Merged Erik's FDM model to MQ-9-JSBSim2

Meir Michanie 8 years ago
parent 05eb116ed1
commit 516c2e5dc9

@ -15,150 +15,86 @@
File: MQ-9 Reaper.xml
name: MQ-9 Reaper
type: WWII fighter, subsonic sport, aerobatic
max weight: 10495.8 lb
wing span: 65.62 ft
length: 36.091 ft
wing area: 257.2825679 sq-ft
type: light commuter with 1 engines
stall speed: 80.00kts
max weight: 10494.00 lb
length: 36.08 ft
span: 65.58 ft
area: 257.28 sq-ft
mean chord: 3.92 ft
aspect ratio: 12.00:1
taper ratio: 1.00:1
incidence: 2.00 degrees
dihedral: 2.00 degrees
sweep: 5.00 degrees
no. engines: 1
engine type: Turboprop Engine
engine layout: aft fuselage
gear type: tricycle
steering type: steering
retractable?: yes
# engines: 1
engine type: turboprop
engine layout: aft fuselage
yaw damper? yes
wing loading: 40.79 lb/sq-ft
payload: 4313.6 lbs
CL-alpha: 4.5 per radian
CL-0: 0.17
CL-max: 1.2
payload: 4039.89 lbs
CL-alpha: 5.79 per radian
CL-0: 0.41
CL-max: 1.88
CD-0: 0.02
K: 0.06
K: 0.04
Mcrit: 0.70
<wingarea unit="FT2"> 257.28 </wingarea>
<wingspan unit="FT" > 65.62 </wingspan>
<wingspan unit="FT" > 65.58 </wingspan>
<wing_incidence> 2.00 </wing_incidence>
<chord unit="FT" > 3.92 </chord>
<htailarea unit="FT2"> 32.29 </htailarea>
<htailarm unit="FT" > 21.65 </htailarm>
<vtailarea unit="FT2"> 10.76 </vtailarea>
<vtailarm unit="FT" > 21.65 </vtailarm>
<htailarea unit="FT2"> 41.17 </htailarea>
<htailarm unit="FT" > 18.76 </htailarm>
<vtailarea unit="FT2"> 25.73 </vtailarea>
<vtailarm unit="FT" > 18.04 </vtailarm>
<location name="AERORP" unit="IN">
<x> 173.24 </x>
<x> 207.84 </x>
<y> 0.00 </y>
<z> 0.00 </z>
<location name="EYEPOINT" unit="IN">
<x> 121.27 </x>
<y> 0.00 </y>
<z> 40.00 </z>
<x> 56.29 </x>
<y> -18.00 </y>
<z> 45.00 </z>
<location name="VRP" unit="IN">
<x> 0.0 </x>
<y> 0.0 </y>
<z> 0.0 </z>
<ixx unit="SLUG*FT2"> 11946 </ixx>
<iyy unit="SLUG*FT2"> 6424 </iyy>
<izz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 17362 </izz>
<emptywt unit="LBS" > 4902 </emptywt>
<ixx unit="SLUG*FT2"> 11931.18 </ixx>
<iyy unit="SLUG*FT2"> 6420.77 </iyy>
<izz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 17344.61 </izz>
<emptywt unit="LBS" > 4901.00 </emptywt>
<location name="CG" unit="IN">
<x> 173.24 </x>
<x> 207.84 </x>
<y> 0.00 </y>
<z> -10.83 </z>
<z> -10.82 </z>
<pointmass name="Payload">
<description> 4314 LBS + full (1280 LBS) fuel should bring model up to entered max weight</description>
<weight unit="LBS"> 2156.8 </weight>
<description> 4039.89 LBS should bring model up to entered max weight</description>
<weight unit="LBS"> 2019.94 </weight>
<location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
<x> 173.24 </x>
<x> 207.84 </x>
<y> 0.00 </y>
<z> -10.83 </z>
<z> -10.82 </z>
<contact type="BOGEY" name="NOSE">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 56.30 </x>
<y> 0.00 </y>
<z> -51.97 </z>
<static_friction> 0.80 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.50 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 3148.74 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 5247.90 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 5.00 </max_steer>
<contact type="BOGEY" name="LEFT_MAIN">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 180.17 </x>
<y> -118.12 </y>
<z> -51.97 </z>
<static_friction> 0.80 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.50 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 10495.80 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 5247.90 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG">0</max_steer>
<contact type="BOGEY" name="RIGHT_MAIN">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 180.17 </x>
<y> 118.12 </y>
<z> -51.97 </z>
