class OSGUTIL_EXPORT <B><AHREF="FlattenStaticTransformsVisitor.html">FlattenStaticTransformsVisitor</A></B>: public osg::NodeVisitor
<DD><I>Flatten Static Trasform nodes by applying their transform to the geometry on the leaves of the scene graph, then removing the now redundent transforms</I>
class OSGUTIL_EXPORT <B><AHREF="RemoveRedundentNodesVisitor.html">RemoveRedundentNodesVisitor</A></B>: public osg::NodeVisitor
<DD><I>Remove rendundent nodes, such as groups with one single child</I>
class OSGUTIL_EXPORT <B><AHREF="CombineLODsVisitor.html">CombineLODsVisitor</A></B>: public osg::NodeVisitor
<DD><I>Optimize the LOD groups, by combining adjacent LOD's which have complementary ranges</I>
class OSGUTIL_EXPORT <B><AHREF="StateVisitor.html">StateVisitor</A></B>: public osg::NodeVisitor
<DD><I>Optimize State in the scene graph by removing duplicate state, replacing it with shared instances, both for StateAttributes, and whole StateSets</I>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Insert impostor nodes into scene graph.
For example of usage see src/Demos/osgimpostor.</BLOCKQUOTE>
<DD>traverse the node and its subgraph with a series of optimization
visitors, specificied by the OptizationOptions
<HR><DL><DT><B>This class has no child classes.</B></DL>
<DL><DT><DD></DL><P><P><I><AHREF="index.html">Alphabetic index</A></I><I><AHREF="HIER.html">HTML hierarchy of classes</A> or <AHREF="HIERjava.html">Java</A></I></P><HR>
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