2002-04-20 23:49:28 +08:00
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<title>OSG Distribution</title>
2002-04-20 23:49:28 +08:00
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<a NAME="Compiling and installing the OpenSceneGraph"></a><u>Compiling and installing the OpenSceneGraph</u></h2>
The scene graph depends upon Standard C++, STL and OpenGL so you need
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a C++ compiler up to the task and OpenGL or Mesa installed. The viewer
depends upon GLUT which you'll need to download and install from the GLUT
website. The OSG has it own native ascii file format, and .rgb image reader
inbuilt which allows you read the example data with any dependencies other
than C++, STL and OpenGL.
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The new osgText library adds the dependency of the freetype library
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for support of true type fonts, however it is not essential to the core
library, so you can comment it out from compilation by modifying the src/Makefile,
and src/Demos/Makefile. I you wish to use fonts then you can download freetype
from www.freetype.org. The osgText library also requires an up to date
GLU implementation which supports GLU1.2 tessellation routines. If you
your current GLU is out of date you'll need to download the latest, for
instance the sgi's sample implementation for GLU from the www.opengl.org
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The OSG also has a set of plug-ins which support non-native 3d database
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and image formats, several have no dependencies on external libraries (flt,3ds,obj,
lwo,dw, tga & pic), while others (pfb,jpeg,gif,tiff) require other
libraries to be installed to compile them. If you don't already have them
installed then don't worry, you'll still be able to use the OSG, just comment
out the plugins you can't compile from the src/osgPlugins/Makefile. The
core osg library and viewer has been designed to load the plug-ins at run-time
only and if they are required to load a specific data set. If you don't
need them for your datasets then it won't matter that you haven't been
able to compile all the plug-ins. A full list of dependencies and where
to download the required libraries are listed in the index.html.
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If you're coming across the OSG for the first time and want to get started
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quickly, go right ahead and follow the compilation instructions. You can
always later download the libraries which the plug-ins require if you eventually
need them. If you haven't already checked it out, for a list of distribution
contents, contacts and links to documentation check out index.html.
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2002-04-20 23:49:28 +08:00
2002-04-21 04:35:02 +08:00
Compiling under Windows</h2>
<p>The Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 workspace file is VisualStudio.dsw located
in the VisualStudio below the OSG this root directory. The OSG will compile
with the basic VisualC++6.0, but its recommended that you use Service Pack
4 to fix MS compiler bugs which affect the OSG. Even Service Pack 4 does
not completely fix MSVC bugs associated with STL, so it is recommended
that you also use STLPort which can be downloaded from http://www.stlport.org
since they actually know how to write a STL library and have done a rather
good job at it. Notes on using STLport at the bottom of this file.
<p>The OSG is composed of a number of libraries and executables, to get
running you'll need at least to compile osg,osgUtil,osgDB,osgGLUT, dot_osg
and sgv. The rest of the libraries and executables are optional and can
be compiled if you need them, however for simplicity I would recommend
doing a batch build of all the libraries and executables in the distribution,
some of the plug-ins which support non native file formats may not compile
due to dependencies on other libraries (such as libpng), you can ignore
these compilation errors unless you need to load the related file types.
<p>To execute the viewer the file path for the .dll's and .exe, both compiled
into the OSG's bin directory, need to be setup, such as by adding the PATH
to your autoexec.bat, its also useful to add the OSGFILEPATH to your autoexec.bat
to help the location of datafiles. For example :
<p>SET OSGFILEPATH=D:\OpenSceneGraph-Data;D:\OpenSceneGraph-Data\Images</p>
<p>To help compilation of the image reader plugins, various image libraries
have been zipped up for your convienice, your find these on the OSG release
download directory.
Using STLport under Windows</h2>
The OSG has been tested under Windows with STLport-4.5, which allows the
users to configure the type of STL support required for STLport itself.
The key configuration that the OSG needs to do is to enable the wrapping
of MS's own iostreams, than using STLport's own implementation. The later
is not required because this has not be problematic under Windows, it is
only the container classes and algorithms that need replacing (thanks to
MS's utterly hopeless implementation of these). Using the iostream wrappping
option means the STLport can just be used on your include path, there is
no need to compile STLport itself, or link into any special libraries.
To configure STLport simply comment IN (its commented out by default),
the follwing line from STLport-4.5/stlport/stl_user_config.h so it should
look: # define _STLP_NO_OWN_IOSTREAMS 1 Then configure the includes path
in Visual Studio to pick up on STLport: Select the "Tools" menu. Select
"Options" In the Options dialog, select the "Directories" tab Under the
"include" option, add the path to STLport4.5, something like: D:/STLport4.5/stlport
Then press the up array to move the entry all the way to the top of the
list, thus overriding MS's own STL implementations.
