2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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< HEAD >
< TITLE > class OSGUTIL_EXPORT osgUtil::Optimizer::MergeGeometryVisitor< / TITLE >
< / HEAD >
< BODY BGCOLOR = "#ffffff" >
< H2 > class OSGUTIL_EXPORT < A HREF = "#DOC.DOCU" > MergeGeometryVisitor< / A > < / H2 > < / H2 > < HR >
< H2 > Inheritance:< / H2 >
< APPLET CODE = "ClassGraph.class" WIDTH = 600 HEIGHT = 65 >
< param name = classes value = "Mosg::NodeVisitor,M,CMergeGeometryVisitor,MMergeGeometryVisitor.html" >
< param name = before value = "M,M" >
< param name = after value = "Md_,M" >
< param name = indent value = "0,1" >
< param name = arrowdir value = "down" >
< / APPLET >
< HR >
< DL >
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Public Methods< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC." > MergeGeometryVisitor< / A > < / B > ()
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DD > < I > default to traversing all children< / I >
< DT >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC." > apply< / A > < / B > (osg::Geode& geode)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC." > apply< / A > < / B > (osg::Billboard& )
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > static bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC." > mergeGeode< / A > < / B > (osg::Geode& geode)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > static bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC." > geometryContainsSharedArrays< / A > < / B > (osg::Geometry& geom)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > static bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC." > mergeGeometry< / A > < / B > (osg::Geometry& lhs, osg::Geometry& rhs)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > static bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC." > mergePrimitive< / A > < / B > (osg::DrawArrays& lhs, osg::DrawArrays& rhs)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > static bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC." > mergePrimitive< / A > < / B > (osg::DrawArrayLengths& lhs, osg::DrawArrayLengths& rhs)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > static bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC." > mergePrimitive< / A > < / B > (osg::DrawElementsUByte& lhs, osg::DrawElementsUByte& rhs)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > static bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC." > mergePrimitive< / A > < / B > (osg::DrawElementsUShort& lhs, osg::DrawElementsUShort& rhs)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > static bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC." > mergePrimitive< / A > < / B > (osg::DrawElementsUInt& lhs, osg::DrawElementsUInt& rhs)
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< / DL > < / P >
< / DL >
< A NAME = "DOC.DOCU" > < / A >
< HR >
< H2 > Documentation< / H2 >
< DL >
< A NAME = "MergeGeometryVisitor" > < / A >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > MergeGeometryVisitor()< / B > < / TT >
< DD > default to traversing all children
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "apply" > < / A >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual void apply(osg::Geode& geode)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "apply" > < / A >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual void apply(osg::Billboard& )< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "mergeGeode" > < / A >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > static bool mergeGeode(osg::Geode& geode)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "geometryContainsSharedArrays" > < / A >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > static bool geometryContainsSharedArrays(osg::Geometry& geom)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "mergeGeometry" > < / A >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > static bool mergeGeometry(osg::Geometry& lhs, osg::Geometry& rhs)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "mergePrimitive" > < / A >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > static bool mergePrimitive(osg::DrawArrays& lhs, osg::DrawArrays& rhs)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "mergePrimitive" > < / A >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > static bool mergePrimitive(osg::DrawArrayLengths& lhs, osg::DrawArrayLengths& rhs)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "mergePrimitive" > < / A >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > static bool mergePrimitive(osg::DrawElementsUByte& lhs, osg::DrawElementsUByte& rhs)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "mergePrimitive" > < / A >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > static bool mergePrimitive(osg::DrawElementsUShort& lhs, osg::DrawElementsUShort& rhs)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "mergePrimitive" > < / A >
2003-07-23 19:27:31 +08:00
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
2003-04-18 00:22:51 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > static bool mergePrimitive(osg::DrawElementsUInt& lhs, osg::DrawElementsUInt& rhs)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P > < / DL >
< HR > < DL > < DT > < B > This class has no child classes.< / B > < / DL >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P > < P > < I > < A HREF = "index.html" > Alphabetic index< / A > < / I > < I > < A HREF = "HIER.html" > HTML hierarchy of classes< / A > or < A HREF = "HIERjava.html" > Java< / A > < / I > < / P > < HR >
< BR >
This page was generated with the help of < A HREF = "http://docpp.sourceforge.net" > DOC++< / A > .
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