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#Turret by 5H1N0B1
#GNU licence
#turret Gun class
var turret=
#create new object
new: func(name,index, view_number,heading_path,pitch_path,minhead, maxhead,headdegsec,minpitch, maxpitch,pitchdegsec)
# copy the turret object
var m = { parents: [turret] }; = name;
m.index = index;
m.view = view_number;
m.viewheading = props.globals.getNode("/sim/current-view/heading-offset-deg");
m.viewpitch = props.globals.getNode("/sim/current-view/pitch-offset-deg");
m.loop_running = 0;
#Heading management
m.heading = props.globals.getNode(heading_path);
m.heading_Min = minhead;
m.heading_Max = maxhead;
m.headingDegBySec = headdegsec;
m.LastHeading = 0;
#Ptich management
m.pitch = props.globals.getNode(pitch_path);
m.pitch_Min = minpitch;
m.pitch_Max = maxpitch;
m.pitchDegBySec = pitchdegsec;
m.LastPitch = 0;
#Self Update period
m.UPDATE_PERIOD = 0.04 ; # update interval for engine init() functions
m.LastTime = 0;
m.viewChange = nil;
m.viewPitch = nil;
m.viewHeading = nil;
return m;
#In case of new without limitations arguments
#new: func(name,index, view_number,heading_path,pitch_path)
# var m =,index,view_number,heading_path, pitch_path,0 ,0 ,0 ,0);
# return m;
#move the turret
move: func
var ActTime = getprop("sim/time/elapsed-sec");
var headingcoeff = 0;
var pitchcoeff = 0;
var Myheading = 360-me.viewheading.getValue();
#Heading coeff
headingcoeff = (ActTime - me.LastTime)*me.headingDegBySec;
#Heading coeff limitation
headingcoeff = (headingcoeff-abs(Myheading - me.LastHeading)>0)? abs(Myheading - me.LastHeading):headingcoeff;
#Add sign
headingcoeff = (Myheading - me.LastHeading)<0? -headingcoeff:headingcoeff;
#Invert it when angle>180
headingcoeff = abs(Myheading - me.LastHeading)>180?-headingcoeff:headingcoeff;
#This is to take account of the modulo 2Pi
Myheading = headingcoeff+me.LastHeading;
Myheading = Myheading>360?Myheading-360:Myheading;
Myheading = Myheading<0?360-Myheading:Myheading;
Myheading = me.limit(Myheading,me.heading_Min,me.heading_Max,me.LastHeading);
me.LastHeading = Myheading;
#gui.popupTip (Myheading,0.1);
var Mypitch = me.viewpitch.getValue();
#Pitch coeff
pitchcoeff = (ActTime - me.LastTime)*me.headingDegBySec;
#Pitch coeff limitation
pitchcoeff = (pitchcoeff-abs(Mypitch - me.LastPitch)>0)? abs(Mypitch - me.LastPitch):pitchcoeff;
#Add sign
pitchcoeff = (Mypitch - me.LastPitch)<0? -pitchcoeff:pitchcoeff;
Mypitch = pitchcoeff+me.LastPitch;
Mypitch = me.limit(Mypitch,me.pitch_Min,me.pitch_Max,me.LastPitch);
me.LastPitch = Mypitch;
#Free for anotherupdate
#me.loop_running = 0;
me.LastTime = ActTime;
#Tool : limitations func.
limit: func(value, min, max, lastValue)
var tempo = value;
if(max != min) {
if(max>min) {
if(value>max) {
tempo = max;
if(value<min) {
tempo = min;
} else {
#print("min:",min,", max:",max," value:",value, " LastValue", lastValue);
if((value>max) and (value<min) and (lastValue>=min)) {
tempo = min;
if((value>max) and (value<min) and (lastValue<=max)) {
tempo = max;
#print("value :",value," tempo :",tempo, "min :", min," max :",max);
return tempo
#Call the update loop
init: func
#settimer(loop, 0);
if(me.viewChange == nil) {
me.viewChange = setlistener("sim/current-view/view-number", func(currentView) {
#print("L1 ", me.loop_running);
if(currentView.getValue() == me.view) {
#print("L1 prime", me.loop_running);
}, 0, 0);
#Create the update loop and the listener -->The ideal would be to put a setlistener/view
update: func
if (me.loop_running) return;
#me.loop_running = 1;
var loop = func {
if(getprop("sim/current-view/view-number") == me.view) {
me.UPDATE_PERIOD = 0.04;
} else {
settimer(loop, me.UPDATE_PERIOD);
settimer(loop, me.UPDATE_PERIOD);
update_2: func
#Set/change update period if necessary
update_period: func (update_periode)
me.UPDATE_PERIOD = update_periode;
# nom : TourelledeToit
# index : 0 <-Il s'agit de la première tourelle, la variable est definie dans sim/model/turret[0]
# view : 9 Il s'agit de l'index reel de la view, disponible ici : /sim/current-view/view-number
# heading : path de la variable heading du model 3D
# pitch : path de la variable pitch du model 3D
# heading, min max : limitations en heading. Si max = min alors pas de limitation
# pitch, min max : limitations en pitch. Si max = min alors pas de limitation
#In English : here are the parameters :
#func(name,index, view_number,heading_path,pitch_path,minhead, maxhead,headdegsec,minpitch, maxpitch,pitchdegsec)
# name : TourelledeToit (Name it as you wish)
# index : 0 <-Here it's the first turret, so 0. Variable can be found here : sim/model/turret[0]
# view : 9 View index. Can be found here : /sim/current-view/view-number
# heading_path : heading_path of the turret. 3D model move based on this.(Submodels&bullets too)
# pitch_path : pitch path of the turret. 3D model move based on this.(Submodels&bullets too)
#heading, min max: heading limitation, min & max. if max=min : no limitation
#headdegsec : Turret heading turn rate in degree/seconds
#pitch, min max : pitch limitation, min & max. if max=min : no limitation
#pitchdegsec : Turret pitch turn rate in degree/seconds
#création de l'objet
var tourelleCanon ="tourelleCanon",0,8,"sim/model/turret[0]/heading","sim/model/turret[0]/pitch",270,90,60,-70,10,60);
var tourelleCanon2 ="tourelleCanon",0,9,"sim/model/turret[0]/heading","sim/model/turret[0]/pitch",270,90,60,-70,10,60);
#init de l'objet
var myListener = setlistener("sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func
}, 0, 0);
#Note : pour rajouter une tourelle, s'assurer que les variables soient bonne, que la 3D soit présente. Ensuite Il suffit d'ajouter :
# var tourelledetoit ="TourelledeToit",0,9,"sim/model/turret[0]/heading","sim/model/turret[0]/pitch");
# setlistener("sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func
# tourelledetoit.init();
#}, 0, 0);
#la gestion des tir n'a pas encore été faite