Compiling under all UNIX (including CYGWIN & Mac OSX) Platforms</h2>
2002-04-20 23:49:28 +08:00
Building the OSG requires 'gmake', due to the extensive use of gmake directives
in the Makefiles. You can get gmake from here if you don't already have
it installed: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/
Compiling under Linux</h2>
Compile, from the OSG root directory, ('%' is UNIX csh prompt) type:
<blockquote><tt>% make</tt></blockquote>
Note, make should automatically detect linux and build optimized targets
for your system. And if you wish to install the OSG type:
<blockquote><tt>% make install</tt></blockquote>
<blockquote><tt>% make instlinks</tt></blockquote>
To get full details of make options, type:
<blockquote><tt>% make help</tt></blockquote>
(highly recommended)
<p>The osgText library now depends upon GLU1.3 functionality, and only
the recent Mesa version have this as stanadard. Unfortnately not all Linux
distribtions are upto date even recent ones. If you have problems compiling
osgText due to GLU problems then check out the details at the bottom of
this file, under the title RedHat7.1 & GLU1.3 for a quick way of installing
GLU1.3 in the right place.
2002-04-21 04:35:02 +08:00
RedHat 7.2 & GLU1.3</h2>
I have posted a simple fix for those of us who have been unable to correctly
build OSG 0.8.43 on Redhat 7.2. You can download it at http://www.openscenegraph.org/download/dependencies/ReadHat7.2_fixglu.tar.gz
To install it, follow these steps:
<blockquote>1) Untar the tarball. It will create a directory called fixosg/
<br>2) Change to the ReadHat7.2_fixglu/ directory
<br>3) Become root
<br>4) Run the script called fixglu</blockquote>
Cmd line
<blockquote>tar xvzf ReadHat7.2_fixglu.tar.gz
<br>cd ReadHat7.2_fixglu/
<br>su (your root password)
You should then be able to do a "make" in your OSG directory and everything
will build as it should. Let me know if this doesn't work and I will try
to improve it. Email me directly for help instead of posting here. There's
a README in the tarball with some info on what the script actually does.
There's nothing wrong with OSG itself; the problem with Redhat 7.2 is that
it doesn't have GLU 1.3 by default, which OSG is now dependent on (for
osgText.) Good luck everyone. - Clay
2002-04-20 23:49:28 +08:00
Compiling under FreeBSD</h2>
Compile, from the OSG root directory, ('%' is UNIX csh prompt) type:
<blockquote><tt>% make</tt></blockquote>
Note, make should automatically detect linux and build optimized targets
for your system. And if you wish to install the OSG type:
<blockquote><tt>% make install</tt></blockquote>
<blockquote><tt>% make instlinks</tt></blockquote>
To get full details of make options, type:
<blockquote><tt>% make help</tt></blockquote>
(highly recommended)
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2002-04-20 23:49:28 +08:00
Compiling under IRIX</h2>
Since the OSG uses Standard C++ features such as STL it is important to
have an up to date version of the MIPSPro compilers, ie. 7.3 or later.
Support for MIPSPro7.2.1 has now been dropped since it was becoming to
unwildy to support and is very rarely used in the OSG commiunity. It is
recommended to use MIPSPro7.3.1.1m.
<p>Compile, from the OSG root directory, ('%' is UNIX csh prompt) type:
<blockquote><tt>% make</tt></blockquote>
Note, make should automatically detect linux and build optimized targets
for your system. And if you wish to install the OSG type:
<blockquote><tt>% make install</tt></blockquote>
<blockquote><tt>% make instlinks</tt></blockquote>
To get full details of make options, type:
<blockquote><tt>% make help</tt></blockquote>
(highly recommended)
2002-04-21 04:35:02 +08:00
2002-04-20 23:49:28 +08:00
Compiling under Solaris</h2>
Compile, from the OSG root directory, ('%' is UNIX csh prompt) type:
<blockquote><tt>% make</tt></blockquote>
Note, make should automatically detect linux and build optimized targets
for your system. And if you wish to install the OSG type:
<blockquote><tt>% make install</tt></blockquote>
<blockquote><tt>% make instlinks</tt></blockquote>
To get full details of make options, type:
<blockquote><tt>% make help</tt></blockquote>
(highly recommended)
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2002-04-20 23:49:28 +08:00
Compiling under MacOS X (instructions written by Phil Atkin)</h2>
For anyone who's ever used a Unix box for development it really is so simple
it's insane.
<p>You need to have installed the Developer tools from the CD that comes
for free with OS X. This gives you compilers, headers, frameworks - stuff
like GLUT and Carbon for developers.