<static_friction> 0.80 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.50 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 10495.80 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 5247.90 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG">0</max_steer>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="LEFT_WING">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 173.24 </x>
<y> -32.81 </y>
<z> -10.83 </z>
<static_friction> 1.00 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 1.00 </dynamic_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 10495.80 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 10495.80 </damping_coeff>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="RIGHT_WING">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 173.24 </x>
<y> 32.81 </y>
<z> -10.83 </z>
<static_friction> 1.00 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 1.00 </dynamic_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 10495.80 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 10495.80 </damping_coeff>
<engine file="TPE331-10">
@ -189,255 +125,106 @@
<tank type="FUEL" number="0">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 173.24 </x>
<x> 207.84 </x>
<y> 0.00 </y>
<z> -10.83 </z>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 2000.00 </capacity>
<contents unit="LBS"> 1000.00 </contents>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 776.56 </capacity>
<contents unit="LBS"> 388.28 </contents>
<tank type="FUEL" number="1">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 173.24 </x>
<x> 207.84 </x>
<y> 0.00 </y>
<z> -10.83 </z>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 2000.00 </capacity>
<contents unit="LBS"> 1000.00 </contents>
<capacity unit="LBS"> 776.56 </capacity>
<contents unit="LBS"> 388.28 </contents>
<contact type="BOGEY" name="NOSE">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 56.29 </x>
<y> 0.00 </y>
<z> -51.96 </z>
<static_friction> 0.80 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.50 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 3148.20 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 1574.10 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG"> 5.00 </max_steer>
<brake_group> NONE </brake_group>
<retractable> 1 </retractable>
<contact type="BOGEY" name="LEFT_MAIN">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 216.15 </x>
<y> -70.83 </y>
<z> -51.96 </z>
<static_friction> 0.80 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.50 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 10494.00 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 5247.00 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG">0</max_steer>
<brake_group> LEFT </brake_group>
<retractable> 1 </retractable>
<contact type="BOGEY" name="RIGHT_MAIN">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 216.15 </x>
<y> 70.83 </y>
<z> -51.96 </z>
<static_friction> 0.80 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 0.50 </dynamic_friction>
<rolling_friction> 0.02 </rolling_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 10494.00 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 5247.00 </damping_coeff>
<max_steer unit="DEG">0</max_steer>
<brake_group> RIGHT </brake_group>
<retractable> 1 </retractable>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="LEFT_WING">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 207.84 </x>
<y> -393.50 </y>
<z> -10.82 </z>
<static_friction> 1 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 1 </dynamic_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 10494.00 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 10494.00 </damping_coeff>
<contact type="STRUCTURE" name="RIGHT_WING">
<location unit="IN">
<x> 207.84 </x>
<y> 393.50 </y>
<z> -10.82 </z>
<static_friction> 1 </static_friction>
<dynamic_friction> 1 </dynamic_friction>
