "Viewer.html#DOC.2.5.39" > EventHandlerList< / A > & getEventHandlerList()< / B > < / TT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getEventHandlerList" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.41" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > const <!1> < A HREF = "Viewer.html#DOC.2.5.39" > EventHandlerList< / A > & getEventHandlerList() const < / B > < / TT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< A NAME = "getKeySwitchMatrixManipulator" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.42" > < / A >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > osgGA::KeySwitchMatrixManipulator* getKeySwitchMatrixManipulator()< / B > < / TT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< A NAME = "getKeySwitchMatrixManipulator" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.43" > < / A >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > const osgGA::KeySwitchMatrixManipulator* getKeySwitchMatrixManipulator() const < / B > < / TT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "addCameraManipulator" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.44" > < / A >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > unsigned int addCameraManipulator(osgGA::MatrixManipulator* cm)< / B > < / TT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "selectCameraManipulator" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.45" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > void selectCameraManipulator(unsigned int no)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "setRecordingAnimationPath" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.46" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > void setRecordingAnimationPath(bool on)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getRecordingAnimationPath" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.47" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > bool getRecordingAnimationPath() const < / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "setAnimationPath" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.48" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > void setAnimationPath(osg::AnimationPath* path)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getAnimationPath" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.49" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > osg::AnimationPath* getAnimationPath()< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getAnimationPath" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.50" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > const osg::AnimationPath* getAnimationPath() const < / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "getPosition" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.51" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > const double* getPosition() const < / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getSpeed" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.52" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > double getSpeed() const < / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getOrientation" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.53" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > osg::Quat getOrientation() const < / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< A NAME = "getUsage" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.54" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual void getUsage(osg::ApplicationUsage& usage) const < / B > < / TT >
< DD > Get the keyboard and mouse usage of this viewer
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "updatedSceneData" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.55" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual void updatedSceneData()< / B > < / TT >
< DD > update internal structures wrt updated scene data
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< A NAME = "_done" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.56" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > bool _done< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< A NAME = "_kbm" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.57" > < / A >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > osg::ref_ptr< Producer::KeyboardMouse> _kbm< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< A NAME = "_kbmcb" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.58" > < / A >
2003-09-08 18:51:14 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > osg::ref_ptr< <!1> < A HREF = "KeyboardMouseCallback.html" > osgProducer::KeyboardMouseCallback< / A > > _kbmcb< / B > < / TT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "_eventHandlerList" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.59" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > <!1> < A HREF = "Viewer.html#DOC.2.5.39" > EventHandlerList< / A > _eventHandlerList< / B > < / TT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "_keyswitchManipulator" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.60" > < / A >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > osg::ref_ptr< osgGA::KeySwitchMatrixManipulator> _keyswitchManipulator< / B > < / TT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "_updateVisitor" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.61" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > osg::ref_ptr< osg::NodeVisitor> _updateVisitor< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "_coordinateSystemNodePath" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.62" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > <!1> < A HREF = "Viewer.html#DOC.2.5.18" > RefNodePath< / A > _coordinateSystemNodePath< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< A NAME = "_recordingAnimationPath" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.63" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > bool _recordingAnimationPath< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "_recordingStartTime" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.64" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > double _recordingStartTime< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< A NAME = "_animationPath" > < / A >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.65" > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > osg::ref_ptr< osg::AnimationPath> _animationPath< / B > < / TT >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "_position" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.66" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > double _position[3]< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "_orientation" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.67" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > osg::Quat _orientation< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "_speed" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.5.68" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > double _speed< / B > < / TT >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P > < / DL >
< HR > < DL > < DT > < B > This class has no child classes.< / B > < / DL >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P > < P > < I > < A HREF = "index.html" > Alphabetic index< / A > < / I > < I > < A HREF = "HIER.html" > HTML hierarchy of classes< / A > or < A HREF = "HIERjava.html" > Java< / A > < / I > < / P > < HR >
< BR >
2004-08-06 14:53:36 +08:00
This page was generated with the help of < A HREF = "http://www.linuxsupportline.com/~doc++" > DOC++< / A > .
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< / BODY >
< / HTML >