<p>Everything is done command-line, so you need to get to the underlying
OS rather than the Aqua gloss. The Mac comes with an app in Applications/Utilities
called Terminal - open up any Finder window (e.g double-click on your hard
disk icon), click on the Applications icon at the top right of the window,
then click on the Utilities folder to get access to all the grubby apps
which give away the real OS roots underneath the shiny paintwork. Anyone
developing will need Terminal so much they should put it in their Dock.
You do that by grabbing the icon of the app in the Utilities folder and
dragging it to the bottom of your screen, at which point the other app
icons in the Dock slide away to leave a gap which when you release the
mouse button leaves Terminal permanently available, just a mouse click
away on your desktop. When you start Terminal it brings you up a csh running
under Darwin (which is the BSD-with-knobs-on that underlies OS X), and
does a cd to ~ (otherwise /Users/username of whoever you are logged in
as, as far as the Finder in OS X is concerned you are in the Users/username
folder of the harddisk the machine booted from).
<p>Then you are in Unix land, and it's all very familiar.
<p>You will need a .cshrc file with $OSGHOME (as above), and this is a
filename that the Mac won't let you see from the Finder or in fact generate
from an app, so I used vi to create that. Then I just went
<p>cd $OSGHOME
<blockquote><tt>% make clean</tt>
<br><tt>% make macosx</tt></blockquote>
<p><br>And it sounds too good to be true but it is that simple. It's worth
doing some editing on the Makefiles in the Plugins and Demos directories
so that it only tries to build a subset, otherwise the developer will have
to dig out the support projects like jpeg etc. I have only built up to
now sgv, hangglide, osgcube, osgreflect, osgviews and in the Plugins have
built osg rgb 3ds and a couple others - will check and get back to you.
<p><u>Tricky bit :</u>
<p>Installing the libdl.a is more trouble, as you have to enable the root
account on the machine, which by default is switched off as the machines
ship for security reasons. Rather than typing in and risking error through
paraphrase, here is a link to a site which tells you how to do this -
<blockquote><a href="http://www.macos.utah.edu/Documentation/macosx/security/enablerootuser.html
Or alternately,
<blockquote><a href="http://www.thinkmacintosh.com/osxfaq.html
<p><br>One you have a root account enabled, you have to su root you cd
to the directory which the Fink installer generates, and it puts libdl.a
and the associated .h files in sensible system places so the compiler just
finds them.
<p>There is one oddball problem - if you rely on Path to find the resulting
executables, a weird Core Graphics error occurs - so even though I set
up my path to include $(OSGHOME)/bin, and when I cd to $OSGHOME and type
for example hangglide, the application starts fine (so it is in the path),
but at the point it tries to use GLUT to open a window it falls over with
a CGS error (which is I think Core Graphics System). If you explicitly
go bin/hangglide it works fine. Weird, it may be an OS X 10.04 issue which
is gone in 10.1 or it may be a weirdy in the Mac GLUT implementation, but
forewarned is forearmed.
2002-04-21 04:35:02 +08:00
2002-04-20 23:49:28 +08:00
Compiling under Cygwin</h2>
To compile, from the OSG root directory, type: make Note, make should automatically
detect your system and build optimized targets for your system. And if
you wish to install the OSG type: make install Note that make symbolic
links don't seem to work under cygwin, so a make instlinks will simply
copy files just like make install. 'make install' places all files in /usr/local/OpenSceneGraph
under appropriate subdirectories. To get full details of make options,
type: make help (highly recommended)
<p>OSGFILEPATH environmental variable
<p>For the OSG to locate file data files easily an environmetal variable
OSGFILEPATH is used at run-time by the osgDB library. Note, for examples
below substitute in the ${OSGDATA} directory with your own path where appropriate)
Add the following to your .cshrc (note paths seperated by colon's): setenv
OSGFILEPATH ./:${OSGDATA}:${OSGDATA}/Images Or the following if you're
using a sh compatible shell : export OSGFILEPATH=./:${OSGDATA}:${OSGDATA}/Images:
Or under windows (note paths seperated by semi-colon's) : SET OSGFILEPATH=./:${OSGDATA};${OSGDATA}/Images
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2002-04-20 23:49:28 +08:00
Running the demos</h2>
To run the viewer demo type (you made need to type rehash first under Unix)
<br>%sgv cow.osg sgv lz.rgb or sgv Spinnercar.flt sgv Alley.3ds sgv town_ogl_pfi.pfb
or sgv -stereo cow.osg (see doc/stereo.html for further details) or sgv
-stencil cow.osg (to turn on use of the stencil buffer and enable the overdraw
stats mode.) or sgv (with no arguments prints out usage to console.) Other
run other demos type osgcube or hangglide hangglide master.flt or osgreflect
cow.osg or osgconv Alley.3ds Alley.osg or osgtexture lz.rgb tree.rgb or
osgimpostor cow.osg or osgviews glider.osg (Note: the file is picked up
by checking the directories pointed to by $OSGFILEPATH)
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