2003-01-22 00:45:36 +08:00
/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Robert Osfield
* This library is open source and may be redistributed and / or modified under
* the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License ( OSGPL ) version 0.0 or
* ( at your option ) any later version . The full license is in LICENSE file
* included with this distribution , and on the openscenegraph . org website .
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details .
2002-04-23 21:59:01 +08:00
// FileUtil_Mac asses that defined(TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON) is valid.
# include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <osg/Notify>
# include <osg/Node>
# include <osg/Geode>
# include <osg/Group>
# include <osgDB/FileUtils>
# include <osgDB/FileNameUtils>
# include <osgDB/Registry>
using namespace osg ;
using namespace osgDB ;
using namespace std ;
// follows is definition of strdup for compatibility under mac,
// However, I'd prefer to migrate all the findFindInPath tools to use
// std::string's and then be able to remove the following definition.
// My objective is to minimize the number of platform #ifdef's as they
// are source of potential bugs and developer confusion.
char * PathDelimitor = " " ;
static const char * s_default_file_path = " : " ;
static const char * s_default_dso_path = " : " ;
static char * s_filePath = " : " ;
static bool s_filePathInitialized = false ;
// MACOS utilities
/** MAC Carbon only : get an FSSpec for the named file system object (file or folder) contained within the specified folder
ridiculous that this kind of thing doesn ' t seem to be built into carbon . or manybe I ' m just not finding it ?
give me back my cocoa .
TODO : we should probably do a version of this routine that searches subfolders too
static OSErr getObjectContainedInFolder ( const std : : string & objectName , FSSpecPtr containingFolder , FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr )
FSRef theObjectRef ;
FSRef containingFolderRef ;
CFStringRef unicodeObjectName ;
OSErr errCode ;
UniChar objectNameChars [ 255 ] ;
CFIndex nameLength ;
errCode = FSpMakeFSRef ( containingFolder , & containingFolderRef ) ; // make FSREf to containing folder
if ( errCode = = noErr )
unicodeObjectName = CFStringCreateWithCString ( NULL , objectName . c_str ( ) , kCFStringEncodingASCII ) ;
nameLength = CFStringGetLength ( unicodeObjectName ) ;
CFStringGetCharacters ( unicodeObjectName , CFRangeMake ( 0 , nameLength ) , & objectNameChars [ 0 ] ) ;
errCode = FSMakeFSRefUnicode ( & containingFolderRef , nameLength , objectNameChars , CFStringGetSystemEncoding ( ) , & theObjectRef ) ;
CFRelease ( unicodeObjectName ) ;
if ( errCode = = noErr )
{ // the object exists, so we just have to make an FSSpec from the FSRef.
return FSGetCatalogInfo ( & theObjectRef , kFSCatInfoNone , NULL , NULL , theFSSpecPtr , NULL ) ;
return errCode ;
/** MAC Carbon only : get an FSSpec for the named file system object (file or folder) contained within the specified folder
this just makes an FSSpec and calls the getObjectContainedInFolder
static OSErr getObjectContainedInFolder ( const std : : string & objectName , SInt16 containingFolderVolRef , SInt32 containingFolderDirID , FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr )
FSSpec container ;
OSErr errCode ;
errCode = FSMakeFSSpec ( containingFolderVolRef , containingFolderDirID , ( ConstStr255Param ) " " , & container ) ;
if ( errCode = = noErr )
errCode = getObjectContainedInFolder ( objectName , & container , theFSSpecPtr ) ;
return errCode ;
/** MAC Carbon only : get an FSSpec for the current application package.
this is mostly useful for finding the Plug - ins directory if the application chooses to store plugins in a folder next
to the application in the " old fashioned " way .
This code directly taken from Apple technote TN2015 ( locating application support files under OSX )
TODO - this currently only supports applications that are built as a bundle , not simple unix style exectutables .
