2007-08-12 21:30:00 +08:00
// ***************************************************************************
// Generated automatically by genwrapper.
// Please DO NOT EDIT this file!
// ***************************************************************************
# include <osgIntrospection/ReflectionMacros>
# include <osgIntrospection/TypedMethodInfo>
# include <osgIntrospection/StaticMethodInfo>
# include <osgIntrospection/Attributes>
# include <osg/CopyOp>
# include <osg/NodeVisitor>
# include <osg/Object>
# include <osg/Vec2>
2007-09-20 18:14:08 +08:00
# include <osg/Vec2s>
2007-08-12 21:30:00 +08:00
# include <osgShadow/SoftShadowMap>
# include <osgUtil/CullVisitor>
// Must undefine IN and OUT macros defined in Windows headers
# ifdef IN
# undef IN
# endif
# ifdef OUT
# undef OUT
# endif
BEGIN_OBJECT_REFLECTOR ( osgShadow : : SoftShadowMap )
I_DeclaringFile ( " osgShadow/SoftShadowMap " ) ;
I_BaseType ( osgShadow : : ShadowTechnique ) ;
I_Constructor0 ( ____SoftShadowMap ,
" " ,
" " ) ;
I_ConstructorWithDefaults2 ( IN , const osgShadow : : SoftShadowMap & , es , , IN , const osg : : CopyOp & , copyop , osg : : CopyOp : : SHALLOW_COPY ,
____SoftShadowMap__C5_SoftShadowMap_R1__C5_osg_CopyOp_R1 ,
" " ,
" " ) ;
I_Method0 ( osg : : Object * , cloneType ,
Properties : : VIRTUAL ,
__osg_Object_P1__cloneType ,
" Clone the type of an object, with Object* return type. " ,
" Must be defined by derived classes. " ) ;
I_Method1 ( osg : : Object * , clone , IN , const osg : : CopyOp & , copyop ,
Properties : : VIRTUAL ,
__osg_Object_P1__clone__C5_osg_CopyOp_R1 ,
" Clone an object, with Object* return type. " ,
" Must be defined by derived classes. " ) ;
I_Method1 ( bool , isSameKindAs , IN , const osg : : Object * , obj ,
Properties : : VIRTUAL ,
__bool__isSameKindAs__C5_osg_Object_P1 ,
" " ,
" " ) ;
I_Method0 ( const char * , libraryName ,
Properties : : VIRTUAL ,
__C5_char_P1__libraryName ,
" return the name of the object's library. " ,
" Must be defined by derived classes. The OpenSceneGraph convention is that the namespace of a library is the same as the library name. " ) ;
I_Method0 ( const char * , className ,
Properties : : VIRTUAL ,
__C5_char_P1__className ,
" return the name of the object's class type. " ,
" Must be defined by derived classes. " ) ;
I_Method1 ( void , setTextureUnit , IN , unsigned int , unit ,
Properties : : NON_VIRTUAL ,
__void__setTextureUnit__unsigned_int ,
" Set the texture unit that the shadow texture will be applied on. " ,
" " ) ;
I_Method0 ( unsigned int , getTextureUnit ,
Properties : : NON_VIRTUAL ,
__unsigned_int__getTextureUnit ,
" Get the texture unit that the shadow texture will be applied on. " ,
" " ) ;
I_Method1 ( void , setAmbientBias , IN , const osg : : Vec2 & , ambientBias ,
Properties : : NON_VIRTUAL ,
__void__setAmbientBias__C5_osg_Vec2_R1 ,
" Set the values for the ambient bias the shader will use. " ,
" " ) ;
2007-09-20 18:14:08 +08:00
I_Method2 ( void , setTextureSize , IN , int , width , IN , int , height ,
Properties : : NON_VIRTUAL ,
__void__setTextureSize__int__int ,
" Set the resolution of the rendertarget texture used for shadow generation. " ,
" " ) ;
I_Method1 ( void , setTextureSize , IN , const osg : : Vec2s & , x ,
Properties : : NON_VIRTUAL ,
__void__setTextureSize__C5_osg_Vec2s_R1 ,
" Set the resolution of the rendertarget texture used for shadow generation. " ,
" " ) ;
I_Method0 ( const osg : : Vec2s & , getTextureSize ,
Properties : : NON_VIRTUAL ,
__C5_osg_Vec2s_R1__getTextureSize ,
" Get the resolution of the rendertarget texture used for shadow generation. " ,