<spring_coeff unit="LBS/FT"> 10494.00 </spring_coeff>
<damping_coeff unit="LBS/FT/SEC"> 10494.00 </damping_coeff>
<system file="Particles"/>
<system file="Controls"/>
<flight_control name="FCS: MQ-9 Reaper">
<channel name="Pitch">
<summer name="Pitch Trim Sum">
<min> -1 </min>
<max> 1 </max>
<aerosurface_scale name="Elevator Control">
<min> -0.35 </min>
<max> 0.35 </max>
<aerosurface_scale name="elevator normalization">
<min> -0.35 </min>
<max> 0.35 </max>
<min> -1 </min>
<max> 1 </max>
<channel name="Roll">
<summer name="Roll Trim Sum">
<min> -1 </min>
<max> 1 </max>
<aerosurface_scale name="Left Aileron Control">
<min> -0.35 </min>
<max> 0.35 </max>
<aerosurface_scale name="Right Aileron Control">
<min> -0.35 </min>
<max> 0.35 </max>
<aerosurface_scale name="left aileron normalization">
<min> -0.35 </min>
<max> 0.35 </max>
<min> -1 </min>
<max> 1 </max>
<aerosurface_scale name="right aileron normalization">
<min> -0.35 </min>
<max> 0.35 </max>
<min> -1 </min>
<max> 1 </max>
<property value="1">fcs/yaw-damper-enable</property>
<channel name="Yaw">
<summer name="Rudder Command Sum">
<min> -1 </min>
<max> 1 </max>
<scheduled_gain name="Yaw Damper Rate">
<independentVar lookup="row">velocities/ve-kts</independentVar>
30 0.00
60 2.00
<summer name="Rudder Sum">
<min> -1.1 </min>
<max> 1.1 </max>
<aerosurface_scale name="Rudder Control">
<min> -1.1 </min>
<max> 1.1 </max>
<min> -0.35 </min>
<max> 0.35 </max>
<aerosurface_scale name="rudder normalization">
<min> -0.35 </min>
<max> 0.35 </max>
<min> -1 </min>
<max> 1 </max>
<channel name="Flaps">
<kinematic name="Flaps Control">
<position> 0 </position>
<time> 0 </time>
<position> 15 </position>
<time> 4 </time>
<position> 30 </position>
<time> 3 </time>
<aerosurface_scale name="flap normalization">
<min> 0 </min>
<max> 30 </max>
<min> 0 </min>
<max> 1 </max>
<channel name="Landing Gear">
<kinematic name="Gear Control">
<position> 0 </position>
<time> 0 </time>
<position> 1 </position>
<time> 5 </time>
<channel name="Speedbrake">
<kinematic name="Speedbrake Control">
<position> 0 </position>
<time> 0 </time>
<position> 1 </position>
<time> 1 </time>
<system file="LandingGear.xml"/>
@ -451,32 +238,34 @@
<independentVar lookup="row">aero/alpha-rad</independentVar>
-0.20 -0.730
0.00 0.170
0.23 1.200
0.60 0.582
-0.20 -0.7494
0.00 0.4077
0.25 1.8824
0.60 0.9976
<function name="aero/force/Lift_flap">
<description>Delta Lift due to flaps</description>
<function name="aero/force/Lift_pitch_rate">
<description>Lift due to pitch rate</description>
<value> 0.01000 </value>
<value> 6.4704 </value>
<function name="aero/force/Lift_speedbrake">
<description>Delta Lift due to speedbrake</description>
<function name="aero/force/Lift_alpha_rate">
<description>Lift due to alpha rate</description>
<value> 1.8487 </value>
@ -486,7 +275,7 @@
<value> 0.2732 </value>
@ -502,11 +291,11 @@
<independentVar lookup="row">aero/alpha-rad</independentVar>
-1.57 1.500
-0.26 0.026
0.00 0.020
0.26 0.026
1.57 1.500
-1.57 1.4089
-0.25 0.0508
0.00 0.0219
0.25 0.0508
1.57 1.4089
@ -518,7 +307,7 @@
<value> 0.0240 </value>
@ -530,22 +319,40 @@
<independentVar lookup="row">velocities/mach</independentVar>
0.00 0.000
0.75 0.000
1.10 0.023
1.80 0.015
0.00 0.0000
0.70 0.0000
1.10 0.0230
1.80 0.0150
<function name="aero/force/Drag_flap">
<description>Drag due to flaps</description>
<function name="aero/force/Drag_beta">
<description>Drag due to sideslip</description>
<value> 0.00133 </value>
<independentVar lookup="row">aero/beta-rad</independentVar>
-1.57 1.2300
-0.26 0.0500
0.00 0.0000
0.26 0.0500
1.57 1.2300
<function name="aero/force/Drag_elevator">
<description>Drag due to Elevator Deflection</description>
<value> 0.0400 </value>
@ -555,59 +362,116 @@
<value> 0.0300 </value>
<function name="aero/force/Drag_speedbrake">