The technote above describes how to support this situation and we should probably add support for that at some point . But I need to sleep now .
static OSErr getApplicationFSSpec ( FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr )
OSErr err = fnfErr ;
CFBundleRef myAppsBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle ( ) ;
if ( myAppsBundle = = NULL ) return err ;
CFURLRef myBundleURL = CFBundleCopyBundleURL ( myAppsBundle ) ;
if ( myBundleURL = = NULL ) return err ;
FSRef myBundleRef ;
Boolean ok = CFURLGetFSRef ( myBundleURL , & myBundleRef ) ;
CFRelease ( myBundleURL ) ;
if ( ! ok ) return err ;
return FSGetCatalogInfo ( & myBundleRef , kFSCatInfoNone , NULL , NULL , theFSSpecPtr , NULL ) ;
/** MAC Carbon only : returns an FSSpec for the folder containing the specified file system object
static OSErr getParentFolder ( FSSpecPtr theFSSpec , FSSpecPtr theParentSpec )
FSRef theSubjectRef ;
FSRef theParentRef ;
OSErr theErr ;
theErr = FSpMakeFSRef ( theFSSpec , & theSubjectRef ) ;
if ( theErr = = noErr )
theErr = FSGetCatalogInfo ( & theSubjectRef , kFSCatInfoNone , NULL , NULL , NULL , & theParentRef ) ;
if ( theErr = = noErr )
theErr = FSGetCatalogInfo ( & theParentRef , kFSCatInfoNone , NULL , NULL , theParentSpec , NULL ) ;
return theErr ;
/** MAC Carbon only : get an FSSpec for the folder containing the current application package.
this is mostly useful for finding the Plug - ins directory if the application chooses to store plugins in a folder next
to the application in the " old fashioned " way .
static OSErr getApplicationParentFolderFSSpec ( FSSpecPtr theFolder )
FSSpec theApp ;
OSErr theErr ;
theErr = getApplicationFSSpec ( & theApp ) ;
if ( theErr = = noErr )
theErr = getParentFolder ( & theApp , theFolder ) ;
return theErr ;
/** MAC Carbon only : get an FSSpect for a sub folder of the parent folder of the current application.
this is mostly useful for finding things like " plug-in " directories . Note that the proper place to put this kind of
thing is now supposed to be the " Application Support " folder .
static OSErr getApplicationPeerFolderFSSpec ( const std : : string & folderName , FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr )
FSSpec applicationFolder ;
OSErr errCode ;
errCode = getApplicationParentFolderFSSpec ( & applicationFolder ) ;
if ( errCode = = noErr )
return getObjectContainedInFolder ( folderName , & applicationFolder , theFSSpecPtr ) ;
return errCode ; // file not found error
/** MAC carbon only : returns the posix style path to a file specified in an FSSpec
returns NULL if the file object pointed to by the FSSpec doesn ' t exist
static char * pathFromFSSpec ( FSSpecPtr theFSSpec )
FSRef theObjectRef ;
char pathTmp [ 1024 ] ;
char * path = NULL ;
CFURLRef theObjectURL ;
OSErr errCode ;
errCode = FSpMakeFSRef ( theFSSpec , & theObjectRef ) ;
if ( errCode = = noErr )
theObjectURL = CFURLCreateFromFSRef ( NULL , & theObjectRef ) ;
if ( theObjectURL ! = NULL )
CFStringRef thePath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath ( theObjectURL , kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle ) ; // maybe should be HFS style on OS9 ?
CFStringGetCString ( thePath , pathTmp , 1024 , kCFStringEncodingASCII ) ;
path = strdup ( pathTmp ) ;
CFRelease ( theObjectURL ) ; CFRelease ( thePath ) ;
return path ;
/** MAC Carbon only : checks for the existance of a file (replaces unix access() for OS8/9 platform)
static bool checkFileExists ( const char * filePath )
CFURLRef fileURL ;
FSRef fileRef ;
bool fileExists ;
// if(gestaltReply & gestaltFSUsesPOSIXPathsForConversion)
//CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(ilePath, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, Boolean isDirectory);
// FSPathMakeRef is only implemented on OSX, so can't use that.
fileURL = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation ( NULL , ( const UInt8 * ) filePath , strlen ( filePath ) , false ) ; // hopefully this isolates us from dealing with what form the path is in - i think it should assume the native path format for the platfrom we're running on.
fileExists = CFURLGetFSRef ( fileURL , & fileRef ) ;
CFRelease ( fileURL ) ;
return fileExists ;
/** MAC carbon only : returns the file path of a CFURLRef as a C string.