" " ) ;
I_Method1 ( void , setBias , IN , float , bias ,
Properties : : NON_VIRTUAL ,
__void__setBias__float ,
" Add a small bias to the z-value when calculating the MVPT matrix, this can reduce shadow acne problem. " ,
" Suitable values are 0-0.005 Default is 0. " ) ;
I_Method0 ( float , getBias ,
Properties : : NON_VIRTUAL ,
__float__getBias ,
" Return the bias value set used when calculating the MVPT matrix. " ,
" " ) ;
2007-08-12 21:30:00 +08:00
I_Method1 ( void , setSoftnessWidth , IN , const float , softnesswidth ,
Properties : : NON_VIRTUAL ,
__void__setSoftnessWidth__C5_float ,
" Set the values for width of the soft penumbra the shader will use. " ,
" Zero is for hard shadow (no penumbra). 0.01 is already very soft penumbra. Default is 0.005. " ) ;
I_Method1 ( void , setJitteringScale , IN , const float , jitteringscale ,
Properties : : NON_VIRTUAL ,
__void__setJitteringScale__C5_float ,
" Set the values for jittering scale the shader will use. " ,
" Zero is no jittering (i.e. see the banding in penumbra) High values (>64) cause 'pixelization' of the penumbra. Usually but not necessarily power of two number. Default is 32. " ) ;
I_Method0 ( const osg : : Vec2 & , getAmbientBias ,
Properties : : NON_VIRTUAL ,
__C5_osg_Vec2_R1__getAmbientBias ,
" Get the values that are used for the ambient bias in the shader. " ,
" " ) ;
I_Method0 ( const float , getSoftnessWidth ,
Properties : : NON_VIRTUAL ,
__C5_float__getSoftnessWidth ,
" Get the value used for width of the soft penumbra in the shader. " ,
" " ) ;
I_Method0 ( const float , getJitteringScale ,
Properties : : NON_VIRTUAL ,
__C5_float__getJitteringScale ,
" Get the value used for jittering scale in the shader. " ,
" " ) ;
I_Method0 ( void , init ,
Properties : : VIRTUAL ,
__void__init ,
" initialize the ShadowedScene and local cached data structures. " ,
" " ) ;
I_Method1 ( void , update , IN , osg : : NodeVisitor & , nv ,
Properties : : VIRTUAL ,
__void__update__osg_NodeVisitor_R1 ,
" run the update traversal of the ShadowedScene and update any loca chached data structures. " ,
" " ) ;
I_Method1 ( void , cull , IN , osgUtil : : CullVisitor & , cv ,
Properties : : VIRTUAL ,
__void__cull__osgUtil_CullVisitor_R1 ,
" run the cull traversal of the ShadowedScene and set up the rendering for this ShadowTechnique. " ,
" " ) ;
I_Method0 ( void , cleanSceneGraph ,
Properties : : VIRTUAL ,
__void__cleanSceneGraph ,
" Clean scene graph from any shadow technique specific nodes, state and drawables. " ,
" " ) ;
I_ProtectedMethod1 ( void , initJittering , IN , osg : : StateSet * , x ,
Properties : : NON_VIRTUAL ,
Properties : : NON_CONST ,
__void__initJittering__osg_StateSet_P1 ,
" " ,
" " ) ;
I_SimpleProperty ( const osg : : Vec2 & , AmbientBias ,
__C5_osg_Vec2_R1__getAmbientBias ,
__void__setAmbientBias__C5_osg_Vec2_R1 ) ;
2007-09-20 18:14:08 +08:00
I_SimpleProperty ( float , Bias ,
__float__getBias ,
__void__setBias__float ) ;
2007-08-12 21:30:00 +08:00
I_SimpleProperty ( const float , JitteringScale ,
__C5_float__getJitteringScale ,
__void__setJitteringScale__C5_float ) ;
I_SimpleProperty ( const float , SoftnessWidth ,
__C5_float__getSoftnessWidth ,
__void__setSoftnessWidth__C5_float ) ;
2007-09-20 18:14:08 +08:00
I_SimpleProperty ( const osg : : Vec2s & , TextureSize ,
__C5_osg_Vec2s_R1__getTextureSize ,
__void__setTextureSize__C5_osg_Vec2s_R1 ) ;
2007-08-12 21:30:00 +08:00
I_SimpleProperty ( unsigned int , TextureUnit ,
__unsigned_int__getTextureUnit ,
__void__setTextureUnit__unsigned_int ) ;