premier commentaires

Jehan Monnier 3 years ago
parent 3f09bddbf5
commit 2a1b1aaa56

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ struct ContentView: View {
Group {
Toggle(isOn: $tutorialContext.loggingUnit.logsEnabled.value) {
Toggle(isOn: $tutorialContext.loggingUnit.logsEnabled) {
Text("Logs collection")

@ -27,12 +27,15 @@ class LoginTutorialContext : ObservableObject
// Initialize Linphone Core
try? mCore = Factory.Instance.createCore(configPath: "", factoryConfigPath: "", systemContext: nil)
//FIXME ne peut on avoir une fonction de création sans param plutot que des params vide ?
try? mCore = Factory.Instance.createCore(configPath: nil, factoryConfigPath: nil, systemContext: nil)
// main loop for receiving notifications and doing background linphonecore work:
mCore.autoIterateEnabled = true
//FIXME plus necessaire en 5.0
mCore.autoIterateEnabled = true
try? mCore.start()
// Add callbacks to the Linphone Core
//pourquoi un attribue de class ? une variable locale serait sufisante.
mRegistrationDelegate = CoreDelegateStub(onAccountRegistrationStateChanged: { (core: Core, account: Account, state: RegistrationState, message: String) in
print("New registration state \(state) for user id \( String(describing: account.params?.identityAddress?.asString()))\n")
if (state == .Ok) {
@ -45,6 +48,8 @@ class LoginTutorialContext : ObservableObject
mCore.addDelegate(delegate: mRegistrationDelegate)
//FIXME expliquer ce que ça fait
func registrationExample()
if (!loggedIn) {
@ -52,10 +57,8 @@ class LoginTutorialContext : ObservableObject
if (account == nil) {
account = try createAndInitializeAccount(core : mCore, identity: id, password: passwd)
try mCore.addAccount(account: account!)
if ( mCore.defaultAccount == nil) {
// IMPORTANT : default account setting MUST be done AFTER adding the config to the core !)
mCore.defaultAccount = account
// IMPORTANT : default account setting MUST be done AFTER adding the config to the core !)
mCore.defaultAccount = account
else {
let registeredParams = account?.params?.clone()

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ source ""
def basic_pods
pod 'linphone-sdk', '~> 5.0.0-alpha'
pod 'linphone-sdk', '~> 5.0.0'
pod 'linphone-sdk', :path => ENV['PODFILE_PATH'] # local sdk

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
// Created by QuentinArguillere on 17/08/2020.
// Copyright © 2020 BelledonneCommunications. All rights reserved.
@ -5,20 +7,21 @@
import Foundation
import linphonesw
//FIXME expliquer
func createAndInitializeAccount(core: Core, identity: String, password: String, withVoipPush: Bool = false, withRemotePush: Bool = false) throws -> Account {
let factory = Factory.Instance
let accountParams = try core.createAccountParams()
let address = try factory.createAddress(addr: identity)
let info = try factory.createAuthInfo(username: address.username, userid: "", passwd: password, ha1: "", realm: "", domain: address.domain)
let info = try factory.createAuthInfo(username: address.username, userid: nil, passwd: password, ha1: nil, realm: nil, domain: address.domain)
try accountParams.setIdentityaddress(newValue: address)
try accountParams.setServeraddr(newValue: "sip:" + address.domain + ";transport=tls")
try accountParams.setServeraddr(newValue: "sip:" + address.domain + ";transport=tcp")
accountParams.registerEnabled = true
// This is necessary to register to the server and handle push Notifications. Make sure you have a certificate to match your app's bundle ID.
accountParams.pushNotificationConfig?.provider = ""
//FIXME + de coomtaires
accountParams.pushNotificationAllowed = withVoipPush
accountParams.remotePushNotificationAllowed = withRemotePush
core.addAuthInfo(info: info)
@ -28,35 +31,22 @@ func createAndInitializeAccount(core: Core, identity: String, password: String,
class LoggingUnit
class BoolHolder : ObservableObject
@Published var value : Bool
init(val : Bool) {
value = val
var logsEnabled : BoolHolder
var logDelegate : LinphoneLoggingServiceImpl
var log : LoggingService
var logsEnabled : Bool = true {
didSet {
LoggingService.Instance.logLevel = logsEnabled ? LogLevel.Debug: LogLevel.Fatal
class LinphoneLoggingServiceImpl: LoggingServiceDelegate {
var logsEnabled : BoolHolder!
func onLogMessageWritten(logService: LoggingService, domain: String, level: LogLevel, message: String) {
if (logsEnabled.value) {
print("Linphone logs: \(message)")
print("Linphone logs: \(message)")
logsEnabled = BoolHolder(val: true)
logDelegate = LinphoneLoggingServiceImpl()
logDelegate.logsEnabled = logsEnabled;
log = LoggingService.Instance
log.addDelegate(delegate: logDelegate)
log.logLevel = LogLevel.Debug
Factory.Instance.enableLogCollection(state: LogCollectionState.Enabled)
init() {
//FIXME commentaires
LoggingService.Instance.addDelegate(delegate: LinphoneLoggingServiceImpl())
LoggingService.Instance.logLevel = LogLevel.Debug