<description>Drag due to speedbrakes</description>
<axis name="SIDE">
<function name="aero/force/Side_beta">
<description>Side force due to beta</description>
<value> -0.2310 </value>
<function name="aero/force/Drag_beta">
<description>Drag due to sideslip</description>
<function name="aero/force/Side_roll_rate">
<description>Side force due to roll rate</description>
<independentVar lookup="row">aero/beta-rad</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup="row">aero/Re</independentVar>
-1.57 1.230
-0.26 0.050
0.00 0.000
0.26 0.050
1.57 1.230
3372885 1.3390
3710173 0.1141
5059327 0.0507
6689612 0.0290
<function name="aero/force/Drag_elevator">
<description>Drag due to Elevator Deflection</description>
<function name="aero/force/Side_yaw_rate">
<description>Side force due to yaw rate</description>
<value> 0.1271 </value>
<function name="aero/force/Side_rudder">
<description>Side force due to rudder</description>
<value> 0.1407 </value>
<axis name="SIDE">
<axis name="PITCH">
<function name="aero/force/Side_beta">
<description>Side force due to beta</description>
<function name="aero/moment/Pitch_alpha">
<description>Pitch moment due to alpha</description>
<value> -2.3270 </value>
<function name="aero/moment/Pitch_elevator">
<description>Pitch moment due to elevator</description>
<independentVar lookup="row">velocities/mach</independentVar>
0.0 -2.0259
2.0 -0.5065
<function name="aero/moment/Pitch_damp">
<description>Pitch moment due to pitch rate</description>
<value> -30.9711 </value>
<function name="aero/moment/Pitch_alphadot">
<description>Pitch moment due to alpha rate</description>
<value> -8.8489 </value>
@ -622,7 +486,15 @@
<independentVar lookup="row">aero/alpha-rad</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup="column">aero/Re</independentVar>
3372885 3710173 5059327 6689612
-0.0349 -0.2578 -0.0647 -0.0550 -0.0520
0.3491 -0.6826 -0.1159 -0.1086 -0.1100
@ -634,7 +506,7 @@
<value> -0.7313 </value>
@ -646,7 +518,15 @@
<independentVar lookup="row">aero/alpha-rad</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup="column">aero/Re</independentVar>
3372885 3710173 5059327 6689612
-0.0349 0.1627 0.0587 0.0533 0.0514
0.3491 4.8174 0.6140 0.6086 0.6068
@ -657,7 +537,13 @@
<independentVar lookup="row">velocities/mach</independentVar>
0.0 0.1700
2.0 0.0425
@ -668,78 +554,63 @@
<value> 0.0100 </value>
<axis name="PITCH">
<axis name="YAW">
<function name="aero/moment/Pitch_alpha">
<description>Pitch moment due to alpha</description>
<!-- Stall initiator -->
<function name="aero/moment/Yaw_alpha">
<description>Yaw moment due to alpha</description>
<function name="aero/moment/Pitch_elevator">
<description>Pitch moment due to elevator</description>
<independentVar lookup="row">velocities/mach</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup="row">aero/beta-rad</independentVar>
<independentVar lookup="column">aero/Re</independentVar>
0.0 -1.000
2.0 -0.250
3372885 3710173
-0.3491 -1.0000 0.0000
0.3491 1.0000 0.0000
<function name="aero/moment/Pitch_damp">
<description>Pitch moment due to pitch rate</description>
<function name="aero/moment/Pitch_alphadot">
<description>Pitch moment due to alpha rate</description>
<function name="aero/moment/Yaw_beta">
<description>Yaw moment due to beta</description>
<value> 0.0635 </value>
<axis name="YAW">
<function name="aero/moment/Yaw_beta">
<description>Yaw moment due to beta</description>
<function name="aero/moment/Yaw_roll_rate">
<description>Yaw moment due to roll rate</description>
<independentVar lookup="row">aero/Re</independentVar>
3372885 -2.3531
3710173 -0.2005
5059327 -0.0891
6689612 -0.0510
@ -751,7 +622,7 @@
<value> -0.0474 </value>
@ -762,7 +633,7 @@
<value> -0.0387 </value>
@ -773,14 +644,13 @@
<value> -0.0100 </value>