you ' re responsible for disposing of the string when you ' re done
static char * pathFromCFURL ( CFURLRef theURL )
UInt8 pathTmp [ 1024 ] ; // temporary buffer for path
char * path = NULL ;
if ( theURL ! = NULL )
CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation ( theURL , false , pathTmp , 1024 ) ; // TODO this can fail somehow - not sure what to do if it does
path = strdup ( ( char * ) pathTmp ) ;
return path ; // phew
/** MAC carbon only : searches the given bundle for a named resource and returns the path to it if it exists, otherwise NULL
static char * getPathOfResourceInBundle ( const std : : string & resourceName , CFBundleRef theBundle )
CFStringRef fileNameString = CFStringCreateWithCString ( NULL , resourceName . c_str ( ) , kCFStringEncodingASCII ) ;
CFURLRef fileURL = CFBundleCopyResourceURL ( theBundle , fileNameString , NULL , NULL ) ; // look for a resource with the specified name
CFRelease ( fileNameString ) ;
if ( fileURL ! = NULL )
notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " found file: " < < resourceName < < " as a bundle resource " < < endl ;
char * thePath = pathFromCFURL ( fileURL ) ;
CFRelease ( fileURL ) ;
return thePath ;
return NULL ;
/** MAC carbon only : returns the path to a resource in the Application bundle as a string
returns NULL if the resource doesn ' t exist
static char * getPathOfApplicationResource ( const std : : string & resourceName )
CFBundleRef theSearchBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle ( ) ;
char * thePath = getPathOfResourceInBundle ( resourceName , theSearchBundle ) ;
return thePath ;
// end mac utilites
void osgDB : : initFilePath ( void )
char * ptr ;
2002-04-24 22:52:53 +08:00
if ( ( ptr = getenv ( " OSG_FILE_PATH " ) ) )
notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " osgDB::Init( " < < ptr < < " ) " < < std : : endl ;
setFilePath ( ptr ) ;
else if ( ( ptr = getenv ( " OSGFILEPATH " ) ) )
2002-04-23 21:59:01 +08:00
notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " osgDB::Init( " < < ptr < < " ) " < < std : : endl ;
setFilePath ( ptr ) ;
notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " osgDB::Init(NULL) " < < std : : endl ;
s_filePathInitialized = true ;
void osgDB : : setFilePath ( const char * _path )
notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " In osgDB::setFilePath( " < < _path < < " ) " < < std : : endl ;
buff [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( s_filePath ! = s_default_file_path )
strcpy ( buff , s_filePath ) ;
strcat ( buff , PathDelimitor ) ;
strcat ( buff , _path ) ;
s_filePath = strdup ( buff ) ;
s_filePathInitialized = true ;
const char * osgDB : : getFilePath ( )
return s_filePath ;
char * osgDB : : findFileInPath ( const char * _file , const char * filePath )
// the mac version now works, but it doesn't do much yet, since paths don't really mean much on the mac.
# define CHECK_FILE_EXISTS(theFile) (checkFileExists(theFile) ? 0 : 1)
notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " FindFileInPath() : trying " < < _file < < " ... \n " ;
if ( CHECK_FILE_EXISTS ( _file ) = = 0 ) return ( char * ) _file ;
char pathbuff [ FILEUTILS_MAX_PATH_LENGTH ] ;
char * tptr , * tmppath ;
char * path = 0L ;
notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " FindFileInPath() : trying " < < _file < < " ... \n " ;
if ( CHECK_FILE_EXISTS ( _file ) = = 0 )
return strdup ( _file ) ;
tptr = strdup ( filePath ) ;
tmppath = strtok ( tptr , PathDelimitor ) ;
sprintf ( pathbuff , " %s/%s " , tmppath , _file ) ;
notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " FindFileInPath() : trying " < < pathbuff < < " ... \n " ;
if ( CHECK_FILE_EXISTS ( pathbuff ) = = 0 ) break ;
} while ( ( tmppath = strtok ( 0 , PathDelimitor ) ) ) ;
if ( tmppath ! = ( char * ) 0L )
path = strdup ( pathbuff ) ;
: : free ( tptr ) ;
if ( path ) notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " FindFileInPath() : returning " < < path < < endl ;
else notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " FindFileInPath() : returning NULL " < < endl ;
return path ;
char * osgDB : : findFile ( const char * file )
if ( ! file ) return NULL ;
if ( ! s_filePathInitialized ) initFilePath ( ) ;
char * newFileName = findFileInPath ( file , s_filePath ) ;
if ( newFileName ) return newFileName ;
// need to check here to see if file has a path on it.
