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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<name>Pitch Ladder</name>
<name>Pitch CMD Tape</name>
<name>PITCH CMD</name>
<format>PITCH CMD</format>
<name>PITCH TGT</name>
<name>LTMS tape</name>
<name>LTMS Heading</name>
<name>Altitude MSL less than 500 ft</name>
<name>Altitude MSL greater-than-or-equal-to 500 ft</name>
<name>Autopilot Altitude Hold</name>
<name>Autopilot AGL Hold</name>
<postfix> R</postfix>
<name>Autopilot Wing Level</name>
<name>Alpha Label</name>
<prefix>AoA </prefix>
<format>ALT MSL</format>
<format>ALT AGL</format>
<format>Laser ARMED</format>
<prefix>FLAPS </prefix>
<!-- Time Local -->
<prefix>Time </prefix>
<prefix>TAS </prefix>
<prefix>GS </prefix>
<postfix> Mode 4</postfix>
<format>VV </format>
<name>Vertical Velocity</name>
<format>G </format>
<!-- G load > 2.0 -->
<!-- G load < -1.0 -->
<name>G Load</name>
<!-- G load > 2.0 -->
<!-- G load < -1.0 -->
<postfix> inhg</postfix>
<name>Wind direction</name>
<name>Wind speed</name>
<format>%3.0f kt</format>
<!-- Engine -->
<!-- <property>/engines/engine[0]/torque</property> -->
<!-- <factor>0.01</factor>
<damp>0.0</damp> -->
<format>FUEL F</format>
<format>OIL P</format>
<name>Turn Bank Indicator</name>
<prefix>BRG </prefix>
<prefix>PITCH </prefix>
<prefix>ROL </prefix>
<prefix>FOV </prefix>
<!-- <label>
<prefix>ARM </prefix>
<postfix> LTMC</postfix>
</label> -->
<name>Sensor TV Mode</name>
<name>Sensor IR Mode</name>
<!-- Weapon stations -->
<name>AGM-114 Selected</name>
<name>GBU-12 Selected</name>
<name>WPN Station 1</name>
<name>Sel WPN Station 1</name>
<name>WPN Station 2</name>
<name>Sel WPN Station 2</name>
<name>WPN Station 3</name>
<name>Sel WPN Station 3</name>
<name>WPN Station 4</name>
<name>Sel WPN Station 4</name>
<name>WPN Station 5</name>
<name>Sel WPN Station 5</name>
<name>WPN Station 6</name>
<name>Sel WPN Station 6</name>
<!-- Target Info -->
<prefix>LON </prefix>
<prefix>LAT </prefix>
<prefix>ELEV </prefix>
<format>BRG %3.2f</format>
<format>RNG KM %3.2f</format>
<format>RNG NML %3.2f</format>
<!-- Aircraft Info -->
<prefix>LON </prefix>
<prefix>LAT </prefix>
<prefix>AGL </prefix>
<prefix>BRG </prefix>
<format>IAS %4.0f</format>
<format>ALT %5.0f</format>
<format>A %2.1f</format>
<!-- Aiming Cross -->
<name>TGTBOX 0</name>
<name>TGTBOX 1</name>
<name>TGTBOX 2</name>
<name>TGTBOX 3</name>
<name>TGTBOX 4</name>