2002-06-05 20:44:55 +08:00
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< HTML >
< HEAD >
< TITLE > class OSGPARTICLE_EXPORT osgParticle::ParticleProcessor< / TITLE >
< / HEAD >
< BODY BGCOLOR = "#ffffff" >
< H2 > class OSGPARTICLE_EXPORT < A HREF = "#DOC.DOCU" > osgParticle::ParticleProcessor< / A > < / H2 > < / H2 > < BLOCKQUOTE > A common base interface for those classes which need to do something on particles.< / BLOCKQUOTE >
< HR >
< H2 > Inheritance:< / H2 >
< APPLET CODE = "ClassGraph.class" WIDTH = 600 HEIGHT = 125 >
< param name = classes value = "Mosg::Node,M,CParticleProcessor,MParticleProcessor.html,CProgram,MProgram.html,CEmitter,MEmitter.html" >
< param name = before value = "M,M,M|_,Mr_" >
< param name = after value = "Md_,M,M,M" >
< param name = indent value = "0,1,1,1" >
< param name = arrowdir value = "down" >
< / APPLET >
< HR >
< DL >
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Public Methods< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.2" > ParticleProcessor< / A > < / B > ()
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.3" > ParticleProcessor< / A > < / B > (const <!1> < A HREF = "ParticleProcessor.html#DOC.2.14.3" > ParticleProcessor< / A > & copy, const osg::CopyOp & copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual const char* < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.4" > className< / A > < / B > () const
< DT >
2002-07-17 04:07:32 +08:00
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.5" > isSameKindAs< / A > < / B > (const osg::Object* obj) const
2002-06-05 20:44:55 +08:00
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.6" > accept< / A > < / B > (osg::NodeVisitor& nv)
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline <!1> < A HREF = "ParticleProcessor.html#DOC.2.14.1" > ReferenceFrame< / A > < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.7" > getReferenceFrame< / A > < / B > () const
< DD > < I > Get the reference frame< / I >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.8" > traverse< / A > < / B > (osg::NodeVisitor & nv)
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline ParticleProcessor::ReferenceFrame < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.21" > getReferenceFrame< / A > < / B > () const
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.22" > setReferenceFrame< / A > < / B > (<!1> < A HREF = "ParticleProcessor.html#DOC.2.14.1" > ReferenceFrame< / A > rf)
< DD > < I > Set the reference frame< / I >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.23" > isEnabled< / A > < / B > () const
< DD > < I > Get whether this processor is enabled or not< / I >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.24" > setEnabled< / A > < / B > (bool v)
< DD > < I > Set whether this processor is enabled or not< / I >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline <!1> < A HREF = "ParticleSystem.html" > ParticleSystem< / A > * < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.25" > getParticleSystem< / A > < / B > ()
< DD > < I > Get a pointer to the destination particle system< / I >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline const <!1> < A HREF = "ParticleSystem.html" > ParticleSystem< / A > * < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.26" > getParticleSystem< / A > < / B > () const
< DD > < I > Get a const pointer to the destination particle system< / I >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.27" > setParticleSystem< / A > < / B > (<!1> < A HREF = "ParticleSystem.html" > ParticleSystem< / A > * ps)
< DD > < I > Set the destination particle system< / I >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline const bool < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.28" > computeBound< / A > < / B > () const
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline const osg::Matrix& < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.29" > getLocalToWorldMatrix< / A > < / B > ()
< DD > < I > Get the current local-to-world transformation matrix (valid only during cull traversal)< / I >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline const osg::Matrix& < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.30" > getWorldToLocalMatrix< / A > < / B > ()
< DD > < I > Get the current world-to-local transformation matrix (valid only during cull traversal)< / I >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline osg::Vec3 < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.31" > transformLocalToWorld< / A > < / B > (const osg::Vec3 & P)
< DD > < I > Transform a point from local to world coordinates (valid only during cull traversal)< / I >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline osg::Vec3 < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.32" > transformWorldToLocal< / A > < / B > (const osg::Vec3 & P)
< DD > < I > Transform a point from world to local coordinates (valid only during cull traversal)< / I >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline osg::Vec3 < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.33" > rotateLocalToWorld< / A > < / B > (const osg::Vec3 & P)
< DD > < I > Transform a vector from local to world coordinates, discarding translation (valid only during cull traversal)< / I >
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > inline osg::Vec3 < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.34" > rotateWorldToLocal< / A > < / B > (const osg::Vec3 & P)
< DD > < I > Transform a vector from world to local coordinates, discarding translation (valid only during cull traversal)< / I >
< / DL > < / P >
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Public Members< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > enum < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.1" > ReferenceFrame< / A > < / B >
< / DL > < / P >
< P > < DL >
< DT > < H3 > Protected Methods< / H3 > < DD > < DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.9" > ~ParticleProcessor< / A > < / B > ()
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > <!1> < A HREF = "ParticleProcessor.html" > ParticleProcessor< / A > & < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.10" > operator=< / A > < / B > (const <!1> < A HREF = "ParticleProcessor.html" > ParticleProcessor< / A > & )
< DT >
< IMG ALT = "[more]" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon1.gif > virtual void < B > < A HREF = "#DOC.2.14.11" > process< / A > < / B > (double dt) = 0
< / DL > < / P >
< / DL >
< A NAME = "DOC.DOCU" > < / A >
< HR >
< H2 > Documentation< / H2 >
< BLOCKQUOTE > A common base interface for those classes which need to do something on particles. Such classes
are, for example, < CODE > Emitter< / CODE > (particle generation) and < CODE > Program< / CODE > (particle animation).