// now strip the file of an previous path if one exists.
std : : string simpleFileName = getSimpleFileName ( file ) ;
newFileName = findFileInPath ( simpleFileName . c_str ( ) , s_filePath ) ;
if ( newFileName ) return newFileName ;
// on the mac we look inside the application's bundle for a resource with the correct name after we've tried the explicitly defined paths
newFileName = getPathOfApplicationResource ( simpleFileName ) ;
return newFileName ;
Order of precedence for
Under UNIX .
. /
Under Windows
. /
Under MAC Carbon
things are a little complex . The normal place to put plug - ins is supposed to be your apps " application support " folder .
However , i ' ve tried to support other places that you might want to put them .
At the moment a plugin found next to the application will take precedence over all others -
this is so that during development you can just build plugins to your deffault build folder and they ' ll work .
TODO : I should proabably conditionally compile this so that this behaviour deosn ' t happen when doing a deployment build .
As a fallback the appliction will search it ' s Application bundle and then the OSG framework for plug - ins .
This means that an application ( or even just the OSG frameowrk itself ) can be delivered as a single bundle " file " which
will Just Work straight off , but that the plug ins contained there can be supersceded by newer versions explicitly provided by the user .
TODO : Currently I don ' t searh OSG_LD_LIBRARY_PATH , though it shouldn ' t be difficult to implement .
Application folder
Applictaion Folder / Plug - ins
User domain / Application Support / OSG / Plug - ins
Local domain / Application Support / OSG / Plug - ins
Network domain / Application Support / OSG / Plug - ins
Current Application Bundle / Plug - ins
OSG Framework
char * osgDB : : findDSO ( const char * name )
// mac version - wow the ifdefs have got pretty wild and crazy here - couldn't it be sorted out a little ?
// On the mac we look in the mac default locations.
// ie. in the users application support folder, the local application support folder, the network application support folder and a "Plug-ins" folder in the same directory as the application and finally in the application bundle itself
// this should give us the correct behaviour for loading plug-ins, I think roughly matching the strategyusde by PlugIn Services.
// BUT we're not doing any of the more fancy plug-in services stuff like dealing with different version of plaug-ins, we just use the first one we find.
// note that I've tried to avoid using path strings as much as possible for compatibility with OS8/9
// TODO - ideally we would make the Registry class a bit more abstract so that it could be implemented differently on different platforms.
// the MacOS has a "PlugIn Services" API that duplicates virtually all this functionality and would be a lot simpler to deal with
// on the mac.
SInt16 foundVRefNum ;
SInt32 foundDirID ;
FSSpec foundFileSpec ;
FSSpec appPlugInsFolder ;
CFBundleRef theSearchBundle ; // reference to a bundle that is being seacrched for resources
notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " searching for plug-in: " < < name < < endl ;
// to make development easier we'll look for plugins in the same folder as the application first. This means that the plug-ins and application can easily be built
// in the same folder and the appl will use them first. This should probably only happen during development, and when building a deployment version this behaviour should be
// removed, but I can't be bothered at the moment.
if ( getApplicationParentFolderFSSpec ( & appPlugInsFolder ) = = noErr )
if ( getObjectContainedInFolder ( name , & appPlugInsFolder , & foundFileSpec ) = = noErr )
notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " found plugin: " < < name < < " next to Application " < < endl ;
return pathFromFSSpec ( & foundFileSpec ) ;
// next look in Plug-ins driectory next to current application. This isn't the "standard" carbon way to do things, but very common so we should support it, i think.
if ( getApplicationPeerFolderFSSpec ( " Plug-ins " , & appPlugInsFolder ) = = noErr )
if ( getObjectContainedInFolder ( name , & appPlugInsFolder , & foundFileSpec ) = = noErr )
notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " found plugin: " < < name < < " in Plug-ins folder next to Application " < < endl ;
return pathFromFSSpec ( & foundFileSpec ) ;
// next check in the normal places to find plugins.
if ( FindFolder ( kUserDomain , kApplicationSupportFolderType , kDontCreateFolder , & foundVRefNum , & foundDirID ) = = noErr )
if ( getObjectContainedInFolder ( " Open Scene Graph " , foundVRefNum , foundDirID , & appPlugInsFolder ) = = noErr )
if ( getObjectContainedInFolder ( name , & appPlugInsFolder , & foundFileSpec ) = = noErr )
notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " found plugin: " < < name < < " in user domain appliaction support folder " < < endl ;
return pathFromFSSpec ( & foundFileSpec ) ;
if ( FindFolder ( kLocalDomain , kApplicationSupportFolderType , kDontCreateFolder , & foundVRefNum , & foundDirID ) = = noErr )
if ( getObjectContainedInFolder ( " Open Scene Graph " , foundVRefNum , foundDirID , & appPlugInsFolder ) = = noErr )
if ( getObjectContainedInFolder ( name , & appPlugInsFolder , & foundFileSpec ) = = noErr )
notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " found plugin: " < < name < < " in local domain appliaction support folder " < < endl ;
return pathFromFSSpec ( & foundFileSpec ) ;
if ( FindFolder ( kNetworkDomain , kApplicationSupportFolderType , kDontCreateFolder , & foundVRefNum , & foundDirID ) = = noErr )
if ( getObjectContainedInFolder ( " Open Scene Graph " , foundVRefNum , foundDirID , & appPlugInsFolder ) = = noErr )
if ( getObjectContainedInFolder ( name , & appPlugInsFolder , & foundFileSpec ) = = noErr )
notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " found plugin: " < < name < < " in network domain appliaction support folder " < < endl ;
return pathFromFSSpec ( & foundFileSpec ) ;
// next we'll check if the Application has a resource with the correct name. This will allow plug-ins to be packaged inside the application itself.
char * thePath = getPathOfApplicationResource ( name ) ;
if ( thePath ! = NULL )
notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " found plugin: " < < name < < " as an application resource " < < endl ;
return thePath ;
// as a last resort we look inside the "OSG" framework to see if we can find anything there.
theSearchBundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier ( CFSTR ( " org.OpenSceneGraph.Core " ) ) ;
if ( theSearchBundle ! = NULL )
thePath = getPathOfResourceInBundle ( name , theSearchBundle ) ;
CFRelease ( theSearchBundle ) ;
if ( thePath = = NULL )
notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " couldn't find plugin: " < < name < < endl ;
notify ( DEBUG_INFO ) < < " found plugin: " < < name < < " as an OSG framework resource " < < endl ;
return thePath ;
2002-06-18 05:50:37 +08:00
2002-04-23 21:59:01 +08:00
osgDB : : DirectoryContents osgDB : : getDirectoryContents ( const std : : string & dirName )
osgDB : : DirectoryContents contents ;
notify ( WARN ) < < " Warning : MAC implementation doesn't implement getDirectoryContents yet " < < endl ;
return contents ;
2002-06-18 05:50:37 +08:00
std : : string osg : : findFileInPath ( const std : : string & filename , const FilePath & filePath )
notify ( WARN ) < < " Warning : MAC implementation doesn't findFileInPath yet " < < endl ;
return std : : string ;
std : : string osg : : findLibraryInPath ( const std : : string & filename , const FilePath & filePath )
notify ( WARN ) < < " Warning : MAC implementation doesn't findLibraryInPath yet " < < endl ;
return std : : string ;
bool osgDB : : fileExists ( const std : : string & filename )
CFURLRef fileURL ;
FSRef fileRef ;
bool fileExists ;
fileURL = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation ( NULL , ( const UInt8 * ) filename . c_str ( ) , filename . size ( ) , false ) ; // hopefully this isolates us from dealing with what form the path is in - i think it should assume the native path format for the platfrom we're running on.
fileExists = CFURLGetFSRef ( fileURL , & fileRef ) ;
CFRelease ( fileURL ) ;
return fileExists ;