This class holds some properties, like a < I > reference frame< / I > and a reference to a < CODE > ParticleSystem< CODE > ;
descendant classes should process the particles taking into account the reference frame, computing the right
transformations when needed.< / BLOCKQUOTE >
< DL >
< A NAME = "ReferenceFrame" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.1" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > enum ReferenceFrame< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P > < DL >
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > RELATIVE_TO_PARENTS< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "DOC." > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > RELATIVE_TO_ABSOLUTE< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P > < / DL >
< A NAME = "ParticleProcessor" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.2" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > ParticleProcessor()< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "ParticleProcessor" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.3" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > ParticleProcessor(const <!1> < A HREF = "ParticleProcessor.html#DOC.2.14.3" > ParticleProcessor< / A > & copy, const osg::CopyOp & copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "className" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.4" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual const char* className() const < / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "isSameKindAs" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.5" > < / A >
2002-07-17 04:07:32 +08:00
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual bool isSameKindAs(const osg::Object* obj) const < / B > < / TT >
2002-06-05 20:44:55 +08:00
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "accept" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.6" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual void accept(osg::NodeVisitor& nv)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getReferenceFrame" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.7" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline <!1> < A HREF = "ParticleProcessor.html#DOC.2.14.1" > ReferenceFrame< / A > getReferenceFrame() const < / B > < / TT >
< DD > Get the reference frame
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "traverse" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.8" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > void traverse(osg::NodeVisitor & nv)< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "~ParticleProcessor" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.9" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual ~ParticleProcessor()< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "operator=" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.10" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > <!1> < A HREF = "ParticleProcessor.html" > ParticleProcessor< / A > & operator=(const <!1> < A HREF = "ParticleProcessor.html" > ParticleProcessor< / A > & )< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "process" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.11" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > virtual void process(double dt) = 0< / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getReferenceFrame" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.21" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline ParticleProcessor::ReferenceFrame getReferenceFrame() const < / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "setReferenceFrame" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.22" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline void setReferenceFrame(<!1> < A HREF = "ParticleProcessor.html#DOC.2.14.1" > ReferenceFrame< / A > rf)< / B > < / TT >
< DD > Set the reference frame
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "isEnabled" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.23" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline bool isEnabled() const < / B > < / TT >
< DD > Get whether this processor is enabled or not
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "setEnabled" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.24" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline void setEnabled(bool v)< / B > < / TT >
< DD > Set whether this processor is enabled or not
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getParticleSystem" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.25" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline <!1> < A HREF = "ParticleSystem.html" > ParticleSystem< / A > * getParticleSystem()< / B > < / TT >
< DD > Get a pointer to the destination particle system
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getParticleSystem" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.26" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline const <!1> < A HREF = "ParticleSystem.html" > ParticleSystem< / A > * getParticleSystem() const < / B > < / TT >
< DD > Get a const pointer to the destination particle system
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "setParticleSystem" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.27" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline void setParticleSystem(<!1> < A HREF = "ParticleSystem.html" > ParticleSystem< / A > * ps)< / B > < / TT >
< DD > Set the destination particle system
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "computeBound" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.28" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline const bool computeBound() const < / B > < / TT >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getLocalToWorldMatrix" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.29" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline const osg::Matrix& getLocalToWorldMatrix()< / B > < / TT >
< DD > Get the current local-to-world transformation matrix (valid only during cull traversal)
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "getWorldToLocalMatrix" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.30" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline const osg::Matrix& getWorldToLocalMatrix()< / B > < / TT >
< DD > Get the current world-to-local transformation matrix (valid only during cull traversal)
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "transformLocalToWorld" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.31" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline osg::Vec3 transformLocalToWorld(const osg::Vec3 & P)< / B > < / TT >
< DD > Transform a point from local to world coordinates (valid only during cull traversal)
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "transformWorldToLocal" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.32" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline osg::Vec3 transformWorldToLocal(const osg::Vec3 & P)< / B > < / TT >
< DD > Transform a point from world to local coordinates (valid only during cull traversal)
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "rotateLocalToWorld" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.33" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline osg::Vec3 rotateLocalToWorld(const osg::Vec3 & P)< / B > < / TT >
< DD > Transform a vector from local to world coordinates, discarding translation (valid only during cull traversal)
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P >
< A NAME = "rotateWorldToLocal" > < / A >
< A NAME = "DOC.2.14.34" > < / A >
< DT > < IMG ALT = "o" BORDER = 0 SRC = icon2.gif > < TT > < B > inline osg::Vec3 rotateWorldToLocal(const osg::Vec3 & P)< / B > < / TT >
< DD > Transform a vector from world to local coordinates, discarding translation (valid only during cull traversal)
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P > < / DL >
< HR >
< DL > < DT > < B > Direct child classes:
< / B > < DD > < A HREF = "Program.html" > Program< / A > < BR >
< A HREF = "Emitter.html" > Emitter< / A > < BR >
< / DL >
< DL > < DT > < DD > < / DL > < P > < P > < I > < A HREF = "index.html" > Alphabetic index< / A > < / I > < I > < A HREF = "HIER.html" > HTML hierarchy of classes< / A > or < A HREF = "HIERjava.html" > Java< / A > < / I > < / P > < HR >
< BR >
This page was generated with the help of < A HREF = "http://docpp.sourceforge.net" > DOC++< / A > .
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